Stay - Chapter Thirty One

Jul 22, 2010 23:46

Title: Stay
Author: Happyinchintz72
Rating: PG-13-NC-17 - varies chapter to chapter. Mainly later ones will need rating.
Summary Overall: Luke needs a doctor, the only one he wants, he hasn't seen in over a month (lots of Protective Reid, plenty of fluff and a good dose of angst!)
Summary- Chapter Thirty One: Luke and Reid begin a day of rest to help Luke recouperate.... 
Warning (All Chapters): Small amount of swearing- it's all Reid's fault!

Author notes:  Ok this was SUCH a pleasure to write ;) FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. I swooned writing it. The last episode hinted at giving us something and I REALLY wanted to see it and see Reid cope..... so this is my way of getting that in the next Chapter. You'll see what I mean. REALLY hope you enjoy..... :) All of the kind comments are still such a mystery to me but are JUST as cherished as always.
[This is not beta-d so all mistakes are mine!] <3

Click to read at my journal :)

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