FIFTH ANNIVERSARY - LuRe Rewatch: September 1

Aug 31, 2015 14:43

Quickie recap: It's the first day for the Green Shirt. Here we go...............................................................

Welcome to the episode with terrible continuity, a couple of Douches and a few, bright shining moments.

Reid walks into the Java, where he spies the Douche drinking some product. Reid's in full doctor mode, asking about Noah's eyesight, while the Douche is in full bitter Douche mode.

Even though Noah is hostile, Reid offers to give him a referral to a colleague (and Reid can't help but toot his own horn, but considering how specialized the surgery was and it was a success, he has a right to do so), but the Douche turns him down just in time for Luke to enter and hear the Douche accuse Reid of "stealing his boyfriend."

John runs into Chris in Olde Towne, and he hopes Douche Deux is getting ready to check himself into the hospital. Douche Deux is searching for Katie, who disappeared after the candlelight vigil (don't those usually occur at night??? This episode and ones that follow have the absolutely WORST CONTINUITY!!! Don't get me started on how, the day after Nancy died, they had a memorial service followed by a day of service and candlelight vigil all before NOON or ONE PM!!!). They argue - John insists that Douche Deux check himself into the hospital immediately, while Douche Deux says Katie is upset, his parents don't know and are still grieving over Nancy's death, blah, blah, blah. He never stops to think how upset his parents will be if he croaks on the spot. It's all about him. And Katie? You'd think she'd be encouraging him to check himself in too, but she's too self-absorbed right now. Maybe they are made for each other.

Yay John for calling Douche Deux on his self-denial, but it still doesn't cut through Douche Deux's crap. DIE, CHRIS!!!! DIE!!!!!!

But Douche Deux starts to have chest pains and John strong arms him to the hospital! Finally, someone with sense on this show!!!! (I'm regretfully including Reid in the group with no sense.....I just can't believe he would have agreed to cover for Chris like that. It's would seem to be more in his character to manhandle Chris into treatment like John did.)

Meanwhile, Bob and Kim are hanging out in the on-call room (so sad that they don't have a home even in the last few weeks of the show, but I know, it's a budget thing), when Bob gets a page reminding him about his golf game with Leland Pierce, Trustee and Chairman of the Board. Bob doesn't feel up to playing (he just buried his mother) so Kim suggests Chris take his place (because Chris obviously isn't grieving). She's plotting that Chris can make a good impression on Leland for the CoS position!

John hauls Chris into Memorial and makes the error of leaving him alone for a moment while he goes to find someone from admissions (why doesn't he call them to meet them there???? I know, I know, that would make sense!!!).

Chris is feeling so poorly that he wants to lie down, so he heads for the on call room (why not an empty hospital room with a bed?). Of course, he finds his parents.

OMG, we're only to the opening credits! This is gonna' be a long, infuriating episode, so be prepared!!

Kim picks up that Chris isn't well, but of course he denies it. Even Bob notices, but Douche Deux says he ran over from Olde Towne so that's why he's short of breath. He gets up to find Katie, so Bob and Kim spring the golf invitation on him. At first, Douche 2 is trying to get out of it, but Kim keeps nudging him into saying yes. That doesn't work, so Kim plays the Nancy card! Well, that did it! Douche Deux collapses like a house built on sand and says he'll go.

FINALLY, we're back to the threesome in the Java. Luke is a little hesitant, trying to figure out what is going on here.

The Douche replies that he and Reid were just balancing the books. Looking at Luke's face, it doesn't appear that he's buying the Douche's explanation or maybe that's just my interpretation.

The Douche fills Luke in, saying that Reid was passing along a referral while he was passing along Luke to Reid. The Douche tries to be snarky like Reid, but he fails and merely sounds sarcastic.

He finishes by smacking Reid on the arm and then stomps out. He's been hands on with Reid today (earlier he grabbed him on the shoulder), which must be encouraging to all those Neid fans!!

So, it REALLY PISSES me off when Luke wants to know what Reid said after the Douche made Luke sound like a piece of chattel. I'm sorry to see that Luke doesn't give Reid a chance to explain anything because he's already suspicious and practically accusing him of causing trouble. He's only going by what the Douche reported. (So how did that work for you before, Luke? Remember the Douche telling you that Reid was hooking up with a guy in the Lakeview?? Why would you believe anything the Douche says in anger??)

In fact, this little scene irritates me no end regarding Luke. I LOVE when Reid points out that the Douche needs to learn to stand on his own 2 feet and Luke shouldn't coddle him. But Luke says the Douche is leaving soon and he doesn't know when he'll see him again and he doesn't want to leave on bad terms.

Luke, you should learn to let bitter dogs lie. You're just trying to make yourself feel better and think you're doing the right thing, but you are just giving the Douche power over you, running after him like that! Cut the cord!!

Luke throws Reid a cute, flirtatious smile and thanks him for understanding. He'll meet Reid at the hospital. Luke, stop with the games! And stop putting the Douche first!! ARGH!!!! (I know, I know, this is for the benefit of the Nuke fans, but I could care less!)

I do love that Reid is secure enough to let Luke go.

Back at Memorial, John is astonished to find out that Douche Deux has left the premises. Reid walks in and hears the news.

John fills Reid in that Chris hasn't told his parents. We get a really fast eyeroll (so quick I can't screencap it) and Reid says he'll call Douche Deux on his cell.

Bob and Kim come rolling out of the on call room, oblivious of the convo that just took place outside their room. Reid expresses his condolences on Nancy's death (and he comes fairly close to saying something stupid but manages to pull himself back from the brink). At first I couldn't imagine where he would've met Nancy, but they were at the anniversary party together. I guess their paths would've crossed if she ever went to the food table where he was stationed!

Reid asks if they've seen Chris, and they tell him he's gone out to golf with Leland Pierce!

When Kim suggests Reid isn't too happy to hear that, Reid says they have no idea, and he takes off.

Can we just stop for a moment and reflect on the stupid story we've been following? A doctor who is nearly dead but won't get treated until he's told his family, including his dad, the CoS, after he's been procrastinating for weeks. Doctors letting said doctor run around town when he should be in the hospital. Couples falling into bed while those truly in love only get to kiss once in a blue moon. There's more but I'll stop there. I hope none of us have lost IQ points watching these last few shows, because it's all so ridiculously stupid it's like a zombie has been secretly sucking out some of our brains!

Luke finds the Douche in Olde Towne and he tells him he doesn't want their last convo to be on such bad terms. He doesn't want the Douche to feel angry and bitter. (IMO, that is the Douche's basic personality....he needs serious psychoanalysis.)

The Douche makes it very clear he does not want to be just friends. Oh wait, why am I commenting on this Nuke convo? They make me crazy and Luke is always too nice. Can someone else can take a crack at it in the comments, please! I can't take the whining!

OMG, a commercial break and they're still going! UGH!!!!!

And it really, really, really, really pisses me off that the Douche has to drag out of Luke that he's in love with Reid. It makes me almost wonder if he is. He might just in a stage of "like very much" (and there's nothing wrong with that). He's just hanging onto Noah just a little to tight to convince me this time. :( I know that I'm supposed to think he's just trying to save the Douche's feelings, but for some reason this time, I'm not feeling it.

Now the Douche is practically begging. Oh please, let this scene be over quickly!

Thankfully Luke tells him that they aren't right for each other any more and agrees that he and Reid are. Luke, you are taking a big step up.

The Douche says he can't be friends and I get that.

Then Luke drops in to see Reid, who wasn't at the hospital, at Katie's but finds out he's not there either. Katie lets him know how upset she is about Nancy's death. Sorry, but that friendship always stunk to high heaven to was so forced. Nancy had so many grandchildren that she didn't have scenes with, but she had many with the "sweetheart of the show."

I'm not gonna' recap this because I can't buy that Katie wouldn't be tying Douche Deux to a gurney at Memorial. She'd be so determined to make sure he lived, he wouldn't have a chance to die. But instead, we have this "obstacle" of her refusing to face up to possibly losing Chris. It's a nice scene for the actors though.

But I'm really getting angry about how this Chris/Katie romance is not really about Chris, it's ABOUT KATIE, THE SWEETHEART OF THE SHOW!!!! TPTB would never have brought the character of Chris back if they didn't want her to wind up with him by the end of the show since they knew the show was cancelled. And P&G had an actor who was still being paid on his GL contract, so why not? And why I am griping about it here, right now? Because it's Luke who is the one who comforts and encourages her, being a good friend, when she's never been one to him (they didn't exactly travel in the same circles while she was getting married to all those different men). And it's Luke's character that will suffer because TPTB decided to save Chris and Katie! I HATE THIS!!!!

So we cut over to the Country Club, where Chris has not exactly dressed up for the occasion. Why do I always think that is what the actor showed up wearing that day and they decided to go with that! So embarrassing!!! Shouldn't he be trying to impress Leland and dress like him, one of the country club set??

Douche Deux starts his sales pitch to Leland, but within a minute or so he's stumbling for words and looking poorly. Reid to the rescue!!!!

Reid suggests a threesome, Douche Deux says no, but Leland, who has the power, agrees to it so he can hear both of their proposals for Memorial's future.

Let's have three cheers for Reid in natural light!

Do we really think this is the same shirt he was wearing in the opening scenes at Java? I guess it is (but he was wearing this one in the previous episode).

Reid reads Douche Deux the riot act while Leland is setting up the golfing arrangements. DD denies it...I love when Reid says, "Where did all this denial come from? It can't be genetic! Most of your family is relatively rational."

Chris says he'll just play a few rounds and bow out. Reid adamantly tells Chris to do it now!

Reid refuses to leave, so it's a stand-off.

They join Leland, who is ready to start play. He is not happy to hear that Reid doesn't have a handicap (physically challenged), which brings us one of the classic Reid moments, when he hits a drive straight and far (and probably much better than the other two can do). Hopefully you're not tired of this, because here it is again! (Anyone have a gif of Reid tossing the club?)

The other guys are impressed. Leland remarks that if Reid keeps on like that, they won't be playing much longer. Reid, ever serious, replies, "That's the idea."

Side note: Has anyone ever written a fic where Reid is a PGA player? Because that boy's got a natural talent!!!!

Bob and Kim chuckle over their cups of brew at the Java, when Claire (the nurse) happens to mention that Reid is out playing golf with Chris and Leland.

Insert your own recap of the Luke and Katie convo here.

Back at the links, Douche Deux is starting to sink but Dr. Oliver has his eye on him (or hand on his pulse)!

Reid says Chris needs to be in the hospital STAT! But Douche Deux is spouting his usual.

We'll never know if Leland was moving the ball (he seems like the type who would when people's backs are turned).

Regardless, Reid has just found the perfect end to this golf party.

Reid: "There's nothing worse than cheaters though." Straight into "Like I'd want to be!" ( a member of Leland's club) and more.

Old Leland takes a raincheck from Chris and takes off in a huff!!

I can't resist posting when Reid gives his parting shot:

"You da man!"

Douche Deux reminds Reid that he just blew his chance for the CoS job, but Reid doesn't seem to care! He knows he'll get it fair and square and it's easier if the competition is still alive!

The scene ends with Reid hauling Douche Deux off to the hospital.

Back at Memorial, John has enlisted his daughter, Margo, and her hubby Tom, to help track down Chris so he can tell the family his news. John won't tell Bob and Kim why it's so important. I love John's reaction to hearing Douche Deux is out playing golf. He almost slips and tells them. He is incredulous when Kim tells him Reid is golfing with him.

John is just about spilling the beans about Chris, when Reid enters the scene, dragging a weakened Chris with him. There's a small cliffhanger moment when Kim and Bob asks what's wrong.

We cut over to Katie's house where she and Luke are still hashing it out. He gets her to go to Memorial.

Chris is still in denial.

What an odd couple! If nothing else, this screencap will give Chreid fans hope! (Just like Nuke fans got some hope recently, and as mentioned earlier, Neid fans got a thrill today.)

Dr. Dixon takes charge and examines Chris, leaving Reid to tap dance in front of the family while waiting for John to finish so Douche Deux can tell them.

Reid entering the lion's den!

He doesn't spill, but says they can speak to Chris after John is done. Bob and Kim are rightfully upset, and they hug, just as Luke and Katie roll in.

Katie freaks out, but Luke tries to calm and encourage her. He agrees to stay with her.

The family is called into Chris's room, so Katie, Reid and Luke confab. Reid encourages her to go in, but she balks and doesn't think she can handle it. Reid tells her not to because Chris is under enough stress. She panics and takes off for home, but Luke is unhappy that all of his efforts over the last hour or so have gone up in smoke and he argues with Reid.

Reid walks off to get some coffee. I'm in his court. Theoretically Luke is right, but Katie is such a mess, she shouldn't be there (IMO). Luke takes off after Reid.

Katie peeks in at Chris, surrounded by loving family, and she takes off instead of going in the room.

That's it for today. I have been spouting off alot today, and I'm amazed I still get worked up like this after 5 years! But I do! So thanks for bearing with my rants.

What do you think about this episode? What do you love? Hate? Any gap fillers? Fix its? Please, please, please comment below!

Next up: September 2

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luke/reid, 2015 rewatch

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