OK, thanks to some very kind feedback I have decided to extend this fic quite a bit. The title will remain 'Three,' even if that is not the most apt description, but it keeps things tidier. Here is another chapter. Hope you enjoy it!
This fic is a different take on the events from the episode where Reid has already gone to Java to ask Luke for money for the new wing and Luke finds Reid at the hospital to tell him the funding is going to happen.
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/532580.htmlPart 3:
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/559004.html?view=16337308#t16337308Part 4:
Luke called Casey the next day. "Hey, Case. Nice running into you yesterday."
"Yeah! I finally see you!"
"Are you around? Wanna meet at Al’s for a bite in a few?"
"Sure, I have to work today but I can stop in quick."
They settled on a time and hung up the phone.
Luke got to Al’s first.
Ordered a cup of coffee, which the waitress brought him.
Let his mind wander blissfully over last night’s events. And this morning’s. He’d had to give Reid a blowjob before he got ready for work. Couldn’t stop himself. Reid had then showered and dressed. Luke gave him a ride back to the hospital, then went home again and crashed for a while. Woke up and called Casey.
And it hadn’t been weird between him and Reid at all this morning. It had actually been great. Easy. Luke rested his head on his hand and stared blankly at the table. He took a sip of coffee, licked his lower lip. Realized he could still taste Reid on his mouth. God, he felt a little obsessed. He tried to lose that thought though. Not going there, remember, Luke? Don’t fuck things up!
Casey finally sailed in the door. He sat down across from Luke and the waitress walked over and handed him a menu. Casey also ordered coffee. He honed in on Luke as soon as she walked away.
“Man do you ever look like shit! What did you do last night?”
“Casey, keep it down a little!” Luke looked perturbed.
“OK, sorry!” He leaned in, his voice a rough whisper. “Anyhow, man, you have to tell me what’s going on with you and that fucking doc!”
“What do you mean?” Luke said semi-innocently.
Casey laughed.
“Luke, drop the act. I saw the way he was dressed, and the way you were looking at him…and well, face it, I’m as straight as they come, but that guy is the SHIT!!! How’d you land him!”
Luke glared at him. “Hey, Case, I’m not too hard on the eyes either.”
“Yeah, but Luke, man, you’re kind of a goof off, like me, and that guy, well, what doesn’t he have going on? He’s hot, he’s fit, he’s rich, and he’s a fucking brain surgeon!!”
Now Luke looked really unamused.
“And I’m not hot, fit, and rich?”
“Well, yeah, you are that, I guess. But like, what’s the age diff here?”
Luke looked off thoughtfully, a small smile playing across his face. “Well, I don’t exactly know. I’ve haven’t asked Reid that yet. But I’d put him at about 36-37.”
“Damn it, Luke, you got yourself a sugar daddy!!”
“OK, Casey, you’re a dolt! I make…er…have more money by far, so who’s got the sugar daddy, really?”
“Well, not Noah anymore, I can say that much.”
Luke grimaced a little.
“Umm, yeah, about that. Can you promise me you’ll keep this all hush hush as far as he’s concerned? I mean, it’s not like I owe Noah any explanation, we’re broken up, but he just doesn’t need the aggravation, huh?”
“Sure, sure, Luke. You know me. Besides, I’ve got my own relationship issues that I’d best keep on the down low myself, so I can relate!”
“Oh, really? Do tell!”
“Umm, another time, my friend.” Casey bent his head to peruse his menu. “So,” he said casually, “when is Noah’s surgery?”
“It’s not totally decided I think but it’s coming up.”
“And, judging from your appearance today, things are going well with Dr. Oliver?”
“Yeah, I can’t get used to saying that. The guy kind of terrifies me when I see him in the hallway at work. OK, so things are going well with Reid?”
“Really well." Luke leaned in. "The sex is freaking amazing!”
“TMI, TMI!” Casey laughed again. “But, dude, isn’t Noah’s surgery going to cause some freaking problems for Reid and you when it goes down? Seems stressful to be putting the blocks to your patient’s ex-boyfriend when you’re about to perform his life or death operation! At least in my book…but what do I know,” Casey added hurriedly, seeing the wheels turning in Luke’s head and the concerned expression on his face.
They had been holed up in their own little world for almost a week now. It was a nice routine. Great sex at night, more in the morning, Luke usually giving Reid a ride in to work and then wandering into his office at the foundation around noon. Luke knew he was being a slacker but he just didn’t care. Besides, he told himself, Reid works his ass off at the hospital. He’s dedicated enough for both of us right now. Someone has to tend to the homefront. And Luke did do that, getting groceries, throwing some laundry in, making the bed, and so forth.
Eventually though real life began to reassert itself. On Friday Luke ran into his mom at the foundation offices. “Luke! There you are!" She kissed his cheek. "I’ve left you five or six messages this week!”
“Umm, yeah, mom, I saw that you called.” He tossed his hand back through his hair. “I’ve been really, really busy!”
“With what?”
“Oh, you know,” his tone was vague, “some foundation meetings, getting a few things for the new pad…”
“Hmm,” Lily gave him a funny look. “How is your place coming along? I haven’t seen it for a few weeks now.”
“Oh, really well! I’m thinking of painting.”
“Oh? When? I’ll come over and give you some art direction!”
“Umm, well, I think I’m all right…but I would love to have you and grandmother over for dinner or something soon,” he added, rather too quickly. “Just pick a date and I’ll let you know if it works!”
“OK,” she said slowly, still giving him an odd look. “Luke, is there something else going on…that you’re not telling me?”
They stared at each other for a few seconds. Finally he looked away and she sighed.
“Well, I’ve got my eye on you, young man. I’d better run. I have a hair appointment downtown.”
“Bye, mom,” he rolled his eyes a little as she kissed his cheek and left the room.
Reid, meanwhile, was having a hard time keeping Katie at bay. He had managed to get his car over to Luke’s, and so could run home when needed to get a change of clothes, which he did do on Wednesday and Friday. The first time Katie was just out the door, and he managed to get past her with minimal questioning. But on Friday she was finally able to corner Reid. “OK, stranger, spill the beans! I want details! And,” she added, “I just want to see you! I miss you! Jacob misses you!”
Reid leaned down and kissed Jacob’s head.
“Jacob, your mom is asking way too many questions. What are we going to do with her?” The toddler smiled up at Reid.
Katie leaned over and lightly shook her roommate. “Reid!! Who…or I should say, where have you been spending all your nights this week??”
“Not listening!” he said in a sing-song voice as he turned and walked into his bedroom.
Katie jumped up and followed him, first setting Jacob down in the middle of the room to investigate the carpet.
“Reid, do you really want me to unleash my full arsenal of nosiness on you? Because I will! Or, are you just going to accept the inevitable and give in to me now?”
Reid actually looked like he was giving this serious thought.
He sighed a little.
“OK, Katie, but all I’m giving you is a name and no other details. And you better keep this quiet. Promise?”
“Uh huh, uh huh!”
“I’m seeing Luke.”
“What!!!” Katie was practically bouncing up and down.
“OK, OK, contain yourself, woman!” Reid gave her a small devious smile.
“Oh my god, I’ve got to know more! How-“
“Hey, what was our agreement?”
Katie breathed out. “Yes, OK, no more questions, for now! But Reid, can I just say, I am so happy for you! And for Luke!”
She grabbed him and hugged him, then bopped back into the other room to check on Jacob.
Reid breathed out himself.
“You know, I told Katie about us today,” Reid said as he lay back against Luke’s bare chest. Luke himself was propped up against the headboard of his bed by several pillows. “You did! Well, I want to tell my mom then.”
“What is this, poker? I see you one shocked friend and raise you a scandalized mom!”
“No, smart ass, but I know she’s getting suspicious, and frankly, I don’t like keeping you a secret all the time. I’d like to be able to show you off a little!” Luke let his fingers trail down the front of Reid’s bare torso. “We just have to be sort of careful until we get past Noah’s surgery, right, baby?”
Reid gave him a funny sideways glance, then looked away.
“I suppose that makes-,” Reid started to say until Luke grabbed his hair and gently pulled his head back. He looked expectantly at Luke’s mouth until it covered his own in a deep, searching kiss.