It's the February Fic(let)-a-thon!

Feb 03, 2015 19:37

You guys, this was so much fun the three times this challenge has happened before ( December 2011, December 2012, February 2014), so we're giving it another whirl even if it is a couple days late. We welcome you to...

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ficlet-a-thon, drabble prompt meme, fan fiction

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Fill: Terrible present(s) flowersforchuck February 9 2015, 03:17:57 UTC
Reid critically eyed both boxes. They were roughly the same size and shape, so he picked one up and gave it a shake. He repeated the shaking with the second box but, obstinately, they produced the same sound.

"Reid, Ethan's waiting," Luke said in a tone strained with faux patience.

Reid sucked in air between his teeth and randomly grabbed a box and turned to the kid, who was actually waiting patiently. "Here you go, buddy. Happy Valentine’s Day."

Giving his siblings small trinkets was a weird tradition of Luke’s. Reid’s participation in the rituals of Valentine's Day was non-existent before meeting Luke, but he always thought it was based on romantic love rather than a free-for-all, but that was consumerism for you.


Reid cringed while the kids opened their gifts. Faith’s package was long and flat. Luke bought her a silk scarf from a boutique she liked the last time he was in New York. Natalie, recently obsessed with riding, got a pair of gold horseshoe earrings, so her giftbox was small and square. Finally, Ethan was to receive a yo-yo. The kid saw a video of a guy doing all kinds of tricks and Ethan had been practicing on a plastic yo-yo ever since. Luke wanted to reward his diligence and bought his brother a higher quality yo-yo. $50 worth of quality (an obscene price if anyone were to ask Reid, which no one did.).

Now the gift giving for the kids was Luke’s thing and Reid was more than happy to let him do it without ever giving it a second thought, only this year, because of circumstances Reid had already forgotten, Luke left the wrapping of these tokens of sibling love to Reid.

Precision was a word that came to mind if asked about Reid’s wrapping abilities, but creativity was not, and because of that all four of the gifts were wrapped in the same exact paper. FOUR gifts because, while Reid might not like or agree with the societal pressures that accompany Valentine's Day, the fact was...Luke. Luke had never outright said he expected a gift, but the implication still hovered around like a floating turtle with flatulence - and a farting turtle was something Reid couldn’t ignore. So, Reid bought Luke a gift. A gift that they could both enjoy. A gift that went into the exact same sized box that Ethan’s yo-yo went into.

Ethan’s face scrunched up in confusion and his head listed to the side when he asked, “What’s this?”

Reid really should have put names on the boxes.

“It’s a yo-yo. Don’t you like it?” Luke asked with concern.

“This isn’t a yo-yo,” Ethan said as he pulled out what looked like a miniature bracelet. Ethan put the box down and stretched the black silicone, straining the material between the molded beads. “There’s, like, four more in there. How am I supposed to get this on my wrist?”

Luke looked just as confused as Ethan and Reid was already scrambling behind him to get the other box. “That’s not what I bought,” Luke said, and then realization dawned on him. “Reid!”

“My fault,” Reid confessed, “my fault! Here,” he said and pushed Ethan’s actual gift into the kid’s hands and pulled the cock ring he bought Luke from it.

Slightly stunned, Ethan asked, “But what was that?”

“It’s a...scrunchy,” Reid replied, lost for any other explanation.

Ethan took the lie at face value and was already gazing, enamored, at the overpriced toy Luke got him. Luke, on the other hand, was visibly pissed, but Reid hazarded to ask anyway, “We won’t be doing each other’s hair tonight, will we?”

“I’ll be doing my own hair, thank you,” Luke said acerbically, taking the box of cock rings from Reid. He then placed a hand on Ethan’s shoulder and guided him over to their sisters, leaving Reid behind.

It stung, but Reid wasn’t ready to give up all hope just yet. Mixing up gifts was an honest mistake and once Luke cooled off he’d understand that. And even if he didn’t, well, past experiences of Reid mucking up did mean no playing, but Luke had always let him watch. Knowing and anticipating that, Reid joined the siblings with a smile on his face.

Thnx to moerlin for the beta <3


RE: Fill: Terrible present(s) moerlin February 9 2015, 23:30:19 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

Still snickering at "I'll be doing my own hair, thank you" :D :D :D

Thanks so much for filling this prompt!


RE: Fill: Terrible present(s) kccalgal February 10 2015, 00:54:48 UTC
Details details! One would think with such different presents Reid's brilliant mind would think to label them lol. At least his brilliant mind came up with a quick fib. Luke's reply was priceless. Great fic!!!!!


RE: Fill: Terrible present(s) cindergal February 10 2015, 04:22:39 UTC
Hee! A scrunchy. Hopefully Luke will only make him suffer a little, ;-)


RE: Fill: Terrible present(s) hilja83 February 13 2015, 21:32:26 UTC
Loved it could not help laughing out loud.


RE: Fill: Terrible present(s) amyafa February 15 2015, 21:26:31 UTC
Smart thinking with the scrunchies. I think Ethan will not give the wrong gift another thought.

Romantic.... Nope. But the good doc does try.


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