(no subject)

Jul 05, 2010 00:11

Title: Stars and Fate: Midnight Chats.

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Reid wakes Luke up when he gets home from work and they have a little chat <3

Disclaimer: I don't own the boys or they show, if I did they'd of done the nasty by now.

AN: This is the next part in my series, Stars and Fate, which can all be found if you click on my artist/ author tag. This can be read as a one shot though.

(In this part, Luke and Reid have been together 2 and a half years)

Reid slowly opened the door to his and Luke’s apartment. It was 3 in the morning and he’d only just got back from memorial after working late for the 4th time that week. He walked quietly into the living area when he heard that the T.V was on and sighed at what he saw. He should’ve gotten used to seeing Luke asleep on the couch when he got back from the hospital by now but it still managed to make him smile happily. How could he not? It was such a beautiful sight. He gently sat down on the edge of the couch next to his boyfriend and stroked the mussed up blonde hair out of his eyes.

“Hey. Hey, Luke.” He whispered, causing the younger boy to stir slightly and release an irritated groan. “Luke, wake up.”

“Hey.” Luke mumbled sleepily. “I think I fell asleep.”

“Yeah, I think so too.” Reid chuckled quietly, before pressing a soft kiss to Luke’s forehead. “What was it this time?”

“America’s got talent I think.” Luke smiled lazily at the feel of Reid’s lips brushing against his skin as he spoke. This was one of Luke’s favourite things, when Reid woke him up in the middle of the night after he’d fallen asleep watching TV. He loved how every thing was so simple and lazy and easy.

“Ah, Pierce Morgan is enough to send anyone to sleep.” Reid laughed and lay down on the couch next to Luke. It was a small couch, so their noses were touching but as Reid wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist and pulled him impossibly closer neither of them cared.

Their midnight conversations as they lay on the sofa had become a ritual of sorts over the past year and a half they’d been living together. Most of the time they were light hearted and didn’t really have an evident meaning, however from time to time these conversations could wind up being deep and emotional. Tonight was one of those rare occasions.

“How did Noah go on visiting his dad today?” Reid asked. Noah had received a phone call the previous week stating that his father wanted to see him at Statesville. He’d been understandably reluctant at first but winded up deciding it was for the best, and maybe if he saw him he’d finally be able to move on with his life after having his father hold silent control over him even while he was locked up.

Reid had obviously been told the stories of Luke being shot by the homophobic psychopath and was wary that Noah, who over the past 6 months had grown to be one of his closest friends, was going to be in the same room as him, but he’d decided to keep his concerns to himself as they normally only landed him in trouble.

“He rung as soon as he got out and he told me something.” Luke gulped slightly and wrapped his arms tightly around Reid’s neck before continuing. “His dad’s been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. There’s nothing they can do and he’s only got a few months left to live.”

“Shit.” Reid stated with a look of genuine worry in his eyes. “How’s Noah taking it?”

“He’s tried telling me that he’s relieved, which I guess on some level he will be, but I know him. Deep down I bet he’s hurting. I wish he wouldn’t bottle it all up, you know?”

“I know.” Reid softly brushed his lips against Luke’s before carrying on. “I know this will make me sound selfish, but I’m relieved about his dad.”

“Why?” Luke asked, completely oblivious.

“Because if he’s not breathing anymore he can’t come out and try to hurt you again. He can’t take you away from me.” Reid whispered. He’d never voiced it before but he’d thought about it a lot. The infamous Winston Mayer had escaped from prison before, no doubt he could do it again and if he did there was a chance he would come after Luke again for ‘corrupting’ his son, and then for leaving once all the damage had been caused. He thought about it more than he cared to admit.

“Well, he won’t get me, not now. I’m not going anywhere…”

“Please don’t be sappy and say that we’re going to be together forever.” Reid interrupted, squeezed his eyes shut and pretended to ignore what Luke was about to say, but he loved it really. It made him feel all warm inside.

“Why not? It’s true. We’re going to be together forever.” Luke grinned so bright it was almost blinding.

“Oh shit, you said it.” Reid opened his eyes and rolled them. “So, you’re not planning on going anywhere then?”

“Nope, and you better not be either.”

“Not any time soon, although if you carry on with all this ridiculous romantic crap I will be obliged to throw myself under a bus.”

“You love it really.” Luke raised a knowing eyebrow at his boyfriend, who smirked slightly.

“Yeah, I kinda do.” Reid bit his lip and looked deep into Luke’s eyes. “But not as much as I love you. Seriously, about what I was saying about Noah’s dad, if he or anyone else ever hurt you…or I lost you, I couldn’t…You’re everything, you do know that right?”

“Yeah, I know.” Luke stole a quick kiss before grinning madly at Reid. “My, Doctor Oliver, did you just say something romantic without being prompted?”

“My, Mr Snyder, ruin the moment much?” Reid sulked.

Seriously, if I’m not romantic he complains. If I tell him how I feel, he takes the piss. Typical.

“Sorry.” Luke gave Reid his best puppy dog eyes, which instantly made Reid’s heart go all gooey. “I love you too, more than you will ever know. I even love your little strops. They’re adorable. I wouldn’t be able to cope if I lost you either. It’s be like a part of me was missing, and I know I wouldn’t be able to handle that. Will you promise me something?”

“Anything.” Reid placed his forehead against Luke’s.

“Promise me you won’t ever, ever leave me.” Luke’s voice cracked slightly. He didn’t know the conversation had got him so emotional.

“I promise.” Reid smiled, as a tear rolled down his face, a tear he’d never tell anyone about. “Come on, let’s get to bed.”

Reid gently sat up and pulled a tired Luke with him. Luke yawned, in the adorable way he does, and allowed Reid to take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. Once they were there they slowly removed each others clothes in the dark, memorising the moment, just in case they ever lost it. Just in case.

Reid lowered himself on to the bed and Luke followed, curling up next to his boyfriend and placing his head on his chest. Reid waited about five minutes until Luke’s breathing evened out, so he believed him to be asleep.

“I promise.” He whispered once again into the darkness, kissing the feather-like hair on the top of Luke’s head.

Luke, who was still very much awake, felt a sense of peace that he’d never even imagined before. He knew that in spite of everything else that was going on in life, this moment, right there in their house, was perfect.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: missbadgerface, fan fiction

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