what if... (chapter twenty one)

Jul 25, 2010 11:04

Title: What If...
Author: ILoveHim63
Pairings: Luke/Reid
Rating: R
Summary: What if Luke got blinded instead of Noah...?
Chapter Summary: Luke and Reid talk things out.
Warnings: AU, tiny mentions of sex

“God Reid, you scared me!” Katie shouted when she got home that same night. Reid was sat on the couch in the dark hugging a pillow. Katie switched on the light causing Reid to screw his eyes shut. He must have been sat there for a long time.

“What’s wrong with me Katie?”

“What do you mean?” Katie asked as she sat beside Reid.

“I can’t abandon what I’ve worked my whole life for and this new wing that is going to help so many people.”

“Of course not.”

“You understand this why can’t Luke?!”


“Me and Luke, it’s over.”

“Why? What did you do?”

“Bob gave me an ultimatum, Luke or my job. I had to choose the hospital, it’s a no brainer.”

“Yeah I’m beginning to think you don’t have a brain! You have an amazing relationship with Luke, not just the sex which I think is getting louder every time by the way, but I’ve seen you together. The way that Luke curls into you when you watch TV together, the fact that you two can’t be together and not touch each other, the way you look at each other, and the looks you both give the other when you think no one’s looking; it all points to one thing Reid. You’re both in love, but neither of you have the guts to admit it.”

Reid paused to take in the entirety of Katie’s rant, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I know what it’s like being in love; it’s amazing. But I also know what it’s like to lose the person you love; I don’t want that to happen to you Reid, or Luke for that matter. Just talk to him, or I will literally drag you to his myself.”

Reid didn’t need telling twice. He knew full well that Katie would drag him to Luke’s if she had to. Reid went straight there not realizing just how late it actually was.
I know you probably don’t want to see me right now but I’m outside your house

You’re right I don’t

Reid thought for a moment.
If you don’t answer the door to me I will have no choice but to knock on the door and make a very loud noise until someone does answer
A few moments later Luke could be seen through the window.

“Blackmail? Really?” Luke said after opening the door.

“You can’t tell me you’ve never tried using blackmail to get what you want,” Luke opened the door further and let Reid in. Only now did Reid notice that Luke was only wearing boxers, “I woke you up didn’t I.”


“I’m not going to apologize; I need to talk to you,” Luke opened his mouth as if to speak but Reid continued, “What I said before about not wanting to risk my career for you was stupid. I know I’m not great at the sharing my feelings thing, and I don’t tell you often enough, but I care about you Luke and since I met you I’ve felt something for you and now I can’t imagine my life without you.”

“You’re babbling,” Luke laughed.

“Is it freaking you out?” Reid asked feeling a little insecure; Luke had been the first person in a long time that could make him feel that way.

“A little bit.”

“I’m sorry it’s just I can’t really…”

“Reid, you’re babbling again,” Luke stepped close to the doctor, getting in his personal space, “I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did; I know that your career is everything-”


“-was everything to you, I don’t expect you to give that up for me. I’m going to help you.”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re going to the Texas Medical Review Licensing Board to fight your case so you don’t have to choose.”

“Thank you Luke, it means a lot.”

“I wish I could say I’m just doing this for you, but honestly I can’t imagine my life without you either.”

Luke kissed Reid softly and blindly found his hand before leading him up to his bedroom. Luke carefully unbuttoned Reid’s shirt before sliding it from his shoulders, while Reid worked on his jeans. They climbed into Luke’s bed. They kissed lazily before falling asleep in each other’s arms.


Luke woke up the next morning smiling as he felt Reid’s hard on against his ass. He grinded his ass back against it causing Reid to moan in his sleep. The blond carefully turned in the bed so as not to wake the man beside him. He slid his hand past the waistband of Reid’s boxers and began stroking his cock. Reid soon woke up with a slight smile, and a deep look into Luke’s eyes, “Good morning,” he said before crashing his lips against Luke’s.

It was still reasonably early by the time Reid snuck out of the house. Luke thought he had gotten away with it until he saw his mother, she was eyeing him suspiciously.

“Everything okay this morning Luke?”

“Yes thanks, why?” Luke replied casually.

“It’s just I heard a loud bang from your room and a rather loud shout.”

Luke tried not to smile as he thought back to earlier that morning and Reid’s final thrust into him causing the headboard of the bed to collide with the wall and Luke to shout nothing in particular as Reid hit his prostate again, “Don’t worry, I was absolutely perfect.”

rating: r, !author|artist: ilovehim63, fan fiction

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