New Fic: Always Attract (Chapter 1)

Jul 21, 2010 01:52

Title: Always Attract
Rating: G-NC-17 (It just depends on the chapter)
Word Count: 1,381
Summary: After a failed relationship, Luke meets someone new.
Comments: Worse summary ever I know. So this story starts around the time Noah goes blind (although in this story Noah never loses his eye sight). Luke and Noah break up and Luke winds up meeting Reid. Reid's not in the first chapter, it's basically just Luke. The italic parts are Luke's inner monologue he has going with himself. Reid should be in the next chapter though. Also, this isn't going to be an insta relationship. Eventually Reid will wind up in Oakdale but it won't be because of Luke. Also, I'm not good with titles, but the 'Always Attract' is actually a name of a song by the band "You Me at Six" and it just somehow seems fitting for LuRe and where I think I'm going with this story.

Click here to read at my journal:

 It was late November and Luke was walking around, breathing in the cold, frigid Chicago air. It probably wasn’t the smartest decision, especially for someone who generally had a weak immune system, but he didn’t care. He needed an escape. He didn’t know what he was doing or where he was walking to, but he did know that the numbness that the cold winter air was bringing to his body couldn’t compete with the numbness that he was already feeling on the inside. All he could think to himself was stupid Noah fucking Mayer.


Luke found himself walking around Chicago’s Loop. Being from Oakdale, he loved it when he got to venture out of his quiet country town and into a big city. He loved Chicago. He loved the tall buildings that surrounded the heart of Chicago and he loved the incredible sculptures he was constantly surrounded by. Luke was by no means a snob, but he loved art and all things beautiful and he loved Chicago because it had plenty of those things. Even if the Cubs can’t win a game to save their life, he still appreciated the city and its history. As Luke was turning a corner he couldn’t help but think of his relationship with Noah. Noah and he had been together for over two years. They had gone through a lot in that time, more so than most go through in a lifetime. Luke has always loved him and he thought Noah felt the same as well. Apparently not.


Their relationship was nothing short of turbulent over the years. They went straight from working together to being “in love”. Noah was still in the closet but came out so he could be with Luke. Noah’s father then tried to kill Luke twice. Bastard. Luke was paralyzed for awhile. Noah married a woman who he didn’t know and put her feelings before Luke’s. Bastard. Then Noah blamed him for his father’s death (although he wasn’t really dead). Let’s see what else? Oh yeah…..Noah joined the army (which he hated before), then unjoined, then he got Luke expelled for cheating on a student election. Apparently stuffing a ballot box is a more punishable offense than lying to the federal government. Hypocrite. Luke nearly got raped by his cousin. I’m still traumatized by that one. But somehow they always managed to come back together. It usually consisted of a lot of begging. How did I become so pathetic? But they always reunited. That is until now.


It all started about a week and a half ago. Well, if he wanted to get technical, it all started back in July. Noah, whose life long dream was to make movies, is enrolled in the film program at Oakdale U. That college he got me kicked out of. Noah had a new film advisor, a mentor (I bet he wanted to teach him a thing or two) that he was supposed to be working with. (If that’s what they’re calling it these days). Luke could see straight past this guy and knew exactly what it was that he wanted. Noah was completely blind on the matter. It seemed like Noah could never tell what people’s actual feelings were, including his own. But Luke was a pretty good judge of character and the way that man was sniffing around Noah he knew he was going to be a problem. He tried to warn Noah several times, but Noah just kept telling him that he was paranoid and he was just helping him with his project. Who wears that many scarves anyways? He even told me that he wanted him. I told Noah that and he still sided with him. Jackass. Finally Luke couldn’t take it anymore, he had to do something. If Noah was going to be naïve about the situation, then he would just have to take care of the problem himself. So he went to his father. Damian, not Holden and told him what was going on. As always Damian took control and told Luke he’d handle it. When Luke found out that the dean got a tip of inappropriate conduct between the professor and his student he was thrilled. Finally this guy was going to get his comeuppance. And he did too. He was fired and finally things could get back to the way they were supposed to be. Or not. Noah was screaming at Luke for interfering again. The truth is, Luke wasn’t even really that upset. Noah was always screaming at him for something. If the worse came to happen and Noah broke up with him, then he would just beg for Noah to take him back (seriously what the hell happened to you Luke?) and eventually Noah would forgive him. After Noah was done with his rant, he stormed out of their apartment leaving Luke by himself. It had been a couple of hours so Luke decided to go and look for him. After searching what seemed like the entire town, Luke had still seen no sign of Noah, so he just decided to head home and call it a night. As he unlocked the door to their apartment and went inside he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. There they were. On the couch. On their couch. Bodies pressed against each other practically having dry sex. Heavy breathing and feverishly kissing. The sight of that ugly white scarf was enough to make Luke want to puke alone, but this. This was a pain and anger Luke has never felt before. Stupid Mason fucking Jarvis.


To say Luke was stunned was probably an understatement. He expected this from Mason, but Noah? Mr. I love you and you have nothing to worry about Mayer. What a joke! Noah swore that this was the first time anything has ever happened between them, but even so, he didn’t want to be with Luke anymore. He couldn’t take his constant meddling and clinginess. He said things hadn’t been right between them for awhile and he needed some independence from him. No shit stupid. Things haven’t been right for awhile. Probably because you’re a freakin’ idiot. And have you seen what he wears? Seriously? He dumped me for scarf man? What the? Luke moved his stuff out the next day. He immediately threw himself into his work for the foundation and didn’t speak a word to his family. He couldn’t really deal with their pity at the moment and their “Noah just needs some time. You two will work things out” speeches. Maybe for the first time Luke didn’t want to work things out. Maybe he realized for the first time that Noah Mayer is a bit of a douche bag and their relationship in general was pretty fucked up. So why do I still love him?


Luke decided he needed an escape from Oakdale, even with the holiday coming up. The foundation was starting a new project with Northwestern Memorial Hospital. They were going to be giving funding to help with a new wing at the hospital for people with kidney disorders. NMH already had an outstanding area for this particular subject matter, but the people in charge and Luke knew they could make it better. Luke decided to personally take care of this project himself. It obviously meant a lot to him and for selfish reasons he also wanted the time by himself or at least the time away from having to see Noah and Mason all over each other. So as Luke stepped back in front of The Palmer Hilton he decided he had enough walking around for one night. There was a big bed inside calling his name. It was Wednesday, November 25th and tomorrow was Thanksgiving. Instead of cutting the squash with his family at the farm, Luke was going to be spending the day at the hospital going over the area and learning everything he needed to know to get this project off the ground. God how fucking depressing is that? And with that final thought, Luke headed in the hotel and up to his room. After he submerged himself under the covers and closed his eyes, he prayed to god that tomorrow would be a better day. I doubt it.

!author|artist: stl29tide, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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