Quickie recap: This has one of the funniest scenes of all time in it as well as one that gets people all riled up. Join us in the recap and vote in the mini-poll!
Today's episode picks up where yesterday's left off. That means this day has been strung over at least 4 episodes (or more). What a long day!
Katie stops in at Margo's to pick Jacob. But baby-sitters Allison and Casey say he just went to sleep. They want to know what happened with Chris, and Katie says she'd like to know too!
Meanwhile, back at Memorial, just seconds after PDA, Luke is still floating on Cloud 9 (who can blame him?) and Reid is looking mighty satisfied with himself. They are so darned cute....so in love...so on top of the world.
I love their convo, when Reid says not all his impulses are bad, Luke defines PDA and they discuss the hospital talking about Reid. I could sit and watch this all day!!
It makes me laugh when Reid says that flirting with Luke in the corridor can only improve his reputation!
Looking at these two, it's hard to tell who is more smitten! I call it a draw!
Luke's ready to go celebrate and it doesn't take much arm-twisting to convince Reid, but *DUH DUH DUH* the "other Douche" appears. Okay, I know that nickname is already taken, but is there a more appropriate one for Chris???? Because he's just about the douchiest Douche ever....he really gives ole' Noah a run for his money. If you have a better name for Chris that I can use for the rest of the rewatch, please put it in the comments.
Since I'm on a poll roll these days, here's one more: Who is the bigger Douche, Noah or Chris???? Please vote here and comment more below:
Poll Chris, all nervous and sweaty, asks to speak with Reid, so Luke takes a walk. Reid can see that Doogie is not well. Desperate Doogie says he needs Reid's help, because he's the only one he can trust. What happened to doing it all on your own, Chris???? (He would've said that only an hour or so before this.)
Back in that all-purpose hospital room, Reid's looking at the scrip for a high-powered antibiotic for Doogie's real ailment (NOT acid reflux) and asking why Doogie is coming to him. Turns out that Doogie feels like he will raise suspicion if he orders this drug from the hospital pharmacy, so he wants Reid to do his dirty work.
Reid throws out several good objections to this hair-brained scheme, but Doogie reminds him everyone is so intimidated by him that they won't question the order. Reid points out that he has a reputation, and Chris is able to use that fact to get Reid to phone it in. Oh, and Doogie says he'll pick up the med.
Doogie asks if he needs to beg. I say yes, but we cut back over to Margo's.
Katie carries on the great soap tradition of repeating what happened in a recent episode (in case you missed it) to Allison and Casey so they can catch up. I like Casey, and I think it's a shame he was rarely on after he was no longer Emily's boytoy. I could see him with Katie. I think they'd be a great pair (and at the rate that Katie has gone through the men in Oakdale, she'll get to him eventually). Back to the show, Allie sends Casey to talk to Chris (about Katie).
Luke's ready to go, but Reid tells him to go ahead. He needs to go to the hospital pharmacy.
:( It really pisses me off that Chris would use Reid like this. And that Reid agrees to it. I know Reid is a really, really good guy and that he's doing it to help a sick person, no matter how dumb he is. He's obviously a better person that I would be if I lived in Oakdale!
Luke is sent to get a table at Metro. He looks a little disappointed (I can't blame him).
Chris thanks Reid, who is rightfully pissed off. Before he leaves for the pharmacy, he yells at Chris to tell the truth, especially to Katie.
Casey straight talks Chris and tells him he blew it with Katie. Casey orders Chris to come out with them to Metro. I'll skip over the rest of this scene that makes me groan, but feel free to recap in your comments. (Except Margo, who just got home from work, is assumed to be able to babysit!)
Poor Luke has been waiting so long at Metro that he is folding paper into unidentifiable objects!
Reid joins him and the next thing we know, Luke is saying it's karma at work and brings up the "N" word. Uh oh. It's a somewhat innocent comment, but Reid's had a hell of a day, and he doesn't need to hear that!
Reid doesn't mince words letting Luke know he's not happy to hear about Noah. Luke thinks Reid is over-reacting, but I don't. Luke is old enough to know that you shouldn't bring up your ex like that.
Reid leaves Luke, mouth hanging open at the table, while he goes to the bar to get a beer. What a bad start to a date!!
Katie, Casey and Allison arrive at Metro, so Katie greets Reid at the bar. She's surprised to learn that he is there with Luke (this is my favorite shot...look at poor Luke, still working on his origami!)
He's astonished to hear that Chris is meeting their group there. Katie picks up on his reaction but doesn't say anything.
Allison and Casey table hop over to Luke and surprised to hear he's there on a date with Reid.
(IIRC, this is the first time in a long time these characters, who are good friends, have interacted due to the poor writing.) I giggle when Casey refers to Reid as "Dr. Neuro." It's obvious that Luke wishes that Reid was sitting with him, but it's just as well because Allison brings up the news that Noah has gotten a grant for his movie and is moving to L.A. in September.
Five years ago when I heard that line, I stood up and cheered! It still makes me happy!
I find it odd that Noah didn't tell Allison, his roommate, about Luke and Reid, since he was so sure that Reid stole him away right from under his (blind) eyes. Noah seems like the type who would steam over something like that and couldn't keep it to himself.
Luke seems happy for Noah and perhaps a little sad. I'm guessing because he knows it's really the end...the fact that Noah didn't even bother to tell him has to hurt a little.
I still laugh when Reid joins Luke at the table, that Allison and Casey suddenly have to skedaddle.
After they are alone Luke (a little dramatically) says, "The date begins." It's a little sarcastic or is this his way of getting a little dig in? This is one of those situations where it's better to say nothing at all. Reid knows something is up and asks Luke to spill.
Luke avoids then dances around it, so Reid pushes him to tell him what's going on. Luke has learned (quickly!) that he shouldn't bring Noah up, but he finally tells Reid the Noah news. As Reid pushes him to say what that news makes him feel, the other Douche appears. Just like a junkie looking for a fix.
I wish we could stay with the Luke/Reid convo, but we're forced to watch the other table until Chris starts feeling poorly. He tells Reid that he needs to discuss the other patient.
He and Reid stand at the bar and Chris says he was unable to pick up the prescription and he needs to start the antibiotics now. Reid says he'll go, but Chris better tell Luke something to cover him.
So poor Luke is left on his own (and he must've gotten dragged to the other table). I can understand why he's having a hard time making sense of Chris's lie.
Luke sounds so disappointed that Reid didn't say anything to him.
The only funny bit is Casey blowing it about how Jacob behaved while Katie was gone. BM is so funny!
Reid comes back to Metro and Chris makes a beeline for him. Reid hands over the drug and is cranky because his beer is warm by now. Chris still needs his help...administering the drug.
Reid: You're not serious?!
I just snort at the dialogue that follows, but Chris is serious and says he needs to do it in the men's room. Luke, happy to see Reid is back, is dismayed when Reid says he's not quite ready to resume their date yet.
He tells Allison that he thinks Reid is mad at him for bringing up Noah (if Luke only knew all that was going on...). Allison is right to tell Luke that Noah was an important part of his life, but she should've stopped there.
You know, I've watched soaps for many years and I thought I had seen it all, until I saw this part of the episode. About one month before the end of a classic soap, they have a scene in a men's room with a gay guy and his colleague, involving needles and moaning! Who knew! All I can say was that I couldn't stop laughing and had to rewind several times the first time I watched because I was laughing so hard that I was crying.
I'm not sure I can even do it justice, so I'll just post some photos. Please comment on this scene! What about the decor?? Who was that mastermind??? I can't believe a nice supper club would have such a fancy men's room (but I'm so glad they managed to dig up a urinal). And was there a big sale on calla lilies that day?
I just can't.....until (poor) Luke breezes in after it's done ("Another consultation?") and Reid quickly blows that off as he washes his hands! What a hoot!!!!! Once again, (poor) Luke feels left out. And Reid pushes him out of the men's room while he's still telling dumb Doogie to tell Katie tonight. :(
Katie, the other person whose date is ignoring her, is ready to give up and pick up Jacob. Casey convinces her to talk to Chris, so when he comes back, she invites him to come with her to pick up Jacob, but he says he's got to go to the hospital and check on that patient. (Remember, he wasn't even on call today, according to Bob.) He leaves, and Reid notices him going out alone. Katie gives up and leaves.
We don't get to see the rest of Luke and Reid's date, but somehow I don't think it was so great. We next see them outside the Lilypad.
And this is one of those scenes that pisses just about everyone off. I've had varying opinions about it over the years, but my current one is that Reid's had it with Noah and Luke needs to learn to be very careful about when he brings him up. Reid's had a long day and he's not going to put up with the ghost of Noah being in the middle of their relationship. I like that Luke states his feelings for Noah and more importantly he tells Reid he's still in Oakdale because of him. Hooray! But trying to make a joke about the ghost of Noah being there at every date is not funny. (Although the foot stomping is extremely cute!)
However, Reid is so distracted he's not being fair to Luke. And he is more than just a little bitchy when he tells Luke that he's the one who wanted to take it slow and he's getting his wish.
And I think that Reid is very worried about Katie and does want to go home. It's just as well because if he and Luke didn't have a great roll in the hay, Luke would be thinking it was his fault, when it has nothing to do with him. (Especially since he tells Reid he was hoping their date was going to be more fun.)
All that said, it's more bad writing and one of those conventions where, if Reid really wanted it badly last time (and he did) and Luke didn't, then they are going to show us the reverse where Luke wants it badly and Reid does but has other things he needs to do. UGH!!!
And on top of that: if it wasn't for Chris, they could've gone out and probably had a good time.
So let's enjoy some photos:
This is one of the few (if only) days where the boys kissed more than once. We had PDA earlier in the day and this kiss.
Reid goes home to find a crying Katie. The first words out of his mouth? "Something wrong with Jacob?"
Now it's Reid giving Katie love advice. They've come full circle.
What are your thoughts about this episode? Any gap fillers? Fix its? How about a good fanvid? Please comment below.
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