Once In A Lifetime Love Chapter 6

Aug 04, 2014 15:33

Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Title: Once In A Lifetime Love

Author: Mystical_Dreamer

Rating: R to NC-17

Characters: Luke Snyder, Reid Oliver, Casey Hughes, Bob Hughes, The douche and his father, a few OC’s.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to their respective copyrights. While I love to take them out and play with them from time to time, I do not own any of the characters, except the OC's. Those silly bastards are mine. :P

Author's Notes: A huge thanks to bmak08 and moonchilddj for taking the time to beta this for me, but in the end each and every mistake is mine and mine alone. Also, I need to thank the wonderful moonchilddj....aka my best friend...for posting this story for me. Live Journal and I DO NOT get along when it comes to posting, so Dee has agreed to take on the task for me. LOVE YA GIRL!!! AND THANKS AGAIN!!!!

Chapter 6


Luke turned at the sound of the soft, smooth voice, and his eyes widened. The man to whom the voice belonged to was gorgeous. He was roughly the same height as Luke was, but older by a few years, with a full head of red-brown curls and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed casually, in black dress pants and a dark brown sweater, both garments hugging him in all the right places. He moved with confidence but at the same time, with a careful sort of halting step, as if approaching a wild dog.

"I trust that Gabriel has taken good care of you?” Reid questioned gently as he moved slowly towards him, but paused when Luke flinched. “I’m sorry about what you experienced tonight, but you are safe here. Gabriel and I mean you no harm. We only want to keep you safe.”

“I...” Luke licked his dry lips and swallowed. “I keep hearing that, but I don’t believe it.” he said quietly as he stayed his ground, quivering a little as he pulled the blood-stained blanket a bit tighter around himself.

Reid noticed the slight shiver and tilted his head to the side a bit. “You're cold. Would you like me to start a fire?” He kept his voice soft and smooth, trying to show the young man that he really meant him no harm. He slowly moved to the fireplace and crouched down. He kept his back to Luke, blocking the young man’s view as he waved his hand, bringing the fire to life. "There,” he said, glancing over his shoulder at him as he stood up and turned to face him. He let his eyes wonder over him, and he frowned at the state he was in. "You're hurt..." he whispered as he moved towards the bags he set by the door. He picked them up and moved towards the bed. He pulled out a pair of scrub pants, underwear, socks and a shirt out of one bag and tossed them on the bed. “Those restraints....would you like me to take them off?"

Teeth firmly lodged in his bottom lip while Reid moved around, Luke looked up from the floor, a few strands of hair falling into his eyes in the process, to peer at Reid warily. He wasn't sure what he was going to do to him, or what he himself was supposed to do. His mind was swimming, but he managed a nod. "Y...yes, please." he croaked out, his voice a little raw from crying, tinged slightly with fear and uncertainty. He was being nice so far... but the night was young.

Reid nodded and reached into his bag, pulling out a manila envelope. He reached in and pulled out a small key, setting the envelope on the bed before he carefully approached him. He caught his gaze as he knelt down and even though he didn’t need to use the key, he placed it in the lock anyway, turning it as he waved his hand over the lock on the other ankle and the restraints fell away. He held the key in his hand as he examined his ankles. “These wounds aren’t deep.” Reid said as he carefully examined the rawness. “They will heal and leave no scar.” he told him as he stood up.

Luke was shocked. How could the restraints just fall away with a wave of his hand? With a thousand and one thoughts fighting for space in his mind, he suddenly felt overwhelmed and he faltered a bit, feeling lightheaded as he swayed unsteadily on his feet. His hand shot out to latch onto Reid’s biceps in an effort to steady himself and he felt…..something. Like a small current of electricity when he touched him. He jumped in surprise, dark eyes wide as his head snapped to Reid's. "I...you..." he sputtered, shocked at the weird sensation of familiarity that was creeping up over his bones, warm as it wrapped itself around him like a cocoon of safety and comfort.

"Hey," Reid said as he placed his hand gently on Luke's back. "Steady. It’s okay, Mr. Snyder. You're safe here." he said softly as he reached for Luke’s hand and turned his wrist over. He offered a small smile as he slid the key into the lock and turned. “There.” he whispered as the lock clicked open and Reid gently removed the restraint. He used the key on the other lock, and removed it just as gently before he tossed them both on the bed by the envelope. He caught Luke's gaze with a tilt of his head. “I’m going to remove the collar now.” he explained as he slid the key into the lock, giving it a turn before he eased the collar off. "There. Better?" Reid asked with a soft smile as he tossed it next to the other restraints on the bed.

Still a little freaked over the touch--there'd never been a person that had exuded calmness and safety from just a simple touch that wasn't a family member--Luke nodded, blinking as he lifted his hand up to touch his neck. Who was this man? "Thank you." he replied quietly, glancing at him.

"You're welcome." Reid noticed the bloodstained sheet--he'd smelled the blood the second the young man had entered his home--and he glanced up at Luke. "Do you mind if I take a look?" he said softly, his voice holding a hint of sadness and regret.

Luke shook his head to say it was all right, wrapping his arms around himself to brush off the goose bumps on his arms. The room was starting to get warm, and he was standing before a stranger in a G-string and a blood stained blanket. He blushed and looked aside.

"It's okay. You don't have to be embarrassed. I'm a doctor." Reid told him as he reached for his medical kit and opened it up. He put rubber gloves on before he gently turned Luke towards the fire so he could get a better look. "I'm sorry that this happened to you." Reid said softly as he carefully eased the blanket off his shoulders and down to his waist. "These need to be cleaned. Would you like for me to clean them for you or would you like to use the shower?"

A doctor? Maybe that was why he just exuded care and safety. Luke was still puzzling over the strange feeling, cheeks red for the simple fact of being so naked in front of a total stranger, before he cleared his throat. "I...I honestly don't know...if I have enough strength to...stand up for a shower."

"The shower has a seat in it." Reid smiled, as he eased the blanket back up to give him some sense of dignity. "There's soap, shampoo and conditioner. Everything you will need." He took off the gloves and tossed them into the wastebasket before he handed Luke the clothes, everything except the top. "Put these on when you're done."

"I..." His knees were quivering. Luke felt like he was standing in a fun house, the floor moving under him. Something between relief, fear, confusion...it was all rolled up into one, and with his experience...well, he couldn't blame himself too much as he started to slip, the floor rising up to meet him as his knees gave out.

Reid sensed the change in the young man, even before Luke did and he was right there to catch him before he hit the floor. "Mr. Snyder. Luke?" he whispered. "Can you hear me?"

Dizzy with a wealth of emotions, Luke could only lay there for a few heartbeats, arms still clutched tight to the clothes as he caught his breath. He registered that the other man was pretty strong, holding him easily, and weirdly, felt as safe as a baby bird under its mother's wing. Warm, and safe, and... why the hell was he feeling things like this?

He furrowed his brows, and opened his eyes to look up at him. "Little bit dizzy. Sorry."

"No need to apologize. With all you've been through I'm surprised you're able to function." Reid said as he gave him a few minutes to catch his breath. "Do you think you can stand now?"

Head resting against Reid's shoulder, he felt as if he could be comfortable just staying there for a while. The question was, why? Slowly, he managed a nod. "I think so."

"Okay." Reid slowly stood up, helping Luke to his feet as well, smiling when he seemed a bit more steady. "I have Gabriel fixing you something to eat. And some tea to help calm you down. If you're not up for the shower, I can clean the cuts and scrapes."

Luke eyed him, his gaze something between curiosity and confusion, and less marked with fear. Although he knew he should be terrified of this man, something deep inside told Luke he had nothing to fear. Even though the man was strange, he'd never felt so comfortable, so drawn to someone.

"I can try for the shower." he replied softly, feeling a shiver slide along his skin at Reid's smile, like all of his senses sat up and took notice.

Reid helped him walk slowly to the bathroom. He flicked on the light and set it to dim. "I'll be right outside, okay?" Reid let him go, surprised that his left hand was tapping against his thigh. "Take your time. There is no rushing tonight."

A bit of nervousness, slipped along the blonde’s face at that, as his heart jumped a few beats ahead of itself. "N...no rushing tonight?" he echoed, licking his lips. He'd almost forgotten. The man had bought him, after all.

"No. Take all the time you need. Feel free to use whatever you want. This is your home now. If you need something, let me know." Reid said as he turned and walked out, closing the door behind him with a quiet click.

rating: r, !author|artist: gypsiesheart, fan fiction

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