Jun 18, 2021 02:53

Beta: Thanks to teddybear9298 for her help with this story! As usual, I went in later and made changes, so all mistakes are mine.
Premise: LuRe AU. Set in a travelling circus that roams around the MidWest during the 1890s. Several Oakdalers will pop up here and there throughout the story.
Rating: Chapter Three is PG-13, but later chapters may get steamier
Genre: Angst, romance, some hurt/ other words, soapy. You've been warned. Over time this story has taken on a life of its own; expect to find just about everything, including the kitchen sink, in it. However, if a kitchen sink does appear, that is your signal that the end of the story is near.
A/Ns: Once upon a time long, long ago, I signed up for the LuRe Reverse Big Bang and selected this title, based on the fantastic artwork supplied by luresoromantic. I can't thank her enough for the beautiful banner! And a terribly belated thank you to traciamc for organizing the Reverse BB. Thanks also goes to flowersforchuck, who initiated a discussion in the LuRe community about Reid having a profession other than being a has spurred me on to wrestle this story into shape!

This story is dedicated to zzzfreckles, who has encouraged me over the years to continue writing this story and has been sooooooooo patient. Thank you.

I haven't posted here in so long that I've forgotten how to. If you want to catch up on the previous chapters or just want to start with this new one, here you go:

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

I am determined to finish this story, which has been living in my head for years. Time to let it go!!!

!author|artist: tldreamer, luke/reid, fan fiction

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