Title: This Idea Of Us
Ratings: NC-17/Explicit.
Word Count: 70,534
Summary: Reid took a breath, his hand tapping at his knee, and spoke quietly. "I may have said that I'm dating someone and she insisted that I bring him along with me so she knows I'm not lying." "Oh," Luke breathed, trying not to let the cold dread seeping into his body paralyze him. "I didn't know you were dating anyone--but wait," he paused, Reid's earlier words echoing back at him, "you said you didn't want to be with anyone...who are you taking with you?" Reid raised an eyebrow his way, and shrugged. "You."
"Me?" Luke choked out, surprised. "What?"
A/N: A massive thanks to
tldreamer for beta-ing this fic which has turned into the longest thing I've written for this challenge. I don't know how this happened, I blame my muse! A huge thank you again to
tldreamer for organising this challenge once more...it gave me the perfect opportunity to force myself to write this fic. And a special thanks to
satine_1984 for the beautiful banner! Thank you! ♥
Any remaining mistakes you find are mine and mine alone. Apologies in advance!
Title of the fic comes from this beautiful song of the same name,
This Idea Of Us, by Jono McCleery.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it even a little bit. Comments are very much appreciated. ♥
The fic is almost complete, pending beta and editing. I promise it'll be finished, please bear with me. I am posting the first chapter today, and will update this post as further chapters are added! :)
EDIT: The fic is now complete! :D
Onwards to Chapter One Onwards to Chapter Two Onwards to Chapter ThreeOnwards to Chapter Four Onwards to Chapter Five Onwards to Chapter Six Onwards to Chapter Seven Onwards to Chapter Eight - UPDATE: (19/02/16)