Alone with you (one-shot)

Jun 23, 2010 02:52

Title: Alone with you
Author: KittyBlackCat
Disclaimer: Luke and Reid aren't dating so, I don't own ATWT or its characters
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Plot?What Plot?
Summary:  What if Noah hadn't been there to see Luke and Reid kiss and to interrupt them (in ep of May 31st)
Word count: 2761 words

AN: I got this idea yesterday, but I didn't really think I could do anything with it. But then I read "Somebody to love" by yay_for_gays and it woke up that plot bunny who attacked my muse and succeeded in making me write this. So thanks yay_for_gays for igniting my inspiration and for giving me enough courage to post this.
See this is my first NC-17 fic ever. I had only written one kiss scene before, so I was blushing like crazy the entire time I wrote this (which is like at least 2 hours) I'm in really unknown territory. I hope you like it, even though I've never done this before, and don't know for sure how it came out. (I can't judge for myself)

Alone with you

“I want to be alone with you” Luke felt a shiver run through his spine. That voice…so husky, so full of desire..for him Luke Snyder. God. That voice was sex. It made him want to whimper in need. He bet Reid could probably make him come with that voice. It was so intense…too intense.

“This is all going so fast” Luke said, desperately trying to keep his desire from lighting him on fire.

“And this is bad why?” Oh it was bad. So bad. It was like nothing else in the world existed but Reid. Luke’s skin was burning. Every pore screamed in delight at Reid’s touch. His chest was constricting, making it hard to breathe. He wanted more, he needed more. Each second without Reid’s touch send him in excruciating pain. And when Reid’s lips touch his…an intense wave of arousal rocked his entire body, making his toes curl tightly. This was dangerous. It was too much. It felt like looked would disintegrate any moment. He couldn’t live with feeling so much at once. He was going to explode.

“God Luke” Reid whispered against his neck. He started kissing and biting the younger man’s neck, making Luke whimper. Reid loved that sound. Gosh, he bet Luke was a moaner…maybe even a screamer. How he would love to make him scream himself hoarse as he pounded into him harder and harder until they both couldn’t take it anymore.

“Reid” Luke whispered. “Reid wait we have to stop, we” but Luke couldn’t say anything more. Reid looked at him straight in the eyes; his eyes were dark with the most intense lust Luke had ever seen. He started trembling. That stare…it was too much. Never had Luke felt so desired, so wanted. Luke whimpered again. Slowly, Luke approached his lips from Reid’s again and softly joined them. He licked Reid’s lips tentatively but didn’t get to play anymore, as Reid’s tongue found its way into his mouth, licking every inch it could find. ‘Lord that man can kiss’ Luke thought. He had never imagined it possible to feel so much from a simple kiss. Reid’s tongue was so possessive. It was trying to claim Luke’s deepest parts as being Reid’s. Suddenly, this wasn’t enough. ‘I can’t do this anymore’ thought Luke. ‘I can’t fight it anymore. It’s too much. I’ll explode’ Luke disentangled himself from Reid. He looked at the older man’s eyes, searching for something that would make him stop. He didn’t find any. Luke had made his decision. He took Reid’s hand and led him to his bedroom.


As soon as Luke entered his bedroom, he found himself pushed against the wall hard. His shirt went flying away before he even had the time to notice. “Lord…do you have any idea what you do to me Mr.Snyder” Reid said in his husky voice as he sucked on Luke’s neck, while twisting his right nipple. Luke couldn’t form a coherent thought. Reid’s hands were everywhere: his nipples, his ass, his tight, his… oh fuck, right there! Harder! Luke trusted his hips against Reid’s hand, trying to get as much friction as he could. “Please, please” The younger man begged. He was already so close. How could he be? He had never been even half as excited as this at this point in foreplay. “Please what Mr.Snyder? What do you want me to do Luke?” Reid asked stopping everything to look at Luke right in the eyes. “Come. I wanna come. Please Reid, make me come. I can’t..” If Luke had thought Reid’s eyes were dark before, they now almost seemed black. Slowly, Reid opened Luke’s pants and slid everything down, baring Luke to his sight. The boy looked magnificent. And he was Reid’s. It would be Reid’s name that he would scream. Reid slid down to his knees. ‘Oh my god. Is he…going to do what I think he is?’ Luke thought. Luke had tried giving blowjobs before and he had found them nice, but he had never actually received one. Noah had never found the prospect even remotely attractive and had refused to partake in oral sex if he was the one giving. Luke of course had accepted it without minding but now…”Fuck Reid!” Luke screamed as Reid swallowed him down completely. It felt so good. Reid’s mouth was wet and warm and it was applying a delightful pressure on Luke’s cock. Reid started sucking down softly, moving his head back and forth slowly. Luke’s cock tasted amazing; he couldn’t help but lick it all over, swallowing the precome he found on the tips of Luke’s penis. He couldn’t wait to swallow Luke’s orgasm. Slowly, Reid began to suck harder and go faster. When Luke felt Reid’s increased the pace, he thought he would faint. Arousal ran through every inch of his body, making his legs tremble like leaves. “oh my…fuck.. Reid, fuck” Reid took Luke’s exclamation as demands to give him more and worked even harder. “No Reid please… I can’t” Reid didn’t listen. He continued sucking every inch of Luke’s cock, holding his shaking partner up by the hips. “Reid, Reid, Reid” Luke kept repeating. He was so close! Just a little more.

Reid felt Luke was close. He started humming around the younger man’s cock.

Oh Gosh, Luke couldn’t take it. When he felt Reid hummed around him, the young man burst out in an orgasm that shook his entire body and made him fall down to his knees. Reid swallowed every single drop from Luke. When the younger man fell to his knees, the doctor couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, well, Mr.Snyder. Seems to me like you liked that a lot” Luke’s head fell on Reid’s shoulder, his body still shaking in the aftermath of his pleasure. It was…Luke couldn’t think of anything to describe it. His brain was officially jelly. And so was the rest of his body. Reid had to support most of his weight to get him in bed. Then, the older man stripped down to his boxers and lied down beside Luke.

“Wow” Reid said turning on his side, looking at Luke. “I’ve made you speechless. Would I be right in boosting my ego by assuming I gave you the best blowjob you ever had?” Luke found himself blushing like crazy. For some reason, he felt embarrassed that this had been his first time and buried his head in his companion’s shoulder. Reid saw the move immediately. “Hey, look at me. Luke…” Reid took the boy’s head in his hands and tried to meet his gaze. “What’s wrong?” Reid felt a knot in his stomach. Was Luke regretting this? “Please Luke. Tell me. Are you having regrets or second thou…” “NO!” Luke screamed, looking at Reid immediately. “No I don’t have any regrets…it’s just…well” Reid looked at him with patient eyes. “Well it’s just that…it’s kind of a given that this was my best blowjob” Reid smiled smugly at that “Cause well…It was actually my first one” Luke added going even redder. Gosh, he felt so inexperienced and young right now. What in the world could the older man see in him? Reid’s eyes widened at Luke’s declaration. He had never had a blowjob before? How in the hell was that possible? “You never…really?” “Well no. Noah didn’t want to. He looked kinda repulsed at the idea so I never asked again after that.” Reid felt thrilled. He had been the first one to give Luke Snyder a blowjob.

Reid grabbed Luke’s head and started kissing him possessively. He had finally found something Luke could never relate to Noah Mayer. When Reid plundered his mouth, Luke felt so owned…He had never felt like that before. He had never thought it would feel so good either. “So…you don’t mind that I hadn’t done that before?” Luke asked as they separated. ‘Mind? Is he crazy?’ Reid thought. “Why would I mind?” “Well…it’s just…your other partners must have been so experienced compared to me and…” “Luke, stop. You’re being silly. You still being inexperience in some things, doesn’t bother me. Quite the opposite actually. It makes me want you even more. It’s so hot that I can show you new pathways to pleasure, baby” Reid’s voice had gone lower and his eyes had darkened with lust, clearly showing Luke the affect that his inexperience had on the older man. “So, as first experiences go…did I live up to your expectations Mr. Snyder” Luke blushed again, but this time he didn’t look away. “Actually Dr. Oliver, though I’m loath to boost your ego, as a first experiences go…that was better than anything I’ve ever felt before.” Luke said in a teasing tone. Reid felt pride rise up within himself. “So Mr Snyder” Reid said sucking on Luke’s neck. “You’re saying that my blowjob was better than your first time at sex” Reid said in between bites and sucks. He found an extremely sensible point and Luke moaned in pleasure. “was better than any sex” Luke couldn’t stop himself from saying. Reid stilled. Luke had just told him his blowjob was better than having sex. That’s it.

Suddenly, Luke found himself flipped on his back and kissed passionately. Reid’s naked body covering his own felt so good. Soon, thanks to Reid’s talented hands moving everywhere on his body and his oral talent, Luke was hard once again. Reid shifted a little, getting rid of his boxers and aligning his erection to met his companion’s. ‘Oh fuck’ Luke thought ‘he feels so big. So good’ “Do you have any idea what you do to me Mr.Snyder?” Reid asked, kissing his way all over Luke’s body. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted you?” Luke shook his head. He couldn’t concentrate enough to talk. Everything was too overwhelming. “Second time I saw you. I wasn’t as angry as the first time and when I paid attention to what you looked like…fuck! You were so hot! Annoying pain in the ass, but hot” Luke chuckled a little at that. “And the more I saw of you the more I wanted you. Fuck you have no idea how many times I wanted to push you against a wall, and kiss you as I jerked you off, catching every one of your moans in my mouth” Luke moaned at that. What Reid was doing felt so good and with what he was saying…He really had never thought one could feel so desirable, let alone him.  Reid kissed Luke again, reaching into the nightstand and grabbing a tube of lube. ‘Thank goodness every guy puts lube at the exact same place’ Reid thought. “And in Dallas, when you dropped that towel…oh when you dropped that towel” Reid looked at Luke in the eyes. He put some lube on one finger and circled Luke’s hole. “When you drop that towel, it was all I could do not to follow you in that bathroom, bend you over the sink and enter you before you had the time to realize it. I would have fucked you hard and fast, forcing you to look at your face in the mirror as you came on my cock” “Oh God!” Reid’s finger had entered Luke in the middle of Reid’s speech and was now moving in him, stretching him in every direction, moving in and out. Getting fingered had never felt so good. Soon another finger followed the first one. Luke started having a little trouble breathing. Reid’s fingers were in him. In him! And his mouth…gosh the things that man can do with his mouth.

“Like that, Luke. Do you like how I touch you? How I make you feel?” Reid asked. “yeah…yeah” Luke said, feeling out of breath. Luke was so responsive. It was driving Reid insane! Luke just kept on moaning and whimpering. Reid was so hard it was literally painful. He needed to be inside Luke so badly. “Please, please” Luke begged. A third finger went in. “You’re so hot right now babe.” Reid whispered. “I wish I had a mirror to show you how hot you look, getting fucked by my fingers. And you’re loving it. You look so sexy like this” Luke felt a surge of happiness come in his lust filled mind at these words. No one had ever called him sexy before and Luke had never thought he was. But Reid made him feel sexy. “Reid please…” “I know Luke, baby. I need it too. So badly.” Reid bit Luke’s neck. “I’ve wanted to be inside you for so long. Longed to fill you up completely and show you how good it could be between us.” “Then do it, Reid. Please” Luke begged looking Reid straight in the eyes. “Please take me. Make me yours, Reid”

At these words, any ounce of self-control Reid Oliver might have kept flew out the window. Lubing himself up, he entered the younger man slowly. ‘Fuck he’s so tight’ Reid thought. Luke was squeezing him so much. He couldn’t remember ever being with someone so tight. As for Luke, he was thinking the opposite. ‘Fuck, thinking he felt big was an understatement. He’s huge compared to Noah’ Reid stayed immobilized for a minute, waiting for Luke to relax around him. Then, he started slowly moving in and out of his lover, kissing every inch of skin he was able to reach. Soon though, the slow pace drove Luke completely nuts. Reid felt so good inside of him. It was like there had been a part of him missing and now he was finally complete. But he needed more. “Reid please, please faster” “Faster, baby? You want me to go faster?” “Yes, please!” “Well who am I deny you Mr.Snyder?” Reid increased his speed, going faster and harder than before. Luke move in time with him, moaning, and screaming his name as Reid drove inside of him with force, hitting his magic spot every single time. Luke was sure he was going to pass out from pleasure. His every sense were tingling, his body started shaking…he couldn’t handle it, it was too much. “Reid, Reid, Reid, Reid, REID!!!” Luke screamed as he hit his second orgasm of that day. His body trembled under the intense pleasure. Reid thought he was going to die. Luke felt so good, he didn’t think he could last much longer. But then Luke screamed his names repetitively and came and it was too much. Hearing his name screamed like that, while Luke’s face contorted in an expression of pure ecstasy, all because of him…he couldn’t contain himself any longer. Reid followed Luke in his orgasm immediately and collapse on the younger man. Both men were out of breath and felt exhausted. Soon Reid turned on his side and brought Luke with him. They stayed there, holding each other silently, trying to recuperate from the intense sensations and emotions they had felt. Both men had never felt like this before. They had never felt this connected with another person, never felt as if they belonged as much as they did now. However, as good as it was, and as positively tired Luke was, he couldn’t help but have tiny doubts creeping in.

“So…” Luke whispered softly, trying not to destroy everything. “what now?”

Reid looked at Luke, searching for what his lover was really asking.

“Well now we sleep Mr.Snyder. You look absolutely exhausted and I must admit that you did quite a good job at tiring me yourself.”

“ And after?”

“We eat a sandwich” Reid answered matter-of-factly. Luke gave him an incredulous expression. “What? I’ll be too hungry when I wake up to wait for supper. And I’ll need my energy for our chess game…or our movie…or our whatever else we decide to do next. And after that, we can go out to dinner…if we can find a nice place around here not own by a member of your family. I’d rather not play twenty questions with you family just yet.”

Luke looked at Reid with doe eyes. “So you’re keeping me?” Luke asked in a little boys voice. He sounded so insecure. Reid looked in his eyes. “I’m keeping you” he hugged his lover tighter. “And I’m never letting you go” whispered Reid determinedly in Luke’s ear. Luke looked Reid and gave him a beautiful 1000watts smile before snuggling closer into his boyfriend and falling asleep.


AN: I really, really hoped you liked this! It’s my first time writing something like this, so I hope I made a good job for a first time.

luke/reid, fan fiction

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