fan fic; boston (6/?)

Aug 02, 2010 01:01

title: boston [6/?]
rating: pg-13
summary: luke goes with reid to boston for a friend's wedding where he meets reid's old friends and brother.
chapter summary: the wedding reception and the following morning. <3
preview for next chapter: let's just say things finally get juicy.
notes: <3 enjoy! this is mostly fluff and filler, but i promise it's going to get good fast after this!

The reception was at a local country club. They rented out one of the main halls and it was decorated with the same dark blues and pale yellows that the wedding had been. It was elegant but not over the top. Reid was just glad to find real bottles of beer at the bar.

First came dinner, followed by the toasts, all the while little jingles interrupting the music as people rang the bells on their tables, demanding the newly weds kiss. It was a festive evening that both Reid and Luke were able to enjoy easily.

Reid always knew that Luke was a sap but he'd never truly appreciated just how much that was true until the star couple took to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. As Kris and Liam swayed together to Brian Adam's "Everything I Do", Luke reached for Reid's hand, just as he had in the chapel. About halfway through the song Liam's parents joined them on the floor and one by one more couples began to dance, too. Reid and Luke were not among them. It puzzled him, but Reid was almost disappointed when Luke didn't even ask. Quite frankly, he'd been expecting it, waiting for it. He knew, though, that Luke wasn't asking because he assumed Reid was say no.

The thought was quickly forgotten as the evening moved forward. Once the sentimental moments were over it was time for the fun stuff. Reid tried to push Luke into the group of gaggling women as Kris tossed the bouquet; Luke didn't have to push Reid into the sea of men waiting to catch her garter, however. Sure enough, he caught it, causing a sea of laughter as he went up to Luke and dangled it in front of his face, causing the younger man to blush furiously.

About half way through the evening Reid stood in line with a small group of men, dollar bill in hand. It was finally his turn and he stepped up to Kris, who laughed and hugged him tightly, taking the dollar bill and putting it into the small bag on her arm. They began to dance to the more upbeat love song that was playing. Luke watched from a distance, admittedly surprised to watch as Reid gracefully moved on the floor with Kris, skillfully even.

"You know, you're going to make Luke jealous," teased Kris, her eyes falling on the young blond for a moment. Reid looked up, catching an embarrassed look from Luke who quickly turned away.

"No offense, Kris, but I don't think dancing with you is going to make him jealous," Reid winked. Kris laughed.

"Oh really? I don't think it matters who you dance with, Reid. As long as it isn't him, he's definitely going to be jealous."

Reid looked at Luke again, noticing how alone he appeared to be. Luke's eyes were all over the room but never finding Reid again, at least not while Reid was looking. He smiled to himself before turning to Kris and kissing her on the cheek.

"You look beautiful, by the way," he said genuinely.

"Thank you," she said with a smile as they stopped dancing, hugging him tightly again. "Now go tell your boyfriend the same thing!"

Reid rolled his eyes and laughed, making a show of walking toward Luke as Kris watched him before turning to the next man waiting to dance with her.

"Kris says I should tell you that you look beautiful."

Luke looked up. He'd been so busy not looking at Reid that he had honestly been startled when he appeared next to him.

"Does she now?"

Reid nodded.

"She also says," he began, reaching out a hand. "That I should dance with you."

Luke stared at him, his doe eyes wide and almost scared. Reid wiggled his fingers, giving Luke a look. Luke blinked and took his hand, standing up slowly as if in a daze, which he probably was. As much as he knew it wasn't true he felt like every pair of eyes was on them a they walked onto the dance floor. They were surrounded by other couples, all busy with their own dancing partner. Luke relaxed as he felt Reid's hand fall to his waist, stopping him and pulling him close.

Much to his amazement Reid was a man of first-moves tonight, but then again, that wasn't all that surprising with Reid. Luke laughed a little, nervously, as they adjusted. It had been a long time since he'd danced with another man and he forgot how awkward it could be at first without the usual gender roles dictating who placed their hand where. They fell into place quickly, though, Reid's hand on Luke's waist, holding him tightly. Luke's arm rested on Reid's. Their other hands linked together, held between their chests. As they began to sway to the music, Reid instinctively leading, they found themselves leaning closer, dancing cheek to cheek. After a minute or so Luke let his head fall further, bringing himself closer to Reid and resting his head against Reid's shoulder. It was comfortable, easy, and Luke couldn't remember feeling more content in his life.

They danced through three or four slow songs before a more upbeat tempo took hold, waking them from their trance. Slowly they pulled away, smiling a little at each other before abandoning the dance floor hand in hand.


The reception ended just after nine o'clock. The sun had barely set and everyone came out front to big the newly weds fairwell. They rented a town car, adorned with the usual "Just Married" in the back window, ribbons and of course, a trail of cans at the back. They were headed into the heart of Boston and staying in a nice hotel before flying to Italy in the morning for their honeymoon. Reid was sure to hug both of his friends and congratulate them one more time, knowing he'd be back in Oakdale by the time they got back. They thanked him again for coming, reminding him that six years was far too long.

By the time they got back to Joel's both Reid and Luke were exhausted. They realized they had beat him home but for once it didn't matter. They quickly slipped into pajamas and curled up together in bed, soft yawns serving as their soundtrack.

"Thank you," Luke whispered into the quiet darkness.

"For what?" Reid asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Dancing with me," said Luke. "I wasn't expecting that."

"I'm a man of surprises," said Reid with a satisfied sigh. Luke laughed.

"That's for sure," he said, turning his head to kiss Reid's bare chest. In the darkness Reid reached for him, fingers hooking under his chin and dragging his face upward for a sweet but hard kiss. Luke enthusiastically kissed him back. They continued like that for a few minutes, kissing in the dark. Reid had just started to roll over top of him when he let out a tired groan, breaking the kiss and holding Luke's face for their foreheads touched. They both laughed softly, clinging to each other.

"We better stop before we get carried away," whispered Reid against Luke's mouth. Again they laughed.

"You're probably right," Luke said with a yawn. Reid brushed Luke's hair from his face, kissing him once, twice, before they shifted, returning to their previous positions with Luke curled up against Reid, Reid's arm holding him tightly to him. Luke had a hand sprawled over Reid's chest, which Reid gently covered with his own.

Less than five minutes later, they were both sound asleep.


They had two more days in Boston and it was supposed to be a chance for them to simply relax, to truly enjoy their vacation time. It was Saturday and Joel had to go back to work, having been lucky to get three days off for the wedding in the first place. It left Reid and Luke alone in the apartment, something they had no choice but to take advantage of.

Luke woke to the sensation of Reid's lips on his.

"Mmm," he hummed as he stirred out his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking at the faint light that filled the room. He smiled when he saw Reid, propped up on his arms, staring down at him. "G'morn," he muttered.

"Good morning," grinned Reid, leaning in for another kiss. The more Luke woke up the more he gave to the kiss. Once Reid was satisfied that Luke was completely awake and therefore one hundred percent aware of what was happening, he lowered himself down, their chests pressed together, and other parts of their body, too. Reid's hand snaked down as the kiss deepened, his hand trailing over Luke's body to the edge of his pajama shorts. He felt Luke writhe beneath him as his hand moved lower and lower before finally coming to rub him gently between his legs. Luke let out a soft moan into his mouth, pressing against Reid's hand. He reached up and took a firm hold of Reid's hips, fingers playing with the band of his pants.

"I love it when you wake me up," Luke murmured into the kiss breathlessly, his voice low and full of want. Reid grinned, tugging at Luke's bottom lip a little.

"I know."

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: sripley, fan fiction

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