The Wooing Period

Apr 02, 2014 22:32

Title: The Wooing Period
Author: Hackysack01
Summary: It's Valentine’s Day and Reid thinks he's the best boyfriend in the world until events combine to leave that conclusion open to discussion.
Rating: Nc-17
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: this is an overdue to response to the February Fic(let)-a-thon prompt: “Chocolate asshole.”
amyafa did a brilliant job for the prompt, which I certainly can’t compete with; however this has been sitting half-finished in my "notes" for the past month so I figured I may as well  finish it and post it.

Reid arrived at Java for his weekly catch-up with Katie,

"So," Katie said, taking a sip of her coffee "what are you doing for Valentine's Day?"

Reid swallowed down the huge bite of his sandwich. "Nothing," he said before taking another huge bite.

"What?!" Katie screeched. “Reid! It’s your first Valentine's Day together!"

"So what? I did Christmas and now I'm supposed to do Valentine’s Day as well?!" Reid sounded irritated, and he put his sandwich down on his plate. This was serious business.

"Don't be an arsehole. You’ve been with Luke for five months. You're still in the wooing period, you have to impress-”

“The wooing period?" Reid smirked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yep! Oh Reid, you know Luke, he'd love it if you did something romantic."

Reid made a face.

"Oh come on. You want to top Noah's efforts, right?"

Reid still looked unconvinced.

"And it would lead to certain rewards in the bedroom,” Katie grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Okay, fine!" Reid didn’t even try to hide his pathetically obvious enthusiasm as he bowed to Katie's argument. "You play dirty," he accused. "What should I do? What should I get him?"

"That's for you to decide," Katie smiled smugly.

Reid looked panicked. "You can't leave me with this!"

"You're a neurosurgeon, you'll figure something out," she laughed. "See ya later," she winked and walked out of the coffee shop.


Reid was utterly stumped. He had absolutely no idea what to get Luke for Valentine's Day. Even he knew that offering up sex wasn’t “romantic” enough, and loathe as he was to admit it, he did want to outdo Noah.

The obvious idea would be to take Luke to some schmaltzy restaurant and shower him with gifts, but just the thought of sitting in a restaurant surrounding by a bunch of lovesick people gave him hives.

At a loss two days before the awful day swung around, he saw Casey Hughes chatting to his girlfriend at the nurse's desk, and suddenly he knew what he had to do. Under the guise of reprimanding Casey, he ordered him into the closest consult room and shut the door.

"One word out of you and I'll kill you," he growled at Casey, who stared at him in confusion.


Reid sighed and swallowed what was left of his pride. "I need to get Luke something for Valentine’s Day, because god knows he's into that ridiculous money-making farce, and I have no idea what to get him."

Casey smiled gleefully, opening his mouth to say something, and Reid narrowed his eyes at him. Casey was unperturbed. "Who knew you were such a slave to lurrve?" He waggled his brows.

"Shut up," Reid said, the flush creeping up his cheeks only serving to make Casey grin wider.

"But no, seriously, that’s something he’ll really appreciate. And I'm betting you want to top Noah as well, right?" Reid's glare seemed to be all the response Casey needed, and he leaned back against the consultation bed. "Well Doc, what you need to do is get Luke a box of chocolates and-"

"Chocolates?! That's the best you've got?!" Reid gave Casey his best “what-the-fuck” expression.

"And, write him a long letter proclaiming your love for him."

Reid stared at Casey as if he’d just blown a smurf in front of him. "Yeah, I'm not going to do that. So if you don't have any real ideas Mr Hughes-"

"No I'm serious!" Casey protested. "You know Luke, it doesn't take much to make him happy. He’s been stuffed around and hurt by so many people that he's hungry for affection. He needs to be told how important he is."

The guy had hit the nail on the head and Reid looked at his boyfriend's best friend with new eyes. "Okay," he agreed grudgingly. "Okay." He smiled at Casey. "So a box of Hershey’s and a heartfelt letter, got it."

Casey barked out a laugh. "Hershey’s?! Nah nah Doc, I got this. You just write that letter," he grinned. "And make sure it's from the heart!" He tapped his breastbone.

Reid rolled his eyes, but then said "thanks."

"Anything for Luke, he deserves a good Valentine's day for once."

Reid smiled crookedly at Casey and walked out of the room feeling like the best boyfriend in the world.


The day before Valentine's Day, Casey tiptoed stealthily into Reid's office and peered outside before shutting and locking the door. Reid watched in amusement as Casey withdrew a gift box from beneath his jacket and placed it on his desk. "I did my bit Doc. Hand-crafted chocolates, check. How's your letter coming along?"

"Fine," Reid said stiffly, flushing a little. "Thanks for those Mr Hughes," he added, and took a fifty out from his wallet and handed it to Casey.

Casey raised an eyebrow and kept his hands by his side.

"Are you for real?" Reid scowled, and Casey smirked.

"Only the very best for Luke!" He sang, and Reid grumpily handed him a hundred.


Early on Valentine’s Day morning Reid was in his office going over his patient files for the day when Luke walked in, looking as delicious as ever. Reid looked up and smiled at him, and Luke walked over to his desk and leaned in and kissed him on the mouth.

“Good morning," he said and handed Reid a large, inconspicuous paper bag.

Reid raised an eyebrow but took it and placed it on his desk and stood up.

“Just a little something for…” Luke trailed off, blushing a little.

"For Valentine’s day?” Reid smiled. “You shouldn't have."

"I wanted to," Luke said with a sweet smile, his eyes filled with affection, and Reid snaked an arm around his waist and pulled him close.

“Thank you,” he said and kissed him hard.

When they separated, lips red and glistening, Luke gestured to the bag with his head.
"Open it," he said, his arm flung over Reid’s shoulders.

Reid nodded and took two boxes out of the bag. One was a box of mixed Belgian chocolates, the other a box of what appeared to be a set of four opaque, painted wine glasses.

“Look closer,” Luke urged, obviously picking up on his confusion.

Reid did and a smile spread over his features. "Is that supposed to me?" He asked, turning to Luke.

Luke grinned. "Yup! Dr Grumpy, the King of Doctors. See, he's got the lab coat, and the syringe." He picked up the glass and twirled it around to show Reid all of its features. "And the comb-over, and the moustache, and the hairy arms."

Reid slapped Luke's butt playfully. "Little brat," he said before pulling him closer and kissing him again. He pulled back and smiled at Luke. "Thank you," he said again, and Luke smiled happily.

"You're welcome," he said, turning in Reid's arms until they were standing face to face and wrapping his arms around Reid's waist. He leant in for another kiss, and Reid obliged enthusiastically. When they pulled away from each other, Luke smiled. "I knew it would just embarrass you so I kept it small and inconspicuous," he said, and Reid smiled and caressed Luke's cheek gently.

Luke lowered his eyes, blushing, and Reid kissed his forehead. He reached over and opened one of the drawers in his desk and took out the gift box. "Happy Valentine’s Day, Mr Snyder," he said and handed it to Luke.

Luke's smile could have powered a shuttle to the moon. He beamed as he looked down at the box and then back up at Reid. "Oh my god Reid, thank you! I wasn't even expecting you to remember!" He pounced on Reid and hugged him tightly.

Reid patted his back, a little bemused. "You don't even know what it is yet! You might hate it, you want to hold on to the thanks until then?"

"It's from you Reid, of course I'll love it." Luke gave him a breath-taking smile and Reid felt something warm and fuzzy spread through him. He couldn't believe this guy was his. “Besides, it's the thought that counts," Luke added, the beginnings of a smirk playing at his lips. "Who knew you could be so sentimental?"

"Just open the gift," Reid grumbled.

Smirking, Luke pulled on the ribbon bow and took the lid off the box and looked inside. Reid craned his head as well, trying to see what his gift looked like. "Chocolates from Knipschildt!" Luke exclaimed, taking a smaller box out of the gift box. "These are my favourite! How did you know?!"

"I pay attention," Reid lied. Luke blushed, smiling at him brilliantly, and Reid felt like a con artist.

Luke opened the box and looked at the chocolates that lay within, picking one up and holding it between his fingers. It was cone-shaped with a striated cavity, and Reid studied it more closely in an attempt to fathom what it was. Understanding set in and he froze. Chocolate arseholes. The bastard had gotten Luke a box of chocolate fucking arseholes.

Reid was already planning how to kill Casey in a way that would maximise pain and prolong agony when Luke looked up at him, the ready blush rising in his cheeks. Reid tried to think of a plausible explanation to give to Luke - anything to convince him that he wasn’t taking the piss - but his mind drew an absolute blank. He stared at Luke in dismay when suddenly Luke smiled flirtatiously at him.

"Looks good," Luke said, twirling the chocolate between his fingers.

"Yours is prettier," Reid leered, relieved that Luke wasn’t taking the drama route.

Luke blushed but looked him in the eye as he popped the chocolate into him mouth. "Mmmm," he hummed and stepped closer. He kissed Reid, his mouth opening and transferring the choc into Reid's mouth, and Reid moaned as he tasted the most amazing chocolate know to man. He smiled around the kiss and the chocolate, and they continued to exchange it from mouth to mouth, chocolatey goodness combining with the taste of their own tongues.

Coming up for air, Reid swept the papers and books off his desk and spun Luke around in a sudden move, bending him over the desk and pinning his wrists above his head. He pulled Luke's jeans down and licked his way down Luke's spine, Luke squirming beneath him.

"I want the real thing," he growled and parted Luke's arse cheeks and licked his crack once before diving right in. Luke gave a long, animal groan, his palm slapping against the solid oak of the desk as he pushed back onto Reid's face. Reid grunted and pulled Luke's legs wide apart, pushing them up higher against his sides as he buried his face inside him, sucking and licking and thrusting his tongue harder and further inside, reveling in the scent and taste of Luke, the wet, tight heat clenching and unclenching around his tongue, the sound of Luke's grunts and groans and moans as he scrambled against the table.

All of Reid’s senses were engaged, and when he took one had off Luke's hip and unzipped his own jeans. Grasping his own cock, he began to stroke it roughly and thought he might just die from the pleasures that the multiple sensations afforded him. He panted against Luke's arse, licking up and down and in and out, and Luke came without being touched, clenching around Reid's tongue as he spilled come over Reid's desk, and his loud groans of relief had Reid jerking his own cock until he came, his forehead pressed against Luke's arse as he shuddered through his orgasm. Spent, he rested his head against one of Luke's arse cheeks, panting until Luke said "Reid" brokenly. He gave Luke's hole one last lick, smiling as he saw it twitch, before standing up. He briefly rubbed his softening cock against Luke's crack and then pulled him up, turning him around to face him and pushing him back against the desk, just avoiding the mess Luke had made, and kissed him hard, Luke’s tongue tangling with his as he tasted himself.

With one last nip to Luke’s lip, Reid shimmied down Luke's body and gently licked his over-sensitive cock clean, then tucked him back inside and zipped him up, and smiled up at him. Luke was staring back down at him with heavy-lidded eyes, a satiated smile on his lips, and he ran his fingers through Reid's hair and down across his shoulders. Reid stood up and Luke's eyes flashed with heat and he began to go down on his knees to return the favour, but Reid pulled him back up and kissed him gently. He reached for a tissue and wiped himself clean and threw the tissue away.

"If you touch me, I'll never get back to my rounds," Reid said, his voice deep. Luke pouted, and Reid rolled his eyes. "That look won't get you anywhere Mr Snyder, I just gave you the rim-job of a lifetime and that'll have to tide you over until the second course."

Luke raised an eyebrow, smiling flirtatiously before his smile turned infinitely sweeter. "Happy Valentine’s day," he said softly, linking his arms around Reid's neck. "I didn't think you'd do anything," he admitted, blushing a little. "Or if you did, I thought you'd just slap your name on something Katie bought.” He smiled, his eyes shining, and Reid felt a stab of guilt. Luke leaned in and gave him a quick kiss before letting him go. "Well, enjoy your chocolates," he said with a smile and turned to walk out of the office, then turned back around. "That's if you're still hungry," he winked.

Reid groaned. "You little tease."

Luke smirked at him. "I'll see ya later."

"Aren’t you forgetting something?" Reid asked.

Luke turned back around and saw Reid holding up the box of chocolates.

"I can't carry them around with me at work, what if someone sees them?!"

"How is it any different if I've got them in my office?!"

"Because the staff are terrified of you. No-one would dare look inside," Luke reasoned.

"They are terrified of me, aren't they?" Reid smiled in satisfaction and Luke rolled his eyes.

"So I'll see you at lunch?" Luke asked. Reid nodded, and Luke gave Reid a quick kiss and turned and walked out of the office, his hips swinging a little.


Later in the afternoon, after a long lunch and an even longer make-out session in the parking lot, Luke and Reid walked hand-in-hand back into Reid's office and found Casey sitting on Reid's table and licking at a chocolate arsehole from the box that Reid had left on the table.

"What...are you doing?!" Luke asks, and Casey froze and turned towards them, his tongue still stuck in the cavity of the chocolate. A blush travelled up his cheeks, and Reid couldn't help the rush of blood to his cock at the sight. He nonetheless glared at Casey, and Luke managed to connect the dots.

"So the chocolates were his idea?" He said, turning to Reid.


Luke's eyes fell to the bulge pushing against the denim of Reid's jeans, and he scowled. "Oh, just great," he snapped, turning on his heel and striding out of the office, and Reid raced after him. He caught up with him in the hallway and grabbed his shoulder, trying to get him to turn around.

"Hey, it's not a big deal-" he protested, but Luke shrugged his hand away and powered down the hall, walking so fast that Reid almost had to jog to keep up with him. "Luke I'm sorry," he tried again, "it was just a physical reaction to a visual stimulus."

Luke turned around and glared at him, his hands on his hips.

"You know, like watching porn..?"

"Oh yeah, keep talking," Luke snapped. "You think Casey could star in one of your favourite porno's? Maybe one of the ones we watch together? That BDSM stuff you like so much?"

Reid groaned. "No! Come on Luke, you're a guy. You know how it works, we get hard at the drop of a hat!" Luke continued to glare at him and Reid tried to change tack. "He's blonde and he had his tongue down an arsehole, how could I not find that hot?"

Luke's stared at him in shock, his mouth hanging open, and Reid watched in horror as Luke’s face fell, his lips drooping downwards and his big brown eyes going dull as annoyance gave way to hurt. It was a look Reid has seen all too often on Luke's face when he had been with Noah, and Reid felt sick to his stomach. He had never wanted to see that expression on Luke's face again, let alone be the cause of it. Luke schooled his features quickly, but Reid had seen enough.

"Okay, yeah," Luke said softly, his gaze dropping to the floor, "sure."

"Luke!" Reid said, his voice cracking, desperate to apologise and explain that his comment had been a stupid “joke.”

"I have a meeting," Luke said, not making eye contact, and before Reid could say anything more, Luke turned around and disappeared around a corner.


Luke sat in his office simply staring at the wall, trying to ignore the boulder that had lodged itself in his stomach, the dull ache in his chest and the thoughts spinning around in his head.

He had had such a good feeling about Valentine's day this year; even though Reid wasn't much of a romantic, Luke had been sure it would be a happy day, that he'd feel as valued today as he had felt every single day since he and Reid and been together. And yet in the space of a minute, Reid had left him feeling cheap and unworthy and utterly humiliated. He had given it up to Reid so easily in the office, but then a few hours later in that same office, Reid had been drooling over Casey. Luke buried his face in his hands, pressing his knuckles against his eyes as he tried to hold his tears at bay.

This had easily beaten all the awful Valentine's days he had spent with Noah, and what was more, he should have known better than to expect more.


Reid stood in the hallway for a long time after Luke walked away, staring unseeingly at the wall before he returned to his office and slumped down in his chair.

He felt awful. The last thing he'd ever wanted to do was hurt Luke, or imply that Luke wasn't enough.

Furthermore, Luke wasn’t taking his calls and Reid had no idea what to do to fix this. He - the surgeon who had to be prepared for any eventuality - was at a loss.

Just then, Casey stuck his head around the door and walked in when he saw Reid sitting by himself. "So he was really mad about the chocolates, hey?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

Reid glared at him. "What gave it away Mr Hughes? Arseholes, really?!"

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I didn't realise he'd care that much that I got them on your behalf." Reid said nothing and Casey continued. "Where is he?"

"I don't know, he's not taking my calls is he?" Reid ran a hand through his hair wildly.

“This is all my fault."

“Yes it is." Reid snapped.

"I'll talk to him."

Reid glared at him. "Do me a favour, don't. I have to fix this myself."

"Just be honest with him."

"I'm not taking your advice."

Casey ignored him. "You wrote him that letter didn’t you? Just tell him you're sorry about the chocolates but you didn’t know what to get him whereas I did."

"If only it were that easy," Reid muttered. He had completely fucked things up - the wrong chocolates, bought by the wrong person, and then an erection looking at - again - the wrong person.

"Go after him. Don't leave him hanging like Noah used to do all the time."

"Noah did what?!" Reid was aghast.

"Whenever Noah upset Luke he would hang back, to give Luke time to "cool off" or some shit," Casey growled, his lip curling.

Reid's lips thinned into a line. "God I really hate that arsehole. Man, I never wanted to hurt Luke!"

"Then go talk to him! For a neurosurgeon you sure are-"

But Reid was already out the door. Casey shook his head. Hopeless cases they were, the two of them.


Reid was sitting in the waiting area outside Luke's office. Luke still wasn't answering his phone and had ordered his receptionist to keep him out, and as a result Reid had been waiting for the past two hours, repeating over and over in his head what he would say to him when he eventually came out. Luke's receptionist had gone from glaring at him in condemnation to looking wearily amused as the minutes ticked by.

Luke at last came out of his office. "Just come in Reid." His voice was sharp with annoyance, and Reid followed him in.

"I'm so sorry," were the first words out of Reid's mouth, and Luke sat down in his chair and sighed, Reid still standing by the door.

"Reid, I appreciate that you got me something, even if you got Casey to get it, but-" His breath hitched. "But you have to tell I just another twink to you?"

Reid huffed angrily. "You know you're not, don't insult me.”

Luke scowled and opened his mouth to retort, but Reid jumped in before he could speak.

"I'm so sorry about before," Reid pleaded, dropping down into the chair across from Luke's. "It was the idea of it - you’re blonde, and I wanted to see you with your tongue down that chocolate."

Luke stared at him and Reid flushed but continued, knowing this was the only chance he would get.

"Honestly, Luke, I only want you. You're the only one that gets me hot. And the sex is the best I've ever had.” He swallowed, sweat prickling at the back of his neck. ‘You're the most amazing man I've ever met."

Luke raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Seriously," Reid begged, and Luke's face softened a little. "I love you.”

The words spilled out of Reid before he could help himself, and Luke stilled, his eyes widening in surprise, his lips parted. They had never said the words before, although truth be told they both knew it in their heart of hearts. Reid hadn't planned on sharing it out loud just yet - had written it in the letter in order to ease into the revelation - but it was out in the open now, and perhaps for the best. A grand gesture and all that crap.

Luke stared at him warily and Reid repeated himself. "I do, I love you Luke."

"Please don’t say it just to make things better," Luke implored, his eyes wide and vulnerable.

Reid stared at him, flayed. "No! I love you Luke. I have for a while now." He reflexively reached out for Luke but then pulled his hand back again, unsure of how welcome any contact might be. "The chocolates." he sighed. "The only reason Casey bought them was because I didn’t know what to get you. All I wanted was to make you happy."

Luke smiled in a way that made Reid breathe a little easier, and he relaxed a little.

"I'm sorry I didn't do that today. Today of all days," he said with a sigh of realisation, slumping back in his chair, his eyes dropping to the floor

Luke stood up and walked around his desk and sat down on the arm of Reid’s chair and wrapped his arm around Reid's shoulder. "Your heart's in the right place," he said, patting his chest and smiling down at him.

Reid nodded and looked up at him, still worried. "But still, the thing with-"

Luke shook his head, still smiling. "I just got jealous when I had no reason to be." He leaned down and kissed Reid, and Reid wrapped an arm around him and pulled him into his lap, the kiss turning from gentle to rough. They separated and looked at each other goofily until Reid broke the spell.

"What the hell was he doing licking that chocolate anyway?!" Reid exclaimed, his arm wrapped around Luke's waist. "Does he bat for us?" He kissed Luke's temple.

Luke rolled his eyes, grinning. "Who knows?"

Reid grinned back and pulled his boyfriend closer for another hard kiss, pulling gently on his lip with his teeth before letting go.

"I did do something else," he said, forcing himself to look at Luke.

"Huh?" Luke looked confused, his nose scrunching up adorably.

"Something for Valentine's day," Reid mumbled, unable to make eye contact. "It's back at your place.”

"What is it?" Luke asked, half-surprised and still half-confused. He tipped Reid's chin up and looked at him closely. "What did you do?"

"I'm not going to tell you," Reid smiled, "it's a surprise. You'll have to go home and find out."

Luke stood up, and Reid smiled up at him, still seated. "Well, aren't you going to come with me?" Luke asked.

Reid shook his head adamantly. "It's probably better if you look at it without me," he said, his cheeks heating up.

Luke looked down at him, eyebrows raised, but then shrugged. "O-kay," he said slowly.

Reid stood up and stepped close to Luke, running his knuckles up and down Luke’s arm. "Do you want to come over to mine later though?" He asked. "After I finish work? I had to reschedule a few consults because…” he gestured at Luke, “well….”

“You moved your consults around for me?” The bright smile was back on Luke’s face.

“Do you want to come over to mine afterwards or not?” Reid grumbled, flushing.

"Sure," Luke said, smirking a little.

"Okay, good." Reid smacked a kiss on Luke's mouth and beat a hasty retreat.

Still a little bemused, Luke stared after him and then headed home to see what Reid's second gift of the day would be.

!author|artist: hackysack01, ficlet-a-thon, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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