A few more unexplored thoughts about yesterday's episode

Jun 18, 2010 11:13

Be warned that this post and comments might contain spoilers for next week/down the road.

I was thinking about how Reid chose the hospital over Luke. Forget that, while it sucks, it makes sense for Reid to do that.

Reid was visibly upset at having to make a choice between the hospital and Luke. And he was visibly upset at the thought of having to talk to Luke about it, choosing to ignore the big proverbial elephant in the room (because I personally don't believe he had any intention of talking to Luke about this). And then Luke gets upset for being second best.

I see such a parallel between the decision Reid made here and how Luke acted when he said to Reid he was still in love with Noah, and then told Noah he wanted to get back together.

Both Luke and Reid are falling for the other one, hard, and much harder than they want to admit to each other and themselves. So what do they do? They go back to what they know, to what feels more comfortable and safe. Luke wanted to go back to Noah, and Reid chose the hospital. Safe choice, a known situation. Both are afraid of their feelings and of this new relationship that's in front of them. And both had the same knee jerk reaction when faced with a choice - to go back to what to what they know, to what was comfortable and safe.

I am not too sure why, but this whole thing makes me really looking forward to when Luke and Reid meet again, talk/fight/snark at each other. We need another one of those love/hate scene, culminating in a sexually charged make up session! \o/

Oh and btw... I want an awkward "you want to be my boyfriend?" scene between Luke and Reid. Because Reid will be all snarky and awkward and geeky and nerdy and insecure and so, so, so fucking cute. And Luke will take charge and be Toppy!Luke! and well, that's just plain hot. :)
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