Beyond Reid's death, (wait, he died?! I don't remember that happening. Lalala!) what is the one thing you would change in Reid's/LuRe's storyline?
Mine is Reid admitting he 'cheated' to get the fellowship. Such implausible horseshit! Supposedly he took credit for some medical breakthrough, "in a lab that you were just cleaning out the test tubes"? And no one else in that lab called him on it? No one thought to vet Reid's claims? Please.This one makes me so livid. If anyone's the liar it's Chris! This comes from
Soap Central: Chris was expelled from Columbia University for cheating and transferred to Oakdale University.
I know I've brought his up during the rewatch recaps but, I mean, UGH! I hate Chris more than Noah.
Tell me what is the one thing you would change. :)