Fic: Reconfigure 3/4 (Rebound Series)

Jul 30, 2010 00:51

Title: Reconfigure 3/4
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17. SMUT. SEX. LOTS OF SEX :)
Word Count: 5190
Summary/Prompt: Luke struggles with some things. Luke and Reid go out to dinner.
Preceding Stories: This is the sequel to rebound & recovery & receptive

Disclaimer: not my characters

Rebound: Rebound
Recovery: Part 1 | Part 2
Receptive: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Reconfigure: Part 1 | Part 2

Luke had been lying around Reid’s house all day. Right after Reid left to go to the University to watch the footage of his old surgeries, Luke took that time to investigate Reid’s house and try to find out more about him. Reid intrigued him and he figured his house would have some clues to Reid’s previous life, but like Reid, the house did not hold many answers to his questions. Luke figured he would have to do it the old fashion way. They would actually have to talk.

Luke hated to admit it but his rebound plan had totally backfired. He never expected that his anonymous rebound sex would ever turn into anything more, but it was, at least for him. It was hard to tell if Reid was even feeling anything.

Due to their arrangement, they fought all the time, whenever anybody was near or in listening distance, a snarky comment would leave Reid’s lips. Most of the comments pushed his buttons, and even though he knew Reid was doing it mostly for show, it still hurt. Their charade was so real to the public that almost all of Oakdale knew that they were archenemies.

However, when they were alone, Reid would do and say things that made him feel something, something he had not felt in a long time.


Luke was lying upside down on the couch. He didn’t know why he was in that position, maybe so all the blood would rush to his head and he wouldn’t have to think about the feelings that he was developing for Reid, but that’s what he was doing, just hanging upside down. He was just thinking that Reid should be calling soon when he felt his phone vibrate next to him.

[leaving in about 10 minutes, meet me at Parigi in a half hour]

Luke read the message, still upside down. This would be the first time they would be in public, together, not fighting. He was excited.

[see you soon]

Luke called for a metro car and told the driver everything that he needed to know. Knowing that Reid had nothing to change into, Luke settled on a pair of dark wash jeans and a red polo shirt, with the buttons undone. He put a little gel his hair so it looked messy in an ‘I just woke up’ kind of way. He knew Reid loved when his hair was like that because he never failed to tell him.

It was not until Luke had been in the car for about five minutes when he started to feel nervous. He had butterflies in his stomach and they had started to flutter, not violently but enough to where he noticed them. He knew he shouldn’t be nervous. They had slept together more times then he could count, they amount of times they had had sex was greater than the number of days they had known each other. The problem was he could not tell if this was a date or not. Had Reid asked him out? Or were they just eating out because Reid had no food and didn’t want to or did not have time to go grocery shopping? Luke did not know which or why and that was what was making him feel nervous.

He never had to be nervous before because their encounters back in Oakdale were not like this, they fought, that was their thing. He was usually upset after their fights and then he was sleeping with him a couple hours later. His feelings never really had a chance to surface. However, here in Dallas, they had been together for almost 24-hours with no fighting, not to mention he had been alone all day to do nothing but think about nothing, it gave him time for his feelings to surface and it was starting to scare him.

Luke was shaken out of his thoughts by his phone vibrating in his pocket.

[I'm here, I’ll be at the bar]

Luke asked the driver how close they were and he said about five minutes. Luke took this time to gain his composure. This was not a date, just dinner, he reminded himself.

The driver dropped him off and asked if he needed to be picked up later but Luke declined.

Luke walked into the restaurant and saw Reid sitting at the bar with a beer. His back was to the door so he could not see him and Luke snuck up behind him.

“Do you have a room here?” He whispered.

Reid turned around and smiled. Luke tried to keep his smile from forming but he couldn’t help it, he let out a laugh as he smiled widely. Reid finished the rest of his beer and led Luke to the host station where they were led to their table and were seated.

Reid ordered another beer before the hostess could leave and got Luke a coke. Luke sort of loved that Reid ordered for him.

“Did you find something to do today?”

“Not really, just laid around, I was too tired to go anywhere.”

“You won’t be tired later will you?”

Luke smiled

“I’m awake.”

“Good” Reid opened his menu and looked over it once before shutting it. Luke could tell that Reid came here often and probably knew the menu by heart, probably already knew what he wanted.

Luke sat quiet for a while, he wanted to talk but this was so foreign to him.

“How did the studying the footage go?”


“And you have more tomorrow?”

“About six-hours worth. The surgeries are similar but of course slightly different, I’ve seen Noah’s tests and brain scans so it’s all about comparing red apples to green apples.”

Luke exhaled deeply at hearing Noah’s name.

“We are all lucky that you are a genius.”

“That is true.”

The waitress showed up and Reid ordered the steak but took off all the sides and asked for it as a sandwich. Then he mixed and matched sides from other dishes, creating his own signature dish. Luke stayed with the straightforward menu item and ordered one of their gourmet pizzas. He planned to take some of it back to Reid’s so he would have some food to eat tomorrow.

“So how long have you lived in Dallas?”

“About eight years, I stayed in Boston for sometime after graduating from med school and then got the job in Dallas after teaching a seminar on a new technique for dealing with seizures in patients in comas.”

“Impressive” Luke smirked

“What about you, how long have you lived in that hell that they call a town?”

“My whole life.”

“Why am I not surprised.”

“It has its charm.”

“I guess I can think of at least one good thing that comes from there.”

If the room wasn’t so dark, Reid probably would have seen Luke blushing.
Luke tried his best at keeping the small talk going, but Reid was very tough to crack. He never said more than he needed to say, although it was nice to hear wit and sarcasm when it was not directed at him. He kept Luke laughing and Luke loved when Reid smiled back at him. It wasn’t a smile like his, but it was a genuine one. He did not find out much about the great Dr. Oliver, but it was a nice window to look into, he just did not have a chance to open the door.


They left the restaurant and started to walk towards Reid’s car. They were standing so close that as they walked their shoulders kept hitting each other. It did not seem to faze Reid and Luke decided to go with his gut, he reached out and grabbed Reid’s hand. He did it lightly, before he intertwined his fingers with Reid’s. Reid looked down at their hands tangled together before looking back up. He didn’t pull away.

Reid had parked his car in a structure that was about three blocks away from the restaurant. It was dark and they were walking in silence. Luke could see a sign lit up with an arrow directing them to a parking structure. They followed the sign and right as they walked into the opening Luke felt Reid tug at his hand. They were in the stairwell of the parking structure and Reid’s back was against the wall. Reid tugged again at Luke’s hand and brought Luke closer to him.

“Commere” he murmured, Luke gladly gave into Reid’s request.

Reid moved one of his arms so that it was around Luke’s waist and pulled him as close as Luke could get. Reid moved in and kissed Luke.

Luke pulled back with a smile on his face.

“You look so hot; I wanted to get out of that restaurant the minute you whispered in my ear.”

Reid’s arm was still wrapped around Luke’s waist and using his skilled hands moved Luke so that now he was pressed hard against the brick wall. Reid moved back in and kissed Luke, this time a bit harder. He used his tongue to tell Luke he wanted him to open up and Luke did.

Luke loved when Reid was forceful with him. He loved that Reid was not scared to tell him that he was attracted to him. He loved that Reid could never keep his hands off him for long. He loved that Reid wanted him…all the time.

Reid had moved to Luke’s neck and was nipping at the preexisting hickey. Luke’s head was tilted back against the wall and he was quietly gasping into Reid’s ear. His body could not help but verbally (and physically) respond to Reid’s actions.

Reid moved back to Luke’s lips and this time the kissing was slower. He let Reid make all the moves but followed accordingly. Luke had his hands rested on Reid’s hips and Reid’s hands were planted hard against the brick wall. Reid pulled Luke’s bottom lip into his mouth and sucked hard and Luke knees almost gave out. Reid stayed there for a while, switching between sucking and licking before taking Luke’s lip in-between his teeth and bit lightly.

“Fuck this, let’s get back.” Reid said as he pulled away. It took Luke a second to snap out his daze but did when Reid grabbed his hand and practically dragged him up three flights of stairs.

Luke was impressed to see that Reid was getting into a black BMW and he went around to the passenger side door.

“Nice car.”

“You get things when you are a genius”

“Just the perks I guess”

“Just one of them” Reid turned and flashed his quirky smile at Luke.

Reid flew out of the parking structure and was on the highway in no time. Luke knew Reid was trying to get back to his house as fast as he could and just knowing that Reid could not wait any longer turned him on.

The car ride was silent for the most part but Luke could see Reid looking over at him. Reid was a fast driver and they were almost back at Reid’s place but there were five poorly timed lights before Reid’s neighborhood.

Luke could tell that Reid was frustrated when they hit the second red light. Luke quietly unbuckle his seatbelt and he leaned over and kissed Reid’s neck. It startled Reid as first but not enough to where Luke had to stop. The light turned green and Luke pulled off Reid. They hit the third red light.

“You would think they would have these timed”

Luke leaned back over and this time Reid met him half way (as much as he could) and Luke took his hand and pulled Reid closer to him. They got in about a good 20-second make-out before the light turned green. This time Reid did not speed off trying to catch the light. The fourth light turned red. Before he even fully came to a stop, Luke was already there and they continued where they left off about 40 seconds earlier. This time the car honked behind them before Luke pulled away. Luke was smiling. This was one of the sexiest things he had ever done…probably because Reid’s car was so hot.

They made the fifth light but it was not long until they were in Reid’s driveway and getting out of the car. Luke followed Reid into his house, Reid went to the bedroom and Luke went into the kitchen to put their food away. Reid emerged shortly after and came up behind him as Luke was still looking in the fridge. Reid reached around Luke and grabbed a beer. That was about all Reid had in there.

When Luke turned around, he saw that Reid was walking back to the bedroom. He had already kicked off his shoes and threw my near the door. Reid had not acknowledged Luke yet or asked him to come to the bedroom with him. Luke hated that Reid was doing this. Occasionally, Reid acted as if he did not want it, even though Luke knew he does. He knows that Reid wants to make him work for it; it is his way of trying to keep the upper hand. One of Luke’s favorite things about Reid was how he always would grab his hand and lead him to the bed or this time the bedroom but not today. He waited a little bit just to make Reid have to wait before walking towards the bedroom.

Reid had finished his beer and had set it on his dresser. He was lying on the bed with his legs draped over the edge and his arms above his head, almost as if he was signaling a touchdown. His eyes were shut and Luke knew that he was tired, but if he was not allowed to be tired, either was Reid.

Luke climbed up on Reid was straddled him. Reid tried to wiggle out of it but Luke was sitting on his waist and had used his hands to pin his arms to the bed. Reid did not fight after the initial struggle. Luke was hovering over him and Reid was staring him in the eyes. Luke leaned in and kissed Reid lightly before pulling back.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day.” Luke purred before leaning back into Reid. Reid accepted Luke’s lips and opened his mouth allowing Luke in. Luke loved having Reid in this position. He loved having the older man underneath him and he loved that Reid would give up control and allow Luke to do this.

With Noah, there was always a struggle because Noah would never fully give in to Luke; there was always some sort of reservation or power struggle. Noah always had to be the one making the moves and telling Luke what to do. It surprised Luke at first considering Noah did not “know he was gay” until Luke but that was also how their relationship worked. He always did what Noah wanted him to do because they were in love. He loved Noah. He still loved Noah.

Luke broke away from the kiss and he looked down at Reid’s wet lips. Kissing Reid was not like kissing Noah. There were never any reservations and Reid was an amazing kisser. Luke knew that Reid did not want to say anything, but he could read in his eyes that he wanted Luke’s lips back on his.

Luke leaned down again and took Reid’s bottom lip into his mouth. He sucked lightly and he heard Reid moan quietly. Luke let Reid’s arms go and one of them immediately went behind his head and pulled him deeper into the kiss while the other one went up the back of Luke’s shirt. Luke’s arms were holding him up and were next to Reid’s head. Reid let go of Luke’s head, moved his free arm, and wrapped it around the other side of Luke.

Luke was sweetly kissing Reid and Reid was just as lightly kissing back. Their tongues moving together and occasionally Luke would pull Reid’s lip into his mouth and suck gently before releasing it. Luke could hear Reid appreciate him. Luke was very lost in his lust when Reid in one move was able to flip Luke onto his back and now Reid was on top of him. Luke’s legs were open and Reid’s body was in the middle and was lightly grinding into Luke creating heat between them. Luke’s hand was lazily gripping Reid’s side.

They continued to make-out and every once and awhile would switch who was on top while the other laid back and was able to lose control.

Reid had Luke pushed up near the headboard when he pulled back. Reid loved how sexy Luke looked with his wet, swollen lips and his disheveled hair. He ran his hands up Luke’s stomach under his shirt and Luke shuddered a bit under the touch. Luke unconsciously licked his lips as one of Reid’s hands ran down his thigh.

“Fuck, you do the sexiest things and you don’t even know it”

Luke smiled.

“Fuck” Reid shook his head.

Reid tugged at the bottom of Luke’s shirt and Luke pulled it off over his head and threw it to the floor. He pushed off the bed and crawled forward toward Reid. He was on his hands and knees as he leaned into Reid and kissed him.

He used one of his hands and pushed Reid back onto his back and he fell down on top of him. Reid quickly moved and flipped Luke onto his back. Keeping him pinned down as Luke had done to him earlier; Reid leaned down and started kissing up Luke’s chest. Luke loved when Reid sucked on his collarbone and he could not help but let a small moan escape from his lips.

Luke gasped when Reid used one of his legs to grind against this cock and Reid grinned into a kiss that he planted on Luke’s lips. He pulled away and Luke whispered something that he could not make out.

Reid knew that he was driving Luke crazy, but he loved kissing Luke.

Reid pulled away and Luke tried his best to reconnect the kiss but fell short. He dramatically laid his head back down and Reid used this time to take his shirt off. He threw it by the bathroom door.

They were both on their knees and Luke pulled Reid toward him and started kissing him, this time much more aggressively. He left Reid’s lips and licked up to his ear. He had waited long enough and now he needed Reid.

Luke lightly sucked on Reid’s ear which he knew drove him crazy and he could hear Reid exhale loudly. Luke knew he would get what he wanted now. Sometimes he acted like such a slut with Reid but he knew that Reid loved it when he begged for things.

“Please Reid” he whispered into his ear. He licked the inside of it before begging again.

One of Luke’s hands move and started to unbutton Reid’s jeans. Luke did not push them down, he just stuck his hand in and started to massage Reid and was not surprised to feel that Reid was already very hard.

“Please…” Luke practically moaned. “…I want you so bad.”

Reid removed Luke’s hand from his cock and pushed Luke onto his back.

“Take your pants off”

Luke, just to tease Reid, slowly unbuttoned them and slowly slid them off. Reid batted Luke’s hands away and pulled them off himself. Reid stared at Luke with a teasing glare and Luke just gave him the smile that he knew drove him crazy. Reid quickly disposed of Luke’s boxer and leaned forward and started stroking Luke’s cock. Luke was already hard and he leaned his head back and gasped. Reid was still on his knees and sat back on his legs as he reached down with his other hand and started to lightly grab at Luke’s balls. Reid did not give head very often but Luke was a definite exception to his rules.

Luke knew that Reid did not give head that often and was shocked when he felt Reid’s lips on his hot, aching cock. He wanted to look up and see Reid, but his body was in such an intense state of surprise and pleasure that all he could do was shut his eyes tightly, lean his head back, and moan every time Reid moved. Reid had a gifted mouth to say the least and would hold Luke in his mouth and the back of his throat for a long time. One of his hands was moving on the inside of Luke’s thigh while the other simultaneously worked on Luke’s balls.

Luke had a handful of sheets as Reid continued to bob between his legs. He bit his lip to hold back from moaning loudly.

“Fuck” Luke stammered out as Reid gave a hard suck on the head of his cock. He did not know if Reid was going to let him come or not but he was getting very close.

Reid went down hard and held himself there. His tongue swirled around and massaged Luke’s cock. Luke almost lost it but held on. Reid started moving back and forth again and Luke started to gently buck back into Reid’s mouth. He was getting so, so close. He wanted Reid to finish him off but Reid knew what he was doing.

Reid pulled off Luke’s cock leaving a trail of saliva and Luke was practically at a loss for words when Reid hovered over him and kissed him. Luke could taste himself inside Reid’s mouth. When Reid pulled away Luke wanted to say something but couldn’t, he was so hard, Reid was so hot, and his body just couldn’t respond to the sensory overload.

Luke brought his hand up to his cock and started to stroke it gently. He thought that Reid was going to smack his hand away and tell him to stop but he didn’t. Instead, Reid sat back with his back against the headboard and watched him.

Luke was moving so slowly. The pleasure was indescribable and he did not want to have it end too soon. He could barely see that Reid was massaging himself over his pants as he watched him.

Luke toyed with the head of his cock and kept rubbing it lightly, it was still wet from Reid’s mouth. His mouth was agape and he let out soft moans as he slowly started to stoke himself again. He started to pick up the speed, he thought about Reid’s mouth on him, and he pictured Reid’s head bobbing up and down his cock.

Luke knew that Reid was ridiculously hard watching him do this. He had been biting his lip to hold back from being too loud but he could not take it anymore.

“F-ffuck Reid…” Barely escaped his lips, “R-Reid…”

Luke heard a ‘fuck’ come from Reid’s direction and he started to stroke harder.

“God…f-fuck…” Luke continued to stroke harder. He felt that Reid had changed positions and was currently removing his pants. Luke stopped for a second, thinking that Reid did not want him to come yet.

“Don’t stop” Reid answered Luke’s unspoken question.

Luke tentatively moved his hand back to his cock and continued to stoke faster. He was so close. Luke was so lost in his pleasure that he did not even feel Reid move his hand away, it was only when he felt Reid’s mouth reconnect with his cock did he let out a loud moan.

“Rrr-Reidd! F-fuckk”

Reid gave a couple of hard sucks, he felt Luke’s warm cum enter his mouth, and he quickly swallowed without removing his mouth from Luke. Luke had shuttered beneath him and bucked up just slightly but Reid continued to massage Luke’s cock with his tongue. He knew that Luke was lost in his head. His eyes were practically glazed over and his breathing was heavy.


Reid gave one last suck on the head of Luke’s cock before crawling up and kissing Luke hard on his lips. Luke’s lips were almost bleeding from how hard he had been biting them. Luke could feel Reid’s hard cock pressing into his stomach.

Luke tried to speak but it came out as a girthy moan.

Reid smiled into the kiss and pulled back. He saw that Luke was still dazed and Reid took this time to reach into the bedside table drawer. He grabbed a condom and a small tube of lube.

Luke’s breathing had settled down a bit but Reid was not ready for him to be done, but he also was not going to make Luke work, just enjoy. Reid expertly rolled the condom on and he grabbed Luke’s cock and started to stroke it again. He used his other hand and grabbed at his own balls and started to let his fingers run over them, lightly stimulating them at the same pace he was using on Luke’s cock.

The only thing Reid wanted Luke to do was pick the position. He loved how slutty Luke was sometimes and Reid knew that Luke would pick the position he wanted to be in. It did not take long for Luke to bat Reid’s hand off his cock before he turned over and got on his hands and knees. Luke started to back up so that his ass met Reid’s cock and he pushed hard back. Luke always begged for it without words and that turned Reid even more. He loved that Luke wanted it to so bad. Luke kept pushing back onto Reid telling him to start but Reid loved taking his time. Luke was in such a sexy position. He loved watching Luke silently beg for him.

“Reid” he heard Luke whine. It was not an annoying whine, it was a sexy whine and Reid loved hearing his name come out of Luke’s lips.

Reid squeezed some lube into his hand and coated his cock and Luke’s entrance. Luke bucked against Reid’s fingers trying to slip them in, but Reid was done and had already removed them before Luke even moved. Instead, Luke’s ass hit the tip of Reid’s cock and that sent a shrill of pleasure through both of their bodies, even though the contact was so slight. Reid watched Luke rock back and forth without hitting anything and Reid used this time to get ready.

He did not give Luke any noticed before he thrust hard into Luke.

“Fffuckkkk” Luke gasped.

Reid did it again, this time using his hands to hold Luke there. He moved his hips in a circle opening Luke up even more.

“Ohhh, goddd, fuck”

Reid started to pick up a rhythm and Luke eagerly pushed back to meet him. Luke was biting his bottom lip again trying not to moan loudly but it did not last long. Reid had picked up a fast pace and Luke could not keep his mouth shut.

“Reeiiiddd, ohhh, goddd, Reiddd”

Reid dug his fingers into Luke’s side and he knew that Luke would have bruises there in the morning. Luke’s ass kept trying to push hard against his cock and Reid held it there, not letting Luke move forward. Luke let out a moan. Luke had sweat dripping down his back and pooling at the crease of his back.

Luke kept pushing harder against Reid’s cock and Reid pulled out and pushed back in harder. Luke let out a gasp that Reid knew meant that he had hit his spot. He did it again, this time holding it in. He could feel Luke’s body shaking under him and he pulled out and did it again.

Luke could not speak anymore but was letting out moans mixed with Reid’s name.

Reid held himself inside Luke while he tried to figure how he was going to move Luke. While deep inside Luke, he leaned forward, causing Luke to arch his back and their heads met.

“Lay down” Reid whispered into Luke ear. Luke could not speak because Reid was pushing hard on his spot but just nodded in acknowledgement.

Luke let his hands down and then flattened his knees, the whole time Reid remained inside, slowly thrusting in and out.

Luke was flat on his stomach now, and Reid was now pounding into him, harder and harder with each thrust and the bed was knocking against the wall. The thumping noise being muffled by Luke’s loud moans into the mattress.

Reid was on top of him, and his chest was damp with the sweat from Luke’s back and Reid was loving this new position. He was practically sliding up and down Luke and Luke was absolutely helpless in a state of pure ecstasy.

Reid could feel and hear that Luke was close to coming again. He thrust deep inside and held himself in there. He felt Luke push hard back.

“Fuckkkkk Reiiidddd….” Luke trailed as he continued to push against Reid. Luke fell back on the bed and Reid knew that Luke had come.

Reid pulled out, flipped Luke over, and did not even give him time to start thinking. Luke knew what he was supposed to do.

Reid laid on his back as Luke sat up and leaned over, he ripped the condom off and tossed it on the floor. He immediately started sucking Reid off. Reid tangled his hands in Luke’s hair and pushed hard on his head. Luke moved at a steady pace and started swirling his tongue around Reid’s cock. Luke took as much of Reid as he could and held himself there before pulling off. Reid pushed down on Luke’s head but Luke pushed against him. He sucked hard on the head of Reid’s cock and he felt Reid buck up into his mouth before coming.

Luke bobbed down and up again one more time before taking his mouth off Reid’s cock. Luke swallowed and immediately scurried up to kiss Reid.

Luke kissed him hard but soon let up. His body was exhausted but his lips did not want to stop kissing Reid.

Reid was lazily kissing him back, running his hands through Luke’s damp hair and down his back. He always enjoyed how Luke loved to make-out once they were done.

Reid could feel that Luke’s breathing had started to even out again and Luke left one last soft kiss before pulling off and sliding down next to him.

They sat in silence for only a minute, just trying to catch their breath.

“I only let you sleep with me because you have a nice car.”

Reid laughed

“You’re kinda easy, all I did was buy you dinner.”

Luke leaned over and kissed Reid’s sex swollen lips, Reid smiled into the kiss and before Luke pulled away, he grabbed his bottom lip with his teeth and pulled Luke closer with his hand, deepening the kiss. Luke loved it.

Luke pulled away but left a peck on Reid’s lips and he watched Reid lick it off.


“Yeah, let’s sleep.”

Next Chapter: Reconfigure Part 4

rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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