OT: Ultimate Couples Endgame

Jun 04, 2010 09:40

This post is a little OT as it doesn’t specifically pertain to LuRe, but it is all about ATWT so I thought I would give it a go.

*waves* at mods.

Since we have awhile to go before the next LuResday, I thought we could throw the other characters some love, and so, in that spirit, I’ve compiled my ultimate endgame list. If I was writing the show, this is how I would end it. Yes, I am that bored.

Discuss. And feel free to throw things at me. (Soft things only, like Reid’s pillow.)

Ultimate Endgame List

Luke and Reid. Duh.

Noah and Mason. No, seriously! Go forth, Noah!, and find the yin to your yang. The Hepburn to your Tracey. Make sweet, beautiful movies together. And also, get that man a haircut.

Holden and Molly. Because they give each other the (second) best eyesex out of all the couples in Oakdale.

Carly and Craig. Yeah, I know. It’s blasphemy, so that’s all I am going to say.

Jack and Janet. Because, in the beginning, they made each other, and me!, really happy. I miss happy, angst-free Janet.

Katie and Chr--. Sorry. I can’t. I really want to, but it is just too soon. *shakes fist angrily at the sky* I miss you soooo much Brad! (In fact, after you left for real I almost stopped watching the show for good. But then the writers sent me Reid. So I am better. Most days. *sniffle*)

Henry and Barbara. This one is difficult for me because I used to like Vienna. But lately I am all: “Go back to Sweeden. No one will ever understand Henry like Babs, and Henry makes her soooo happy.”

Maddie and Hunter. <---That’s a joke. I really hope Maddie is living happily somewhere far, far away from Oakdale with someone who is neither a felon, nor a closeted gay, nor a socially-inept nerd.

Paul and Emily. Because life with them is like a box of chocolates. And also, I really think these two deserve a happily ever after.

Allison and Casey. Because for the first two seconds of their romance it was really good and healthy…until the writers went back to portraying her as the dumbest, most self-destructive blond to ever graduate from nursing school. Ever.

Gwen and Will. Just ‘cause we know they are coming back for the end, and I want to draw a little heart around them.

Dusty and… anyone else on the face of the planet that isn’t Janet.

Parker and Liberty. Because if any crazy kids deserve to be called soul mates, I think it’s these two. (Even though I really dislike NuLiberty…not to dis the new actress. I am sure she would be lovely in any other role that wasn’t originated by the uber-talented Meredith Hagner.)

And finally…

Lily and NutMeg. No? Okay, fine. Lily and Damien. Still, no? Okay, okay. Lily and Herself

That’s all I got. Any else want to share?


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