And now for something completely different.

Jul 15, 2010 13:19

So I was in the process of making screencaps for a batch of icons when one particularly shot affected me so deeply that I had to clutch the edge of my desk for fear of falling out of my chair.


First of all, as we've all agreed, they look amazing standing side by side like this. From a strictly aesthetic standpoint, Luke and Reid's looks are perfectly complimentary to each other. Luke isn't exactly handsome as he is pretty, almost elfin in an odd way, while Reid is all strong jaw and angled cheekbones. Put them together, and people - men and women, gay and straight alike, will stare. THEY'RE THAT GODDAMNED GORGEOUS.

The other part, the part that really makes me flail all over the place, is they way they're placed. Luke is leaning in, simply needing to be close, and Reid tilts back, sensing that and responding to it, almost as if by telepathy. I attribute this to the undeniable chemistry between Van and Eric. They feed off of each other when they act, and it all feels very natural and easy. And so sexy it's kind of ridic. It's things like this that make RPS work.

Anyway. I'm going to toddle away now, but I just needed to squee over this picture. *SQUEEEEEEEEE*

screencaps, general squeeing

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