Always Attract (Chapter 8)

Jul 29, 2010 20:13

Title: Always Attract (Chapter 8)
Rating: G-NC-17
Word Count: 1,797
Chapter Summary: Luke and Reid decide their "relationship"
Notes: Umm, so yeah, Chapter Eight! Pretty straight forward. Last night, I wrote three chapters and there's definitely some exciting stuff coming up soon. The angst is also coming, so prepare yourself for that and there will be some time jumping in the near future as well, but I promise you, you're gonna love it. At least I hope so!

All Previous Chapters can be found here:
Or by clicking on my author/artist tag!

“And how has your day been so far?” Reid said sitting down.

“Pretty boring actually. Just been going over financial stuff. Although, this morning”, Luke said excitedly, “I turned on the TV and there was a Facts of Life marathon on.”

“The Facts of Life? Were you even alive when The Facts of Life aired?”

“Hey. I watched Nick-at-Nite growing up. And what can I say? I always had a thing for Mrs. Garrett,” Luke said with a smirk.

Reid rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna get a drink. You want a coke?”


Luke watched as Reid walked away to get them something to drink. To say he was nervous to come to the hospital today would be an understatement. If Reid hadn’t stopped them when he did, Luke knew they would’ve wound up having sex. He also knew that deep down he wasn’t ready. Reid had assured him the night before that they were okay, but when Luke woke up this morning he wondered if maybe the doctor had changed his mind after having time to think about the previous night’s events. The fact was they still didn’t really know each other, but Luke wanted to know more. If Reid was feeling uncomfortable or slightly upset about last night, he wasn’t showing it. Just breathe Luke. So far so good.

“Here ya go.”


“So, how’d you sleep last night?”

“Uh, yeah, I-I slept alright. H-how about you?”

Reid grinned at Luke knowingly. “I slept fine. And I meant what I said last night. We’re okay. If you want we can even try being f-f-friends,” Reid said was a disturbed look on his face.

“Wow, that looked incredibly painful for you. I mean, really, really painful. Are you alright? Do you need to lie down for a minute?”

“No need to get rude about it.” Luke smiled. “I’m just saying, we’re both stuck in this city. I’ve never been the optimistic kind, except in regards to myself because well, I’m amazing…..”

“Of course.”

“But, we might as well try to keep ourselves occupied and given the fact that apparently I’ve discovered chivalry or found my conscience or whatever, and I’m not going to try and get in your pants again, that pretty much leaves only one thing.”


“Yes. That would be that dreaded word. Friends. We just can’t let it get out, I don’t want anything ruining my reputation.”

Luke chuckled. “Friends. I think I can handle that.”

“As can I.”

Friends. Friends. I can handle that. Of course I’ve never had a friend I was this attracted to, not even Kevin. And the fact that Reid’s actually gay does not help the situation. But I’m definitely not ready for a relationship. It’s too soon. I’m still trying to sort out my feelings. I wonder if he meant it when he said he wasn’t going to try and get in my pants again. Not that I care or anything.

Friends. Friends? I haven’t had a friend since I was like what? 14? And now here I am becoming “friends” with a hot 22 year old blonde with some of the hottest lips I’ve ever seen. God, I need to make a mental note to go to my primary care doctor and ask him when my balls are gonna drop again.


Over the course of the next two weeks, Luke and Reid spent every free minute they had together. They’d have lunch together every day at the hospital and dinner together every night. They’d either go to a restaurant or get take out and eat at Luke or Reid’s hotel room. They never crossed the line between friendship or something more. They’d spend the majority of time talking about nothing in particular really. They never talked too extensively about their pasts. Luke knew Reid lived in Dallas, but he wasn’t from there and Reid knew that Luke was from a small town not too far away from where they were at. They never discussed family unless it was just a passing comment. Reid knew that Luke had a big family and he had siblings, Luke knew Reid wasn’t close to his. Despite not having a clear view of each other’s pasts, they could tell you how each one took their coffee, what their favorite color was, along with their favorite movie. They discussed TV shows and books. They discussed hopes and dreams. Luke told Reid that even though he had his foundation, he always dreamed of becoming a writer. When Reid asked why he didn’t, Luke just said there were things that got in the way. That was enough for Reid. Neither one ever wanted to overstep their boundaries with each other and neither one ever pressed for more information than what was really given. Luke did the same for Reid when he asked him why he became a doctor. Reid never really responded, but Luke could tell by the look on his face that there was a story there. He hoped one day Reid would trust him enough to share it. While Reid didn’t talk about that, he did share how he dreamed of having his own Neurology wing, but not just any neurology wing, the BEST neurological wing in the country. Luke loved when he talked about medicine and science. Reid’s face always lit up and it was some of the few times he’d actually break out into a full smile, not just his signature “half grin” as Luke called it. Never did Luke think that while he ran away to Chicago he’d actually have a good time. An amazing time. But, he couldn’t bring himself to think about what was coming up. The Foundation’s new project was coming off without a hitch and Reid had already performed one successful medical journal worthy surgery with his second to take place the next day. Once that surgery was done, he’ll have completed what he was brought to Chicago for and after his patients post-op recovery was started and he felt like Channing could handle everything, he’d be on his way back to Dallas, back home and unfortunately away from Luke. Neither one wanted to mention what they both knew was inevitable. It’s not like it was a big deal. After all, they were friends. And friends sometimes lived in different places. It doesn’t mean they can’t keep in contact. So why do I feel so sick?

“Lu-ke? Luuuu-ke? Snyder!!?”

“Yeah, sorry, what?”

Reid couldn’t help but laugh. “Where were you this time?”

“I was here. I just….spaced out.”

”Really. I hadn’t heard that before.”

“Don’t be an ass.”

It was Thursday night and Reid and Luke were hanging out in Reid’s hotel room. They had ordered a pizza and decided to watch some TV. Luke was sat on the floor off to the side and Reid was lying on the bed. Any time a funny commercial came on, Luke would laugh and Reid couldn’t help but to watch him and slightly smile to himself. Of course Luke never noticed.

“I still can’t believe you made me watch 3 hours of ‘The Hills’.”

Luke started laughing. “You know you enjoyed it.”

“I can’t believe you watch that show.”

Luke got up off the floor and went over to the bed and laid on his stomach with his elbows propping him up next to Reid. “I don’t, my sister does though. Besides there wasn’t anything else on.”

“Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that. The blonde guy, the one that can’t grow a proper beard and who’s with that girl who has obviously had WAY too much plastic surgery, he reminds me of Channing.”

“Spencer?” Luke said. “Yeah, totally Channing…….”

Reid heard enough of Luke speak to hear that he agreed he was right, but afterwards everything was a bit of a blur. Luke was lying on his bed, next to him, talking to him about some television show and while he was talking he was absent-mindedly playing with Reid’s fingers. The only thing Reid could seem to concentrate on was the feel of Luke’s skin on his. There was nothing sexual about what Luke was doing but Reid felt like he was on fire. There was a sudden hitch in his breathing and Luke looked up.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, no I was listening, I was, I’m just a little preoccupied about tomorrow.”

“Oh yeah. What time’s the surgery supposed to start?”

“One o’clock. He’s still doing it. His hands are really warm. He’s always warm. “I need to start going over things a few hours beforehand though,” Reid said as he cleared his throat.

“How long of an operation is it?”

“6-8 hours.”

“You should probably get some rest then. Go to bed, get a goodnight sleep.”

“Yeah probably.”

Luke looked down and realized that he had Reid’s hand between his and was hanging on to a couple of his fingers. He didn’t even know he had picked it up. Oh god, how long have I been doing this? At first he slightly panicked, but then he regained his composure. It’s okay. I didn’t even realize that I was doing it, he probably didn’t notice either. And if he did, it’s okay. We’re friends and sometimes friends are just touchy-feely with each other.

He stopped doing it. He’s still holding on to my hand, but he’s not moving my fingers around anymore. He’s just touchy-feely.

Luke placed Reid’s hand down and moved off the bed. Reid’s hand suddenly went cold from the lack of Luke’s warmth. Somehow Luke’s hand on his was strangely comforting. Only because I have cold hands. I mean, we’re inside and there’s heat, but it’s December in Chicago. It has nothing to do with Luke.

“I guess I’m gonna head off then.”

“Yeah. That’s probably a good idea.” They both stared at each other. They both knew why it was a good idea, but there was no way in hell either one of them were going to acknowledge why. “I um, always like to get a good night’s sleep, the um, the ni-night before a surgery.” Wow Reid. Smooth. That’s not obvious at all. “Plus, you know I need my beauty rest,” Reid said with a smirk. There ya go Reid. That’s a little better. Sarcastic humor. That’s more your style.

“Yeah. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on that! Do you want to meet for breakfast tomorrow before you go in?”

“Yeah. I’ll text you when I get up.”

“Kay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye Luke.”

As soon as he heard the door fully close shut, he covered his face with his pillow and let out a scream. Jesus Christ. I just need to get laid. It’s been too long; I just need to get laid. And not by Luke Snyder.

!author|artist: stl29tide, fan fiction

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