Fic: There Is No Knock At The Door (Wanna Play Doctor?)

Jan 25, 2015 01:03

Title: There Is No Knock At The Door (Wanna Play Doctor?)
Author: hugocabret
Paring: Reid/Luke
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,113
Summary: “I know you’re only a nurse, but you wanna play doctor?”
Author's Note: Hi *waves*. I was just thinking about LuRe the other day, so I popped my head in here and I saw that there was a rewatch going on, so then I went on YT and watched a couple of scenes and then all of a sudden I wanted to write a story I just never got around to writing. It's one of my favorite scenes in their whole love story, but of course, I had to put my twist on it. TPTB always interrupted them, so I put a squash to that. It's been awhile since I've written anything so any/all mistakes are mine! Miss you all and please enjoy! :D

“Okay, what do you want me to do?” Reid asked, slightly annoyed.

“How about we start with hospital ediquette. I’ll be playing the part of a nurse,” Luke said as he removed the stethoscope from around his neck, wrapping it around Reid’s, “and you just be your terrible self. Alright?”

Luke reached towards the table and grabbed a stack of folders. Clearly his throat, he prepared himself for his role as nurse.

“Dr. Oliver, I have a question about some of these orders.”

“Can’t you read?” Reid asked, looking and feeling annoyed.

“Do you have to be so insulting?” Luke asked with a pout.

“If you have to be a nurse, do you have to be a stupid nurse?”

Luke smirked, before reviving his role as stupid nurse. Reid paced the room, pinching the bridge of his nose. This was starting to be a very dumb idea.

“Okay, let’s try this again, Dr. Olive I have…” Luke started before Reid cut him off.

“If it’s on the chart it’s what I meant, don’t waste my time.” Reid retorted.

“Ehhhhh. Wrong answer.” Luke said, knocking the folders into Reid’s chest. “Reid.” Luke said, giving him is ‘come on’ eyes. He needed to nail this if he was ever going to be Chief of Staff.

“Okay, uh, let’s try this again.” Reid said rubbing his eyes. He was never going to nail this, it just wasn’t who he was.

Luke approached him, papers in hand. “Dr. Oliver, I have a question about some of these orders.”

This was ridiculous.

He can’t concentrate under the circumstances.

“You know, you’re kinda hot.” He watched as Luke blushed and shook a smile off his face. He kept going, he loved seeing Luke like this. “I know you’re only a nurse, but you wanna play doctor?”

Luke couldn’t shake the crimson spreading across his face. It was remarkable that this was the same Dr. Oliver that he had only met a couple of months ago.

“You’re flirting with the nurse.”

“It’s better than yelling at them.”

Luke could agree with that. He had been on the meaner side of Reid before.

“Rule number one, don’t yell at the nurse. And rule number two, don’t flirt with the nurse, because they flight back.” Luke said inching closer to his doctor, his eyes flirtatious, “And yes, I do wanna play, doctor.”

Reid grabbed the back of Luke’s head guiding their lips together. This kid made him so freakishly happy that he honestly couldn’t hold back. So instead of working to try and get this job, which he desperately needed to do, he was going to play with his boyfriend, which he also, desperately needed to do.

Reid let Luke pull away, breaking the kiss, and allowing them both to catch their breath. This was still so new to both of them that they became intoxicated with each other every time they kissed. All of Luke’s encouragement was starting to become close to unbearable.

“What did you have in mind?” Reid asked, cocking an eyebrow while scanning Luke’s body. He was dying to get this boy alone and it finally felt like he may have a chance. It was terrifying that somehow Luke was able to have this insane control over him. Terrifying, yet exhilarating, as he had truly never felt this away about anybody before. Never in his life did he ever imagine that he would be here. In the middle of nowhere, fighting for a job at a hospital he didn't want to be at, yet completely in love.

“Oh, I have a few ideas, or fifty.” Luke said with his signature devilish grin. “You’ll just have to follow me this way doctor.”

Oh yes, Reid definitely liked where this was going.

Luke didn’t feel nervous as he led Reid upstairs. When he had promised Reid encouragement, he didn’t realize that it would also take a toll on himself. All the teasing he had been doing to Reid had ultimately started to have an effect on him as well and this was an opportune time as any.

Plus, he absolutely loved when Reid was playful. It was a side that he knew was reserved only for him to see and now he wanted to exploit it to it’s full potential.

Without missing a beat, Reid spoke, as he followed Luke up the stairs.

“Surprisingly, I’ve never been to this part of the hospital before.”

“Few have.” Luke said, turning around to flash Reid a wicked grin. “In fact, no one has.” He finished off, realizing that he had been with Noah here. That relaxed him, knowing that this would be special for them.

“That’s good to know.” Reid said, locking the rest of his thoughts out, he didn’t need to get in trouble with his big mouth before they even got started.

“Should we see what’s behind this door, doctor?”

“I think we should.”

Luke pushed the door open to his childhood bedroom, which, unfortunately hadn’t changed that much since he lived here. There were still photos on the dresser of him and his friend in middle school and high school, as well as a mix of family photos. His bed was still in the same spot, with the same bedspread he always had. It was like he had never left.

And if his 16 year old self probably never guessed what was about to happen in this room.

“Ahhh, the secret room. I thought I had been banished from here.” Reid said, as he looked around the room. It was exactly how he had pictured what Luke’s bedroom would look like in his mothers house. Nothing out of place, everything exactly where it should be.

Except them. They should already be in that bed.

“It’s for nurses only.” Luke said, turning around to finally look back at Reid. Reid couldn’t help but hold back a smile as he noticed that the lust in Luke’s eyes had increased from when they were downstairs.

“Is it now?” Reid said stepping closer to Luke. He wanted so badly to run his hands down the front of Luke’s low cut v-neck, but he restrained himself.

“I’m willing to make an exception for you doctor.” Luke said, his lips glistening as he subconsciously and slowly licked his bottom lip.

God, could they be moving any slower?

“I was thinking I could give you a very thorough exam.” Luke said as he had to get the ball moving, “So I think it would be best if you stripped out of your clothes. Now.”

“You’re bedside manner could use some work.” Reid said as he started to slowly unbutton his shirt.

“Oh, I think you’ll like my bedside manner, doctor.” Luke said as he watched Reid’s gorgeous hands unpop each button.

Reid couldn’t help but smirk at Luke’s response as he finally got the last button undone. He took his shirt off, throwing it at Luke, who caught it, before discarding it on the floor. God he was so turned on.

“Pants please.”

“A please does wonders.” Reid said as he unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them slowly down. He was surprised as how quickly Luke was able to undress him. He loved that Luke was hungry. Once out of his jeans, he kicked them to side.

He waited, as Luke took him all in. It was exciting just watching Luke look at him, in just his boxer-briefs, not saying anything. He loved watching Luke’s eyes, they always said so much, even when he wasn’t saying anything. It was his eyes that made being with Luke easy. They both knew they didn’t have to talk to convey what they wanted.

And right now, Reid could clearly see that Luke wanted him.

“See, you are learning something already. Okay, now sit on the bed.” Luke said, motioning towards the bed. “And let me begin my thorough examination.”

Reid sat on the edge of the bed and waited. Luke couldn’t keep his eyes off him.

“Okay, I’m going to try a new technique for this exam.” Luke said as he continued to admire Reid’s body. He was entranced with how beautiful Reid was, and he honestly couldn’t believe that he was here with a man this perfect. He knew he was lucky that Reid liked him just as much.

“Maybe I’ll learn a thing or two.” Reid said as he was becoming increasingly impatient with their lack of contact.

Luke laughed.

This was fun.

Much more fun that if they had continued playing what their role playing game downstairs, where his next move was to practice being an orderly. Granted, they probably still would have made their way upstairs, eventually.

“I’m going to check your pulse…for any signs of life.” Luke said, trying not to laugh. He came in close to Reid and kissed the side of his neck, right where Reid’s jugular was. He kept his mouth there, kissing along his neck, pausing on areas of skin, leaving a wet trail in his wake.

Reid closed his eyes, allowing Luke to kiss along his neck. He loved how hot Luke’s mouth felt on him and he was eagerly anticipating what was coming next.

“You have a healthy pulse.” Luke stated, finally came up for air. “Okay, next, I’m going to check your heart.”

Luke rubbed his hands together, warming them up. “This could feel cold.”

“Where do these lines come from? The movies? And it’s usually not your hands that are cold.” Reid asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Shut up Reid.” Luke said with a look that pretty much said ‘don’t ruin this!’

“Alright, it’s your examination.” Reid said, resting back on his hands. He watched as Luke blew into his hands, rubbing them one more time before placing one directly over Reid’s heart. “I don’t feel anything.”

“Hmm, maybe you should try to increase it.”

“That’s a good idea.” Luke said as he removed his hand from Reid’s chest. “Let me see if this works.” He tugged at the bottom of his own shirt, pulling it off over his head and tossing it off to the side.

Reid shifted on the bed. It was definitely working.

Luke loved watching Reid look at him. He loved that this was reserved for him and only him. He loved that he had this effect on the doctor.

“Let’s see” Luke said moving back towards Reid, “I think I need to a closer look.” He maneuvered his body so he was straddling Reid’s lap, pushing his body into the doctors. He blew into his hands and rubbed them again, in which Reid laughed again. “Oh yes, your heart is racing now.”

Reid just nodded his head. It was driving him crazy that Luke was moving so slow. He needed this “exam” over, stat.

“You’re a very good doctor.” Reid said, his breath heavy with desire.

“I know, I’m the best.” Luke said with a smile, staring into Reid’s delicious blue eyes. God, he was killing himself with this game as well. He felt like he could explode at any minute and all he was doing was losing himself into his boyfriends eyes.

So Luke did the only reasonable thing he could thing of, he leaned in and kissed Reid.

Reid shifted back up, trying to support the both of them. Luke had his hands griping both sides of his face, deepening the kiss, and god did it feel amazing. He loved how Luke kissed him. It was always a mix of force and want, lust and need, hope and forever.

It was breathtaking, literally.

Luke finally pulled away, his lips red and starting to become tender. He licked them, again, subconsciously, tasting Reid all over him.

“Okay, okay.” Luke said as he removed himself from Reid’s lap. He was impressed by what he could feel and now see and god, he more than ready to keep this going.

“I don’t here, do you…” Luke started and Reid knew instantly what he was looking for.

“Go into my pants pocket and I have one in my wallet.”

“Seriously? That’s so old school.” Luke said with a laugh as he followed Reid’s orders.

“Well, I never knew when you wouldn’t be able to resist me any longer, so I just tried to be prepared.”

“That is very true.” Luke said, as he opened up Reid’s wallet, pulling a condom out. “And I want you to know, I prepared myself too.”

“Fuck.” Was the only response Reid could muster. That could easily go down as one of the hottest things anybody had ever said to him. And to say it so nonchalantly plus the fact that it came from his angelic, or so he thought, boyfriend, Reid could have lost it right there. It was official; this kid was going to drive him crazy.

Luke laughed. It was true. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold off much longer, and he knew what it was like the first time and he didn’t want it to be the way with Reid. He wanted it to be perfect the first time and so far it was.

“Here.” Luke said handing the condom to Reid as he leaned him to kiss him. He pulled away and Reid still hadn’t said anything since his slipped obscenities.

“Have I rendered you speechless, Dr. Oliver?” Luke said, his smile as wide as it could possibly be. This was now even better than he imagined it would be.

“You’re.” Reid stopped. He tore the wrapper open with his teeth. He could see that Luke was hanging on his next word. “You’re over dressed, Mr. Synder.”

“Yes sir.” Luke said, needing to get the stress that was on his cock from his jeans taken care of. He quickly discarded them, again throwing them off to the side with the rest of their clothes. He was about to push his boxers down when Reid stopped him.

“I want the honors.” Reid said, grabbing towards Luke. Luke obliged, stepping closer to Reid. Reid dropped the torn wrapper onto the bed, needing both hands. He gripped the side of Luke’s boxers and pushed them down, watching as Luke’s cock sprung out. He pulled Luke forward, kissing the area just below his bellybutton, taking in all the new areas of Luke that he had never seen before.

Luke tilted his head back as he let Reid kiss all along his body. He felt as Reid’s fingers crawled along his ass, closer and closer towards his hole. He felt the disappearance of one of Reid’s hands as well as Reid’s mouth, but soon were both replaced back on his body.

The fingers that Reid has quickly coated in saliva started to trace circled around his entrance. The heat of his own body was unbearable against the coolness of Reid’s fingers as it slowly teased him. Luke had a fleeting thought that Reid was trying to kill him, payback for all the encouragement over the past few weeks that led nowhere.

Luke gasped as Reid finally slipped a finger in, just barely pushing in past his knuckle. The mixture of Reid’s mouth on his body as he slowly continued to push inside him had Luke’s eyes rolling into the back of his head. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to stand as he knees were becoming increasingly weaker.

“Reid” Luke pushed off his lips. It felt strained as he tried to control the rest of his body.

Reid knew that Luke could hold on a little longer, so he slowly pulled out, before slowly pushing two fingers in. He felt Luke’s body jolt as he easily twisted his fingers insides of him.

“Oh my god, please, Reid, I can’t stand much longer.” Luke barely got out. But Reid didn’t let up as he could feel Luke’s body pushing against his fingers, silently begging for more.

Reid, although reluctantly, stopped kissing Luke’s body and slowly removed his fingers.

Without missing a beat, Luke almost immediately dropped to his knees in front of Reid.

“If what comes next was anything like that…I” Luke couldn’t even finish his thought. He just looked up at Reid, and Reid lifted his hips allowing Luke to grab a hold of the top of his boxer-briefs, pulling them down, finally releasing his own cock.

Reid fought back making a remark, but it was Luke’s turn to now be speechless as he watched Luke hungrily lick his lips. Luke finally reached forward, making contact with his aching cock for the firs time all night. Reid tilted his head back, just the touch of Luke on him had him feeling dreamy.

Luke started to slowly stroke, up and down, working Reid’s cock into a deeper state of want. He loved watching Reid in this state of ecstasy, mirroring his own from just a few moments ago. He leaned forward, replacing his hand with his mouth, and he felt Reid instinctively reach forward with one of his hands to put his hand behind his head. Not in a demanding way, more in a guiding way, and either way, Luke didn’t care because he loved the feeling of Reid’s fingers locked within his hair.

Luke continued to please Reid, using his free hand to stroke what his mouth couldn’t reach. He was becoming increasingly excited for what was the come next that had him aching all around, his body already missing Reid inside him.

Reid was caught in a state of pure bliss. He wanted to give majority of the credit to the fact that it had been awhile but he knew that it was more than that. That this was more than that.

Luke finally pulled himself off Reid. Granted, he would have been perfectly happy sucking him off all day, but his body needed to feel full again and he wanted it to be Reid.

Reid was pulled out of his state with Luke kissing him harshly on the lips. He could feel Luke’s erection against his own and they were both on the brink.

“Here” Luke said, handing Reid back the already opened condom wrapper. Reid followed the thought process, and pulled it out, slowly rolling it onto himself. Once on, Reid pushed himself forward, sealing their lips together. He maneuvered Luke, before easily flipping the blonde onto his back. The kiss broke for only a millisecond before they were reconnected. He could hear Luke moan into his mouth as they laid there, making out, shifting to get into proper position.

“Do you…?” Reid asked, knowing it was Luke’s childhood bedroom.

“Actual, I do. In my nightstand.” Luke said, his arm only lazily being able to point in the direction.

Reid wasn’t surprised as he moved up on the bed and open the drawer to see a half used bottle of lube. He pulled it out, quickly uncapping the bottle and squeezing some onto his hands. He tossed it on the floor with the rest of their belongings and moved back down to Luke who was still anchored near the end of the bed. He coated himself and used the remainder to gently coat the rim of Luke’s body.

“I want to face you.” Reid said as he leaned down to kiss Luke, who just nodded in agreement. Reid shifted and positioned, grabbing Luke’s legs and bringing them up around his shoulders. “Ready?”

Luke nodded. He was so lost in the moment that he could barely get any words out. This felt like a fantasy and he couldn’t be any happier than how he felt at this current moment. He was going to be with the man that he was falling in love with.

Luke’s head fell back as Reid slowly pushed inside of him. His mouth quickly opened as he let out a silent moan. The heat felt like an explosion and he already knew he would be chasing that feeling for a long time.

Reid pushed further into Luke, watching as Luke gasped for a breath. It was one of the hottest things he had ever seen and he wanted to see it again and again. So he pulled out and repeated, watching as Luke’s body rose and fell with each continuous motion.

Reid quickly established a pace and leaned forward to finally connect their lips. Luke hungrily kissed him back, every so often breaking it to get more air. Both were beginning to get caught up in the spellbinding feeling of being with each other.

“God, Reid.” Luke started to get out, before connecting their lips together again. Reid could feel Luke’s body respond as he continued to push further and further inside of him and Luke would let out little moans of appreciation.

“Feels...” Luke was only able to get out, before losing himself in the amazing feeling of Reid’s body. He wanted to tell Reid how perfect he felt but every time he tried to get the words out his body would lose control in to the feelings.

Reid was not surprised as how sexy Luke looked beneath him. Their faces were inches apart when not connected and the subtle movements on Luke’s face, mixed with his audible and inaudible noises he was making, made him wonder how both of them even lasted this long without doing this.

Luke could feel his body start to tense up and that is when Reid started to slow down but push deeper inside of him. For the second time that day, Luke had the fleeting thought that Reid was trying to kill him because everything felt so good.

Reid slowly started to pull out and then slowly push back in, increasing the limits of where he went last time. Each time he did that, he watched as Luke’s mouth became agape and his eyes, which were already barely open, would start to roll. He could feel Luke’s body tighten up around him and he could tell that Luke was dangerously close.

Reid pushed as far as he had gone and connected their lips, holding them both there. Luke tried his best to kiss back but he knew he was doing a terrible job. He could barely keep his hands on Reid’s sides as it was becoming harder and harder to maintain control of his whole body. He knew that something would have to give soon.

As Reid again pulled slowly out, he broke the kiss allowing them both time to breathe, but again, as he drove back into Luke, their lips were once again connected and Reid was trying his best to maintain the pleasure they were both severely deep in.

Reid continued to repeat the slow movement, over and over again, and he could feel that Luke was about to unwind. Both were on the cusp of bursting and it would only be a matter of a time before one of them broke.

“Reid.” Luke begged “I, this, this feels amazing. You.” He could barely finish his thought.

Reid took the cue and started to increase the pace just slightly. The tightness of Luke’s body around him was going to throw him over the edge, as with each deliberate thrust, he could feel Luke’s body respond, and he knew he didn’t have much longer.

Reid maneuvered his arms so that he could free a hand and he reached down and finally addressed Luke’s aching cock. It was heavy in his hand as he was able to move up and down the length in conjunction with his own movement inside of Luke.

“Reid, this feels…” Was all Luke could get out, as he connected their lips, just at the moment that he came. Reid could feel the energy leaving Luke’s body through his lips as he sank further into the bed, pulling him down with him. Luke tightened up around him and it only took a push or two more before he was also coming.

Reid collapsed on top of Luke, their lips trying to find each other as they rode out the sensation of being together.

They were messy and sweaty and when Luke finally was able to open his eyes again and see Reid, both were met with identical grins of sheer satisfaction.

“That was…pretty incredible.” Reid stated as he rolled slightly off Luke into a more comfortable position next to him on the bed.

“Worth it.” Was all Luke was able to get out.

“Yes it was.” Reid said, pulling Luke closer to give him a kiss.

“Just promise me one thing.” Luke said between breathless kisses.

“What’s that?”

“Please don’t flirt with any of the nurses.”

“Don’t worry, you’re the only one I want to play nice with.” Reid said with a smirk.

“I’ll take it.” Luke said, closing the space between their lips on last time.

luke/reid, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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