Title: Burning Bridges
Author: sajaal
Rating: pg13 - R (You guys know what I’m like)
Characters: Luke, Reid, Casey, reference to other Oakdalian’s including my favourite; Noah and you know me some new characters, Raj Suthar, Dominick Chadworth III, just because I can.
Disclaimers’: I don’t own any of them and I mean no harm, I just like to write stories about them.
Summary: Luke meets Reid at a conference in Amsterdam and they share a wonderful night together with a promise of more. Unfortunately communication isn’t their strong suit and a misinterpretation of a situation sends Luke into a tailspin and he decides that the Happily-Ever-After is not for him but sex with whomever he wants is. Reid meets up with Luke again in New York and the young naïve man he met has been replaced with this suave playboy who only is out for one thing with no commitments…but Reid doesn’t want that he wants the young man from Amsterdam.l
A/N: Thanks everyone as always for spending time reading my story and for those who read and comment...you know who you are...and you're the best honestly, keeping me going and giving me that boost to finish. There is an epilogue coming since there is a few loose ends to tie up after this chapter and you will all understand when you read it. Once again thanks all of you:-))