Reid Oliver 101

Feb 19, 2014 21:58

Title: Reid Oliver 101
Author: lure007
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Five things you (probably) already know about Reid Oliver.
Disclaimer: No one but Luke and Reid own each other. As for the rest of Oakdale, eh.
A/N: Fluffy one-shot. Unbeta'd. Feedback and sandwiches are one and the same. :D


A few days into the relationship...

It’s very cold out and the sidewalks are icy. Luke and Reid are waking to Al’s for lunch when Luke slips on a big patch of ice. By instinct, Reid tries to catch him but grabs his butt instead.

“Really?” Luke can’t help but huff. “If I fell, you would only save my butt?”

“That ass, though...”

“You’re lucky you’re cute.”

Reid Oliver is honest to a fault.

A few weeks into the relationship...

Luke and Reid are at a hospital board meeting. Chris Hughes has been sweet-talking the board members into buying some fancy-pants piece of equipment for the Paediatrics Department for the last twenty odd minutes; Reid’s been staring at Luke while stuffing his face with pastry from the catering table for the past nineteen-and-a-half.

As the twenty-first minute rolls on, even the ever polite Luke Snyder starts losing his focus and surreptitiously fires off a text to Reid from under the table.

Luke: < I love you. >

Reid: < Doogie is a jackass. >

Luke: < Really? That’s your response to ‘I love you’? >

Reid: < I thought we were exchanging factual statements. >

Luke: < You’re a jerk. >

Reid: < We’re out of doughnuts. >

Reid Oliver is, indeed, a jerk.

A couple of months into the relationship...

Reid is dropping Luke off at the Grimaldi Shipping offices since Luke’s car is at the shop.

Luke leans over from the passenger seat to kiss Reid goodbye. “I love you.”

“I love you more.”

Luke smiles. “Love isn’t a competition, you know.”

“Uh, yes it is,” Reid insists. “And I’m winning.”

“It wouldn’t actually be a healthy thing for a relationship to be unbalanced like that: one person loving the other more than the other loves them.”

“That sounds like loser talk to me,” Reid says smugly.

Reid Oliver is very competitive.

About a year into the relationship...

Luke is on his laptop, nestled against Reid on the couch, their legs tangled.

Casey has just sent Luke a link to a website from which people can rent ice cream carts. He wanted them at his and Alison’s wedding, but the bride-to-be was not amused at the suggestion. Go figure.

This gets Luke and Reid talking about their imaginary wedding.

“We’d totally have those at our wedding if we were to get married, right?” Luke asks.


“And, cotton candy vendors! The kids would love it.”

“Uh-huh. A milkshake station for Lucinda, too.”

“A taco stand! Everybody likes those.”

“God, I love you!”

“I’m not joking, by the way," Luke says. "And the main event would be catered by that gourmet place just outside of Chicago. So we’d be eating sandwiches in our formal-wear.”

“...I just came.”

Reid Oliver is a major foodie.

On the second anniversary of the day they met...

Luke has surprised Reid with a hot air balloon ride.

Once they’re a few hundred feet in the air, Luke gets down on one knee and pulls out a chocolate pretzel from their picnic basket. “Will you marry me?”

Reid narrows his eyes - some would say suspiciously - and remains silent.

“Reid?” A nervous edge is detectable in Luke’s voice.

“You brought me up here so I couldn’t run away, didn’t you?”

Luke nods his head somewhat sheepishly.

Reid falls in love with his brat a little bit more then, if that is even possible.

“Well played, Mr. Snyder.”

Reid Oliver is utterly besotted with Luke Snyder.

Of course, Reid says 'yes' and they go on to live happily ever after!

-The End -


rating: pg-13, !author|artist: lure007, fan fiction

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