Title: Stay
Author: Happyinchintz72
Rating: PG-13... see where it goes!
Summary Overall: Luke needs a doctor, the only one he wants, he hasn't seen in over a month (lots of Protective Reid, plenty of fluff and a good dose of angst!)
Summary- Chapter Twenty Six: Luke and Reid begin to deal with being on separate continents. Luke begins his course.
Warning: Small amount of swearing- it's all Reid's fault! ALSO, pictures in this one!!!
Author notes: Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I started my part-time Summer job and lets say, the legal world isn't one for free time when you're a trainee! I will try hard to post as often as I can! This one is a little different. I had this idea from the very start and I had a BALL writing this chapter! :D
I really hope you enjoy!!!
[This is not beta-d so all mistakes are mine!] <3
Click to read at my journal :)
POSTED IN TWO PARTS FOR SIZE REASONS (as I'm a lil bit of a technophobe sometimes!):
Part One-
happyinchintz72.livejournal.com/7255.htmlPart Two-
happyinchintz72.livejournal.com/7513.html [Lovely mods, will tag this when my laptop decided to work! :) ]