okay, because im so optimistic these days, here are my take on the new spoilers (just for fun xD)

Jul 18, 2010 13:21

Chris's decision puts him at odds with Reid - we already know that Chris is gonna be a butthead and decide to become CoS, which i think personally is to do with getting back at Reid due to their past together (as in, Reid apparently stealing the fellowship)

Luke and Reid get romantic - *sigh* thankyou, atwt! its about timeeee!

An Oakdale duo make love for the first time - whats even better is its gonna be seriously romantic xD candles, cuteness, the lot. in my head atleast :D

Things get ugly between Chris and Reid - NOW i know we've always joked that something happened between chris and reid... but maybe its true ;D id actually laugh if it was! i mean, why else would it get ugly between them two? they dont like eachother, sure, but they usually just snark at eachother, its no reason for them to get ugly... sooo, yah ;D (i live in hope, okay!)
but seriously now, this spoiler has me wondering why they both are gonna be getting so ugly towards eachother... and there was me hoping they'd put their feud aside for katie and bob. obviously not. *sigh* fuck you, atwt!

Luke learns something troubling about Reid's past - LOL okay, if and only if something happened between chris and reid, then ofcourse luke would be troubled by it xD so that would actually fit! but yeah, with this one, i think he just learns about the fellowship tbh!

Luke is surprised by his feelings - IF something happened between chris and reid (just imagine it, okay!) then luke being his usual self doubting self would be like 'how can i compete with chris hughes?!' thinking it would be a competition, and he'd be suprised by how jelous he is and how much he doesnt want to lose reid to chrisy boy! ahhh, chris, you actually are useful for something xD... tbh, i seriously would laugh my ass off if they went down that road LOOL! hey, anything could happen! it is a soap ;D or maybe nothing happened between them, but luke sees how reid is with chris, how much they snark at eachother and remembering how him and reid started out, thinks maybe reid might start liking chris (but he wont) like how he started liking luke and gets all cute and jelous and possesive. OMG SERIOUSLY LOL xD
but back to seriousness! maybe hes suprised by how much it brings them closer? the revelation..? it could... :S

Luke and Reid make important plans - SEXYTIMES AGAIN. :D

Luke gets a visit from John - i think this spoiler has more to do with...
John has a surprise for Lucinda - but, being optimistic, lets say by this point, john and reid have met (YAY!), and john sees himself a bit in reid. and he goes to lilypad, looking for lucinda, but our very own luciano is there! and they sorta talk, john talks about how he feels for lucinda and he mentions reid and tells luke he sees himself in him, and sorta says somet like 'lucinda has always been the one for me, she can match up to my snark easily and she challenges me, makes me a person' etc etc, and luke realises that what john is saying applies to him and reid, then realises he loves him.

Reid suffers a terrible blow - job. LOL just kidding xD (or am i...) but this could be the CoS thing, maybe he doesnt get it after all. which is gay... no pun intended. BUT he still has to be there, because its his neuro wing, and hes the best. so chris will have to suck it uppp! HEY maybe bob agrees to put the position to chris on one condition - reid stays on, no matter what. if so, bob, you may be forgiven for cockblocking those two times, and probably a few more times by the end of the show.... just maybe. atleast he still has his job? thats something?

Noah realizes where he went wrong - good for noah. now bog off. okay, no. no personal feelings, im discussing the spoilerrs... okay, as ive said before he realises where he went wrong with luke. thats all i can see tbh. why he hasnt realized already, i dont know. but whatever.

Noah makes a promise - either he makes a promise to fight for luke, or he promises to be a better person, or he promises to leave town. the third one sounds good to me!

Noah's plans are altered - ofcourse they are. *sigh* okay, if its the 'he promises to fight for luke' way, then good. he changes his mind, he decides to leave and let luke be happy. in that case, i will actually be happy for noah. i may even respect him... just, maybe. but if its the leaving spoiler, atwt, i actually hate you. well, unless he just decides to stay but not fight for luke. in that case, i may be able to accept it. just no luke and reid break up, or atwt writers may have to sleep with both eyes open! but tbh, i dont see how they could make it work anyways. cause too much is happening for luke and reid, for it to even be possible for a nuke endgame. im thinking the second last episode luke and noah have a catch up, say goodbye properly and thats that. hey, we may even get luke at the end of the episode calling reid and asking to meet up with him xD we just dont see him. grrrrr.

but yes, judging by the amount of spoilers our team have, im remaining optimistic. there is no way they will put reid through all of that, to kill him off or have a nuke endgame. i just cannot see it at all. i mean, whats the point? put him through hell over and over then he just dies? or luke goes back to noah? i was worried about the death at first, but recently, im really not. :D

BUT YES! discuss xD and if people wanna move into this new bubble with me, please do! its very homey ;D

discussion, spoilers

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