Title: Hard To Breathe
Summary: Sequel to my FF regrets. I suggest you read that one first <3 Btw, I think I've done the linky thing wrong but I tried <3
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/431843.html#cutid1 Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:Sadly I dont own them :(
Breathing. It shouldn’t be so difficult.
He’d broken up with Noah 5 months ago. Now he told himself everyday that himself that he wasn’t living a lie anymore; the truth was that’s the lie. Life couldn’t be real without Reid anymore.
He and Noah had managed to stay friends-seeing as Luke didn’t give him the full truth when breaking up with him-so he was happy for him when he heard he was giving things a go with Richard.
He still heard the pounding of his heart, making his head want to explode. He still had to consciously breathe. He still had to live with his regrets.
He wasn’t with Noah anymore, so why was everything still such a mess?
There wasn’t a day that went by when Luke didn’t about Reid. He went to sleep every night after hours, or maybe days, of tossing and turning only to dream about Reid and have his heart broken in the morning when he woke up and realised it wasn’t reality.
It’d been 365 days since he’d chosen Noah and 11 months since he’d last seen Reid. He wanted to see him; to kiss him and hold him.
Luke looked blankly down at his decaf which had gone cold-he hadn’t noticed he’d been sat in Java for an hour.
Right now he’d settle for knowing where in the world he was.
Meanwhile in Manhattan, New York
He sat at the table in Starbucks and stared blankly down at the coffee in front of him.
It’d been 11 months since he’d left the town that time forgot and he was beginning to believe that nowhere did his coffee as good as Java.
It had been exactly one year since Luke had chosen Noah. It was still barely possible to breathe. They might even be engaged now, or thinking about adopting, something sickly like that. He didn’t know, and he never thought he’d have to. He’d disallowed Katie from talking about the younger boy in any of their frequent phone calls, so their conversations had instead been filled with wedding talk due to Katie’s recent engagement to Doogie Hughes. The wedding was next month, and naturally he was invited. He was going to see Jacob and Katie again…and Luke.
Reid was going back to Oakdale.
He was going home.
Feedback makes me smile :) Every single comment, i get the email and I squeel :)