Rooftop Luke Continued

Apr 28, 2014 10:01

Title: Rooftop Luke Continued
Written by: kccalgal
Rating: R
Summary: What if Reid hadn't barged in on Luke and Noah on the roof when he did?
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of Someone Saved My Life Tonight
Disclaimer: I own no fictional characters. I borrow them for fun only.
Author's Notes: I picked up the dialogue between Luke and Noah on the roof as a jumping off point. Reid comes up when he did before but this time he doesn't barge in. He stays back and listens.

Noah: But you're not just different. You're -- you're different with me. So -- so I'm asking, has the way you feel about me changed?

Luke: Yeah. It has.

Noah: Wow. I, uh -- I know I asked. I just never expected you to say yes.

Luke: Noah, I wanted to be here for you. I did everything I could to make sure that happened. I didn't care that you couldn't see. I just wanted to be with you. But you didn't feel the same way.

Noah: How can you say that?

Luke: And how can you not? Noah, I was in this 100%, and I asked you, remember? All or nothing, and you chose nothing.

Noah: I know what I said then, but -

Luke: You told me to go on with my life, and now you're acting like that never happened. What happens if you change your mind tomorrow?

Noah: I didn't push you away because I stopped loving you. Because I haven’t. I couldn’t.

Luke: Who cares? When things got rough, you were you. You weren't us. And I know you were hurting, Noah. And -- I was hurting, too. But the difference is is that I didn't abandon you.

Noah: I was terrified and so angry.

Luke: I know, at me, because I caused the accident.

Noah: At the world, Luke! At the possibility of never directing a film again or reading a book or -- or waking up and seeing your face.

Luke: I was there, Noah, whether you could see me or not. I wasn't going anywhere.

Noah: Yeah, but I just -- couldn't stand the thought of you sitting there, feeling sorry for me, even if that's not what you were doing. I'd never been in a real couple before. I don't know what to do.

Luke: Well, I think you're supposed to figure it out together.

Noah: Isn't that what this is?

[Luke sighs]

Noah: You know, when I couldn't see, I -- I felt cut off, like I was locked inside my head and nothing was real. It wasn't living. But now I feel part of the world again, connected, to you.

Luke: Well, I just don't feel that way. I mean, I know that you feel like you've been somewhere else for these last few months, but I have been here the whole time, waiting for you, begging you not to leave me. I didn't know if you were ever coming back.

Noah: We didn't know a lot of things then.

Luke: Yeah well, Noah, we haven't been happy for a long time. I can't go back to the way it was before the accident.

Noah: I don't expect you to. I mean, I can't either. But I still -- I want to be with you -- to find a new way to be together, if you want to.

Luke: A few months ago, I think I would have known what that meant. Now I'm not so sure.

The door to the roof silently opened. Reid stepped out with a scowl on his face. He stood quietly assessing the situation. He was pissed that Luke took Noah outside without permission. He should have known better. But it looked like they were deep in a serious conversation, so Reid silently waited for the right moment to make his presence known.

“So what are you saying, Luke.” Noah looked over his shoulder and up at Luke who didn’t make eye contact back. Luke held the back of Noah’s wheelchair and stared off to the skyline.

“I’m saying that for quite awhile now everything had to be your way and I was the one that had to adjust. You were the Prima Donna who always got what he wanted.”

“I didn’t want to be blind,” fired back with irritation in his voice. He wasn't used to Luke speaking his mind and being so rude with him.

“I’m not saying you did. I’m saying our relationship has always been on your terms. I was all in with you through this but you pushed me away. You couldn’t stand to be around me.”

“That’s not true Luke; I just… I needed space.”

“How much Noah? How much space? Because when you pushed me away I felt unwanted. What you don’t understand though is you pushed me straight into someone who did want me and made me feel good about myself.”

“You’re dating someone else? Who?” Noah asked angrily. His heart began to beat faster and he felt the heat of jealousy rip through his heart. He shifted completely in his chair to see Luke, as best he could see anyway.

“It doesn’t matter,” Luke said avoiding Noah’s gaze.

“Yes it does? Who are you seeing?”

“What matters Noah is that when I got that distance from you and found out that someone else could like me and want me that is when I felt trapped by you. Now that you can see again and are on the road to recovery, I feel free.”

“That’s what I've been trying to say Luke. I didn’t want you to feel stuck with a blind man.”

“I didn’t feel stuck with a blind man Noah. I felt stuck with a man who didn’t want to be with me. There’s a huge difference. I felt horrible about your being blind and I tried to do anything and everything to fix it. Nothing was good enough for you. You didn’t want me.”

“It wasn’t that I didn’t want you Luke. I love you.”

“You loved me but didn’t want me. I need to be wanted. I didn’t realize how much I needed that until it happened.”

“So that’s it? You’re willing to throw away everything we’ve been through the last three years because some other guy wants you? How do you know he isn’t just after you for sex?”

“Because no one could ever really like me, is that what you’re saying?” Luke snapped. “You know, we’re done here. I’m taking you back to your room. We should never have come up here in the first place.” Luke released the brakes on the wheelchair and attempted to move the chair. Noah grabbed the wheels and held his chair in place.

“Luke, come on your over reacting. Remember the mistake you made with Brian? We got past that. We can get past this too.”

“You know what Noah? Dr. Oliver is truly amazing. He may have saved your eyesight but he saved me from making the biggest mistake of my life. Now let go of the chair before you undo everything Reid has done for you.”

Noah let go of the wheels. “Reid? You’re telling me you’re sleeping with my doctor?”

Luke turned the wheelchair around and saw Reid standing there with his arms crossed and lips pressed together tightly.

“Reid,” Luke said hesitantly.

“Is everything all out in the open now? Can we get you back inside before you damage your eyes again? I’ve put far too much time into your sight to have you screw it up Noah.” Reid uncrossed his arms and took determined steps toward the wheelchair.

Noah sighed heavily. “We weren’t out here that long. We need to finish this conversation.”

“No we’re done,” Luke said quickly. He hadn’t taken his eyes off Reid since the moment he saw him standing by the door with his arms crossed.

“Good.” Reid took the handles of the wheelchair from Luke, their hands brushing against each other in the exchange. Luke’s hand lingered and maintained eye contact. Luke saw Reid swallow and Luke licked his lips in response. “I’ll take him from here Luke. This wasn’t your brightest move. I hope it was worth the risk.”

“Me too.” Luke removed his hands and followed Reid and Noah back into the building.

funficfriday, rating: pg, !author|artist: kccalgal, fan fiction

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