Stars And Fate: Eternity, Part One

Jul 20, 2010 15:09

Title: Stars And Fate: Eternity Part One.

Summary: Luke and Reid's 4th anniversary.

Disclaimer: I don't own them, and this depresses me.

Rating: PG-13

AN: All the other parts are under my author tag :)

Reid stretched his arm across the table and took Luke’s hand in his. It was their 4 year anniversary so they’d decided to go for a quiet meal at an Italian restaurant in the next town before going back to their apartment for a romantic evening, just the two of them. They’d just finished their meal and were sitting in a comfortable silence waiting for the bill to arrive. At least it looked like a comfortable silence. Luke didn’t really seem to notice Reid’s nerves.

With his spare hand, the older man pushed against his trouser pocket, feeling the square box of the light engagement ring, which felt heavy to him; burning against his leg. Threatening. He was planning on proposing in the restaurant but had quickly changed his mind, figuring it’d be better to humiliate himself in the comfort of his own home rather than in a room full of strangers.
The bill, which Luke paid along with an over-generous tip, finally arrived so the two men left the restaurant with their hands still firmly locked together.

“I’ll drive.” Luke smiled as they approached the car, trying to grab the keys from his boyfriend’s hands.

“Not a chance; you drive like a madman. Besides, you paid for dinner, the least I can do is drive us home.” Reid chuckled, holding the keys above his head as Luke tried to snatch for them.

“Gee, you’re such a gentleman.” Luke replied sarcastically, giving up his mission to get the keys.

“I do try.” Reid grinned, quickly pecking the younger man on the lips before climbing in the car.

Luke hung back a few seconds, probably rolling his eyes and tutting, so Reid took the opportunity to take the engagement ring out of his pocket and put it in the glove compartment next to him, exhaling roughly. It didn’t help; he could still see it staring at him so he twiddled with the ring on his middle finger nervously. It was a bad habit of his.

“What’ve I told you about doing that? You’ll ware a hole through your finger.” Reid turned his head at the voice to see Luke clambering into the car. “What’s bugging you anyway?”

“Done stropping?” Reid forced a smile, avoiding Luke’s question.

“That depends.” Luke smirked “You’ll have to make it up to me tonight.”

“Oh, I intend to.” Reid grinned back, trying to ignore the bile rising in his throat, before reversing out of the parking space.

The drive back to Oakdale was a fairly simple one, and it usually took around 15 minutes but, for Reid, tonight it seemed to take an eternity. The fact Luke wasn’t talking wasn’t helping the case.

All the lights took hours to change compared to their usual 30 seconds, but when he looked over at Luke he didn’t seem to notice. He had the urge to just drive through at red but he didn’t. He waited and waited and waited until it was finally safe to go.

He accelerated; knowing that in a few minutes they would be home and his life would change forever, maybe for better and maybe for worse

Then he heard a painfully-loud squeal of wheels and turned to look out of his window and saw another can skidding towards them, almost in slow motion, like the rest of the night.

Finally he heard the smash and felt something sharp dig into his side and something smack him in the ribs and pain. Pain everywhere.

The last thing he heard was Luke screaming his name and then all he saw was black.

The engagement ring, a symbol of forever and eternity, was crushed in the wreckage.


All the guys who read the first part knew this was coming at some point, and that point is now :P
Btw, this story is far from finished, I still have plenty more ideas for where I'm going to take it.
Thanks for reading

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: missbadgerface, fan fiction

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