(no subject)

Apr 21, 2010 00:55

Name: Katie
Location: Missouri...unfortunately
Age: 22

What other shows do you like to watch? I watch everything. Seriously. The only other soap I love is GH, but I watch all of them. I loved GL minus the last like 3 weeks... boy did it get dumb. I love the West Wing, Buffy, and Angel for old shows. I love How I Met Your Mother, Big Love, anything on HBO and almost everything on Showtime

What attracted you to Luke/Reid? Believe it or not I didn't even know Reid was gay until like four days ago. I was always like... why are Luke/Reid together so much. I thought they were entertaining, but I was confused. I must have missed the episode where he came out to Luke originally (I've since seen it ;))I still thought they were trying to pair him with Katie... I actually stopped watching ATWT before Luke/Noah got together so I had no knowledge of them when I started back up in September for PL. Luke and Reid have sucked me in... do to how awesome they are and how AMAZING all of your fanfiction is! Seriously this group and Liz/Jason fans on GH have the best fanfiction I have ever read! Fantastic!

How did you find out about this group? Someone mentioned it in a story on fanfiction.net

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things? I make videos... you can find me on youtube under the name cardsmoviegal... I make mostly Simon and Katie videos. Check out This Years Love... by far my best video ever. It still makes me cry and I've seen it like a hundred times. As soon as I get the clips together I am sure I will be making a Reid/Luke vid

Other As the World Turns pairings you love? Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, Simon and Katie, you get the idea. fav couple EVER!
I did like Rose/Paul in the day and Dusty/Rose. Loved Molly and Jake and Molly and Mike. Hunt Block's version of Craig and Carly (I know weird) I liked original Chris/Allison too. As you can see I watched from 1999-2003 and took an extended break only checking in when PL came back. I couldn't take watching Katie with anyone else... not to demean Brad/Katie, (although Katie did ruin Mike for me ugh) I'm sure they were great, but Katie and Simon were my IT couple.

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke):

One and only....
Katie: Mike is the love of my life

Simon: You only get to use that phrase once in every lifetime Katie and we used it on eachother.


LOVE THIS COMMUNITY! Look forward to chatting with you all!

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