Fun Fic Friday!

Dec 18, 2015 20:31

~Fun Fic Friday~

TGIF! It's the day before the weekend, and what better way to close out a long week than with a fun dose of ficlets and drabbles of Luke, Reid, or Luke & Reid? Or how about some amazing icons or graphics of the guys? (Don't be fooled by the name - Fun (Graph)Fic Friday just didn't have the same ring to it.) Here's your chance to contribute a short fic or icon of our favorite couple.

However, it must be based on or inspired by this week's prompt:

Trading Places

Fic Rules:
1. Please post your fic in the comments and try to keep it under maximum LJ comment length, which is 4,300 characters (~800 words). If it's longer, no problem! Either post in multiple comments or make an entry in the comm.
2. You may write more than 1 fic for the same prompt.

Graphics Rules:
1. Everything is welcome: icons, GIFs, picspams, screencaps ...
2. Icons should be 100x100 pixels and under 40k, .png, .jpg, or .gif so that they can be used on LJ.
3. Animations okay.
4. Text is optional.
5. Please include icons, screencaps, and graphics in a comment to this post.

And even if you're not creating something, you can still participate by reading and commenting or providing some fic recs. Show the love to the brilliant creators in the fandom!

Poll Prompt for the week after next?
Next week's prompt will be "Christmas". Poll and challenge begin today and end Sunday night, December 20, 2015.

Links to the comment fic masterlist :
Authors A-M
Authors N-Z (also includes all previous Fun Fic Friday prompts sorted by date)

funficfriday, drabble prompt meme, fan fiction

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