Fifth Anniversary LuRe Rewatch: April 22nd

Apr 22, 2015 00:01

Is everyone excited?! This is it, this is when Reid finally stops dancing around Luke and goes in for the kill!

So, at this time, LuRe have been stuck in Dallas...a week? For us it's been a week but soap time is so ridiculously wonky that only a day or two could have passed. That said, Reid is hanging out with Luke in his hotel room (not thinking about sex) and Luke's pawning off The Snyder Foundation's Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence ceremony to his mother. Lily is in a dither because of...something. Do we care? Absolutely not. What we do care about is this awesome exchange.

"Sure you don't want to talk to mommy some more?"

(Luke gives a decent bitch!face) "That was business."

"Only the pretentious do business in tuxedos, Mr. Snyder." (hee!)

"Well, then you must own several." (heh. good one, Luke.)

"Don't let me keep you from your appointed rounds. If there's flesh to be pressed, by all means, go forth and fundraise." (spending all this time together, Reid finds it difficult to think of anything else than Luke's flesh pressing against his...all hot and sweaty and sticky...)

That, right there, is foreplay. And Luke may not be at a place where he's willing to admit it, but he LOVES every minute of it.

Anyway, Luke needs to get out of that hotel room to disperse the sexual tension and tells Reid that they're going out. He tries to pump Reid on his social background in Dallas and is incredulous to find out Reid's kind of a square.

But then the adorable happens.

"I went bowling once. I was nine years old." Reid may be a raging asshole at times but I think he's the most precious asshole EVER!

I, like Luke, gets a little dopey faced at that admission. But then Luke sort of gets mocky "No friends, no fun, no life. You, Dr. Oliver, are a sad sad man." Personally, I was slightly affronted on Reid's behalf, but Reid takes the ribbing more graciously than I would.

Commercial break and we're back at Luke not being able to let. it. go. And Reid throws Luke's endless supply of cash and free time back at him and Luke, bless him, doesn't rise to the bait. Because Luke doesn't respond Reid begins to stress over the medical board's decision and we get some epic breathing from ESS.

Quick aside: Eric loves to breathe. Granted, we all do, but ESS has a habit of sucking air. I'm not saying it's a good/bad thing, but It's something that once I notice I can't help but note it from then on. ESS hand twitching is another example.

While Reid's babbling, Luke's tapping on his tiny phone ignoring him which leads Reid to belt out, "Hey, Snyder!" I don't know why I find it so endearing, but I do. <3

Luke feigns disinterest, which is also kind of adorable, and tells Reid they're going out.

Reid thinks they're going to a gay bar because he's gay, Luke's gay, and why are they not having gay sex at that very moment?! There's a gay bed right THERE! Sorry, Reid's been a little preoccupied ever since Luke flung off his towel.

Cut scene to them walking into a bar with their bodies bracketing a mechanical bull. I, simultaneously, die inside of embarrassment and squee audibly in delight. Reid, like me, is horrified and Luke, like me, is into it and lets out a, "Yippee ki yay," and, because of an obscure American law, I add the, 'motherfucker,' for him.

Reid tells Luke that, "This isn't exactly my kind of place," and, "...I'm not sure how welcomed we are here." It's the last line that makes me sad and wonder if part of the reason Reid keeps to himself is because of the amount of homophobia/bigotry he deals with on a daily basis. It doesn't quite compute with the the never hide/never apologize speech he gave Luke in Oakdale, but then the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

Luke, though, doesn't seemed phased and "jokes" about them making out.

Reid's uncomfortable because all he wants to do is make out with Luke and changes the subject to...Jesus, I don't know if I can do this...{sigh} to a stereotypical "cowboy" having the GREATEST time riding the SLOWEST mechanical bull. All I can do is laugh and then become distracted by Reid's jaw and him saying things like, "...bodies thrown around...," and "...pleasure center..."

Luke, a man on a mission, disappears and not even Reid can distract me from wanting to curl into a ball of anxiety inducing embarrassment on Luke's behalf. Luke jumps onto the mechanical bull and I'm forced to witness less than ten seconds of awkwardness. YMMV, but nothing about it is sexy. The word that has always pops to mind is, goober. Luke looks like a goober. To Luke's credit, he did something that Reid and I would never have the guts to do on our own, and judging by his smile, he’s pwned us all because he had fun trying something new.

Here's the thing and, again ymmv, but I believe Reid's attraction to Luke was purely carnal in the beginning. Basically, he wanted to fuck Luke's brains out. But over time these little nuggets of Luke-inness have been slowly chipping away at Reid. His dedication to Noah, to his family, his ability to stand up to Reid and his generosity are traits that intrigue and enthrall Reid. And you can SEE the respect Reid has for Luke grow when Luke gets on that bull. Is it love yet? I don’t know, but the feelings Reid has for Luke are evolving and, we’ll see later, he has no clue what to do with them.

Luke comes back all smiles and goads Reid into giving it a go himself. It’s all oddly kind of beautiful because Luke is able to challenge Reid into going outside his comfort zone. They challenge each other for the better. One’s weakness is the others strength and because of it they become better people. It’s an aspect that’s lacking in the NuKe relationship and what’s kept their relationship in a kind of arrested development (they’ve made a huge mistake)

Not to be outdone by Luke, Reid takes off his jacket and strides over to the mechanical bull. I cover my eyes with my hands and take a peek between my fingers’s not as awkward as I expected. It’s actually legitimately hot. My brain’s confused so I watch it again- multiple times- and it’s still hot. The way Reid slings his leg over the bull, the slight nod, the ‘here you go,’ hand gesture, the way his hips move while keeping his upper body relatively steady in the beginning, his smile...guh. I wasn’t expecting it, but Luke and I sure as shit appreciate it. Luke smile is so broad I’m afraid his face might break and then...we get a cockblock.

Reid slides off the bull and he is GIDDY, he wants to play some more and it’s stunning to see. Unfortunately, Luke has to hand him his phone and tell him he missed THE call and all the levity is gone.

Back in Luke’s hotel room it’s somber but still stunning. Reid’s worried about the verdict but Luke’s supportive and encouraging.

“What if they tell me I can’t practice medicine anymore?”
“Well, we keep fighting.”

They are physically close, and this may be the first time they’ve been this close without an underlying level of hostility. Reid also allows himself to be vulnerable. Luke’s not demanding answers like at the Lilypad about Annie Judd, they’re not trapped in an elevator, there’s no prodding or pushing for an emotional reaction. I’m paraphrasing, but Reid tells Luke he’s scared and Luke tells him that that’s okay, that Reid will be okay. Luke ends with the urban cowboy joke, which is so sweet, and it disperses enough of Reid’s fear that he finally makes the call.

Luke listens to Reid’s side of the phone call and it’s all high tension (except not, because with less than five months left, we need to move this shit along,) until Reid grabs Luke’s face with both hands and plants a hard kiss to Luke’s lips. It’s not exactly sexy, but it’s such a relief that it finally happened that I do not care. It’s like I had been holding my breath since the show confirmed Reid was gay and this kiss allowed me to breathe again.

Reid releases Luke and starts to excitedly babble about going back to work. Luke, that poor sweet thing, is totally flummoxed. His face through the entire scene is priceless! Reid’s talking about work and not the kiss and Luke calls him on it. Luke starts to logic the whole thing out...

“...and, and that’s okay. It’s nothing to be embarrassed by. I’m mean you’re excited, you just got some really good news, but I think it would be kind of weird if we pretended it didn’t happen.”

Luke is processing and trying to explain Reid’s actions to himself. It’s obvious Reid isn’t embarrassed that he kissed Luke. Wary of Luke’s reaction to it? Hell yes, and I think the fact that Luke’s reaction wasn’t over the top or horrified boosts Reid’s confidence just that extra little bit to finally tell the truth.

“I know what I did. It had nothing to do with the phone call. I wanted to kiss you. I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time,.......................................................................................................Luke.”

Bwhahaha! The extra long pause kills me. To me it’s cheesy as hell, but who cares? Boom goes the dynamite, Reid’s dropped the mic and it is game on!

Points to consider and/or discuss:
  *What the hell happened between leaving Dallas and arriving back at Katie's?
  *Were you consumed with as much embarrassment as I was during the bull riding?
  *What did they do between the 15th and 22nd?
  *Who are Reid’s “friends” and did they work the entire time he was in Dallas?
  *Point out all of those lovely oddities in that cowboy bar.
  *We all interpret things differently, so what’s your take on the episode.

The episode.

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Let's slow down that kiss...

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Reid riding the mechanical bull. Is that a stethoscope in you pocket, Dr Oliver?

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*Gif's and beta curtosy of moerlin

luke/reid, 2015 rewatch

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