Fic: Waking Up - [Part Three.]

Aug 14, 2014 13:59

Title: Waking Up
Author: Lyrical12
Pairing: Luke and Reid
Rating: PG-13, may change
Disclaimer: Not Mine
Warnings: Angst, violence/injuries/medical descriptions
Summary: FIX-IT FIC. A man wakes up in London with no memory. Who is he? How did he get there? He knows only one thing - He doesn't kill people. He saves them.

[Part One.] | [Part Two.]

[Part Three.]

In May, a grieving father in Dallas makes a phone call.


Nearly a year later, a patient by the name of Jason du Lac is officially admitted to the London Royal Hospital for a long-term stay in the psychiatric ward.


A few weeks before that, a wedding is held in Oakdale.


Luke Snyder wanted to like weddings. He really did. There was, however, a long and unfortunate history of weddings in Oakdale not ending well - and, quite personally, he'd had enough of them. This wasn't one of those weddings, he knew that, but that didn't make it any less hard to sit in the pews and watch Katie and Chris get married without Reid by his side. In the months since Reid's passing, the ache had faded some, but occasions like this brought it back to its full strength, a roaring pain that gnawed at his insides and left him empty from the loss. Reid should be sitting beside him, and Luke could just hear him - he'd be muttering snide remarks under his breath at the people of Oakdale gathered for the wedding, but anyone who looked closely would see the softness in his eyes, the tangible affection, as he looked at Katie. Luke's pain eased a bit at that image. Reid would be happy today. He would have to try to be, too.

The reception was hardly easier. Luke stayed quiet, subdued in the face of the revelry and the open bar. That was another challenge of weddings - and he had never been so tempted to drink as he had been since losing Reid. But there was always a voice in his head, reminding him to take care of that kidney. There were imagined fingers, tracing along his transplant scar. And so he forced down the urge, over and over again.

He focused instead on the people around him, the people here who had loved Reid too. Reid would've been proud of how how many words Jacob could say now, and of how quiet he'd stayed during the ceremony. He would be uncomfortable, but secretly pleased, as the father of the groom marched him around, introducing him as his new chief of staff and visionary behind Memorial's neuro wing. He would share a dance with the bride, and maybe even with Luke without too much grumbling.

But try as he might, it was difficult to force down the resentment that threatened to surface. As the toasts began, and Chris stood up to speak, his smug, smiling face was a stark reminder that this man's idiocy had cost Luke and Reid their own happiness. The man was stubborn and selfish, and hardly deserving of the heart that beat in his chest. But Katie loved him, so Luke smiled around the bitterness and applauded with everyone else as Chris toasted his new wife.

Chris' smug smile soon changed, however, into something far more somber. He raised his glass again. “Many of you knew Reid Oliver.” There was a murmur from the crowd, and Luke caught several glances thrown his way. He shifted in his seat, not sure he was ready to hear this. “He was my colleague. My competition. And a major pain in my ass.”

There were a few uneasy chuckles, but Luke grinned. Reid would have liked the honesty. “He's also the only reason I'm standing here today, alive and healthy and married to the woman I love. Reid - sorry, Tom - but Reid is the true best man today. To Reid Oliver,” he concluded, and raised his glass.

“To Reid,” Luke echoed along with the rest of the guests, and took a sip of his sparkling cider. His eyes were stinging.

Katie's speech began much the same, as she tearily toasted the love she'd found with Chris. But her tears started coming in earnest as she recalled Chris' words. “My husband said that Reid is the only reason he's standing here today, and that's true. He's also the only reason I'm standing here today. Reid was my best friend. He was there in my darkest time, when I'd lost Brad and was struggling with a newborn and thought I'd never fall in love again. But he helped me through, and as I watched him fall in love with Luke, he opened me up to the idea that I might love again. He got me to the place where I am today; without him I would still be lost. And I wouldn't have the man I love by my side. So thank you, Reid. Thank you for sharing your heart. You tried to pretend you didn't have one, but you gave it to all of us, in so many different ways. I only wish that you were here with us today.”

Luke's hand shook as he raised his glass to his lips. He blinked around his own tears. He should have expected this. Why hadn't he been prepared? Beside him, his dad placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He leaned into the contact, grateful for the anchoring point. Time to dry his tears - dinner was starting, and Reid would have chastised him for crying when there was free food to be had.

Luke excused himself as the meal drew to a close. The band was starting to warm up, and he had no interest in staying for the dancing. He made his way over to Katie and Chris before leaving, catching them just as they stood up from the table. “Congratulations, you two,” he offered, hugging each of them in turn. Katie held him close for a long moment. “Reid is here with us today,” he murmured in her ear. He drew back, and her eyes were bright as she looked at him. “He loved you, Katie. He's right here,” he said, indicating her heart, then his own. He tapped Chris' last. “Take care of that, okay?”

Chris nodded firmly. “I will.”

Luke had to pull over on the drive home, as the tears blurred his vision too much to see properly. He couldn't help but remember the aftermath of the last wedding he'd been too. It hadn't actually happened, sure, but neither had something else - and he regretted that far, far more. Never having sex with Reid suddenly hurt a thousand times over. It was a pain that hit at the strangest times, but he'd give anything for the chance to hold Reid in his arms, vital and alive, just once. Just once to feel that body, those hands, to see how that infuriating and irresistable snark played out in bed.

Just one of the many losses to mourn, but not one he could talk about with others. He laughed, just a little, but it was enough to break the force of his sobs. Once he was finally composed, he drove the rest of the way home - he only had to wipe away a few more tears as they leaked out.

When he arrived, there was a package waiting for him at the front door. It was addressed to Luke Snyder, but there was no information to identify the sender. Inside was a nondescript black box. Luke backed away slowly, racing through scenarios in his head. Bomb? Damian had enemies who wouldn't hesitate to target his son. It could be from Damian, but he didn't recognize the handwriting on the address.

He called the police to report a suspicious package, just to be safe. He wanted them to check it out before he so much as touched it, but curiosity got the better of him and he made his way closer, inspecting it for any clue as to its nature. There was a small keypad, he realized, like a safe might have, though it had only the alphabet instead of numbers. And a screen, blinking at him, waiting for an eight-letter code.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: lyrical12, fan fiction

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