Title: The Towel Has Left The Building
Rating: M?
Summary: Reid wasn't pervy enough (for my liking) in the towel scene :D Here are some of his thoughts.
Partly crack.
A/n: Inspired by the FFF prompt
Hot Summer DayWrote this really fast so the writing is pretty rough :/
You can do this, Reid gave himself a pep talk as he stood outside Luke's hotel room door, a tray of coffee in his hands.
He had spent the entire night wide awake and achingly hard, unable to stop thinking about Luke's pouty, kissable lips, his broad shoulders and his killer butt. His big hands and big feet - it didn't take a genius to know what that translated to - and maybe, just maybe, a broad chest adorned with curly golden hairs...wouldn't that be the icing on the cake?
The cold shower he had taken to try and kill his hard-on had eventually turned into a hot one as he'd given in and jerked-off multiple times to the thought of Luke wet and naked in the shower with him.
A man could dream after all.
Reid shook his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts. It was a miracle there were any fluids left in his entire body after his efforts last night. He had to separate reality from fantasy if he was going to get through an entire day with Luke.
Taking a deep breath he lifted his hand and knocked on the door.
"Just a minute," he heard Luke call out and braced himself for the sight of the subject of his most recent fantasies.
The door flew open and there he was. Topless. Out of breath. A towel wrapped loosely around his waist, another hanging from his hands. Biceps bulging as he leant against the doorframe. His chest even broader than Reid had imagined, and YES, covered by a thatch of curly golden chest hairs. Skin still slightly damp. Reid drank in the sight before him, eyes roaming over Luke's chest and slowly following the line of his neck and across to his lips - lingering there a little, perhaps - before finally meeting his eyes.
"Oh." Luke's lips formed a perfect pout. "You're not...umm...room service."
"You're not...umm...dressed," Reid snarked back and fought the urge to protest when Luke placed the towel he was holding over his shoulders, hiding that glorious chest from view. "I knew you'd take forever to get ready. Here," he held out a cup of coffee, "maybe this will help get your butt in gear."
"Thanks," Luke said, "just give me a minute," and turned and hurried towards the bathroom. Reid enjoyed the retreating view of his butt, the towel clinging perilously to his hips. A little bit looser and he might even get a nice glimpse of-
OH FUCK ME, Reid's brain screamed as Luke tossed the towel aside, he's dropped the towel, the towel is gone, the towel has officially left the building-.
The bathroom door clicked shut, snapping Reid out of his reverie and he looked down and noticed his cock tenting the front of his pants. "Oh fuck," he muttered to himself and slumped down on the main sofa. "Down boy."