Title: Time to Say Goodbye
ditzybea Rating: R (to be safe)
Pairing: Luke/Noah; Luke/Reid
Word Count: 2652
Chapter Title: Explanations
Summary: A/U Fic. Due to a request by Dr. Oliver, Noah has decided that he and Luke cannot be together anymore. How does Luke react? What will Noah do when Luke is really gone? And how does Reid fit into all of this?
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of ATWT. No infringement is intended. SO please don't sue me - you won't get much!
Author’s Notes/Warnings: After watching the episode on January 29th, 2010, I just had to write this. Noah's behavior toward Luke made me angry and this story came out of it.
I am an angst junkie! So be warned! There will tears, but I hope it will be worth it. As much as I love angst, I love feedback! It helps me to be a better writer. I just wish the ATWT writers listened to our feedback.
"You mean when I told you that I loved you? Not saying it out loud will not make it unsaid Luke,"