The Butterfly Effect 11/11 -Epilogue-

Dec 31, 2013 16:52

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | The Butterfly Effect 11/11

Author: moonchilddj

Characters/Pairings: Luke, Reid, OCs, mentions of Oakdalians/LuRe

Rating: R/NC-17

Summary: AU-ish. When the breaking of one relationship sends him running from Oakdale, can the new face of another man put Luke’s heart back together?

Beta: Unbeta’ed!

Disclaimer: All ATWT characters belong to their established copyrights. More is the pity~ I’m just borrowing them from their sandbox and placing them right back where they belong after I’m done! The only thing I lay claim on is this story and its OCs, everything else is fair game! For entertainment purposes only!

Author’s Note: Holy moly, I reached the ending. XD I thought I never would! I started this WAY back in 2010, and thought I’d finish this in maybe a few months’ time…but real life wasn’t having any of that, along with my fickle muse, and here it is, almost the end of 2013. XD What a long ride. XD Thank you guys for hanging on as long as you have! Thank you, gypsiesheart/mystical_dreamer for being my cheerleader through much of it, I couldn’t have reached the end without you! Thank you all for the wonderful comments and suggestions, and telling me how much you loved the fic! I would’ve given it up a long time ago, if it hadn’t been for your love for this fic! Words can’t express how much I adore all of you for reading and commenting and being so awesome! Here’s hoping my next fic for the boys won’t take as long, right? ;) That said, read on, and enjoy! <3 Happy Holidays to you all!



“Welcome, ya’ll, to the Bucking Bull! I’m Rick, owner of this fine establishment, and I wanna thank all of you for showing up tonight! Please, enjoy our fine food and good company, and have a great time! Remember, anything x-rated goes on outside those swingin’ doors on your own terms, this is a clean establishment! Or mostly clean~ No fightin’, and no propositionin’ anyone for the kinky stuff! That bein’ said, you folks are lucky tonight! For a return engagement, one of our favorite dancers is back t’ entertain y’all! Let’s hear it for Luke!”

Luke had to laugh to himself. Rick couldn’t have been more tickled pink than when he and Reid had shown up at the Bucking Bull earlier that day. The jolly old manager had been right upset when Luke had left, not just for the money he made for the bar, but for the fact that the old man had genuinely liked him, ever since he had first taken Luke under his wing all those months ago. He could forgive Rick for introducing him like he was a big-name act, and simply waved his hat to the crowd, as they hooted and hollered below the stage that was Luke’s. Reid hadn’t been as pleased, but he had just cause, too, since Luke was wearing his engagement ring on his finger. But it was like that Trace Adkins song, they could look, but they couldn’t touch.

As Luke plopped his hat back on his head, he searched the crowd for that familiar mop of red-brown curls, and smiled warmly when he found Reid, looking up at him. Honestly, the look on Reid’s face was this side of adoring, and he felt warm all the way to his toes as he blew a kiss to him.

“Sorry, boys! Hate t’ break your hearts, but that one’s taken!” Rick called over his microphone, chortling to himself at the chorus of good-natured groans. “Very happily, t’ boot! Thank his fiancé, if’n you get the chance, that he agreed t’ dance for you tonight!”

Luke snorted softly as he hooked his boot heels into the rungs on the pole, and waited for the jukebox to start up. Reid would most likely stare down anyone that did try to thank him, but he was being extra generous, which was more than he could say for Noah. Noah would’ve never allowed him to step one toe on the stage, with that jealous streak a mile wide. Reid understood one thing that Luke had made perfectly clear--he may have been dancing for a packed crowd of lusty cowboys, but he was going home to his fiancé, for a night they both deserved. Luke was never one for a wandering eye, after all. Even dressed in a sleeveless black leather vest and jeans that looked painted on across his ass and legs, he wasn’t looking to hook up with anyone but Reid.

As the song started up, Luke took a deep breath to himself, and felt like a cowboy in the well at the rodeo, ready for that eight-second ride. “Here goes.” he muttered, before he jumped and swung wide, swirling his way down the pole at the kick of drum beats, and smiling at the whoops of appreciation from below.

‘Yeah, I think I’m gonna leave

I’ll just have that one drink

And we’ve all gotta be up early

Boys, we oughta shut ’er down

Just take it to the house

‘Fore anybody starts getting crazy

I started walking across the floor

Before I got to the door

Aw Naw

Somebody just bought a

Shot of that Patron

Hang on, I just might have to stay, hey

Aw Naw

Look at the time, y’all

What happened to coats on

Long gone

I should be halfway home but

Aw Naw’

Watching Luke’s hips sway to the beat of the country song, Reid couldn’t help but call his encouragement with the rest of the crowd. Seeing the way that Luke moved, seductive enough to tempt a saint, one wouldn’t believe that Luke hadn’t taken dance classes, or majored in it like more established dancers. No, he was a businessman-slash-writer on the side, and most would probably think that Luke didn’t belong in there. But the crowd loved him, Luke got a thrill out of it…and Reid himself was going to get lucky, he knew that without a doubt.

Reid cackled to himself, loving the thought of that gorgeous body, and peeling the clothes off of him, slowly. Maybe he’d let him keep the boots on. He was sure that he wasn’t the only one lusting after the blond and wanting to strip him naked, but he was the only one with the right.

Luke had surprised him. When he had crossed every T and dotted every I after it was found out that Noah had been faking being blind after his operation, Reid had expected to go home, have a great dinner at Emma’s place, and finally get some time to love Luke right. But Luke had said that he other plans in mind, and off they had went, back to Dallas. Granted, they were flying first class this time, courtesy of Luke’s very rich, business-savvy grandmother, but he had playfully pouted at Luke the whole way, which had made Luke laugh, and promise that they’d get their chance together. And besides, wasn’t the heat and passion between them, churned up by Luke dancing, worth the wait?

Luke had had a point. Reid wanted to make it right, and have no interruptions whatsoever. But heaven help him, how was he supposed to have patience when Luke looked good enough to eat?

A hand rested on Reid’s shoulder suddenly, and he couldn’t help but jump a little, startled out of his hot thoughts. If it was some cowboy thinking he could proposition him to have some time with Luke, he was going to…

“Whoa, whoa, don’t go swinging so soon, cowboy!”

Reid hurriedly lowered his fist as he gazed into a familiar face, once he wheeled around on his heel. “Eric! You made it!” he replied, before he smirked at him. “In this hotbed of gay cowboys, to boot. Are you sure that you’re not hiding something?”

Eric snorted softly, and pushed at him. “Don’t be an ass so soon. I might regret coming when you texted me. But you took off so fast when loverboy up there called you a couple of months ago, I’ll risk the chance of being groped to see you~”

“Yeah, about that…well, no. It’s complicated. You don’t want the whole story, trust me.” Reid drawled, amused when Eric’s eyes cut upwards to Luke working that pole. “Makes a pretty picture, doesn’t he?”

“If I hadn’t met the boy, I would think he’s a gigolo.” Eric commented, before he gave an ‘oof!’ of noise when Reid elbowed him in the stomach. “Hey! I said if I hadn’t met him!”

“That’s my fiancé you’re talking about.” Reid grunted, and, as always, felt a little thrill at the deceptively-simple word. Fiancé. Luke was wearing his ring proudly. They hadn’t set up a date yet, but he knew it would be soon. Crazy though it was, and a little scary, he wanted to be married to Luke as soon as possible, and he knew that Luke wanted it, too. No more interruptions. No more anyone thinking that one or the other was unattached. There’d been that new pediatrician out of New York that had been eyeing him in a certain way before they’d left Oakdale…he just wanted to be Luke’s, and for Luke to be his.

“Yoo-hoo. Earth to Oliver, paging Dr. Oliver.” Eric replied, waving a hand before Reid’s face, and smirking when Reid jerked his head to look at him. “You went into la-la land, talking about your fiancé.”

“I did not.” Reid muttered, fighting down a blush, though he gazed up at Luke again, and smiled. “But even if I did…could you blame me?”

“No, I guess not.” Eric replied with a grin as he looked up as well. He was straight-up heterosexual, but even the curve of the younger man’s spine when he held onto the pole and tipped back his head made appreciative parts of him stir. He coughed behind his hand. “So, I assume you got everything straightened out, and you won’t pout anymore over the one that got away?”

“No pouting. I don’t pout.”

“Right. This is like the not going into la-la land, huh?”

“Exactly.” Reid replied with a smirk to his friend. “But Luke didn’t get away, not entirely. We got things straightened out in Oakdale.”

“Good. You’re crazy about him, you know that?” Eric replied.

Reid chuckled softly. “Yeah. Best part is, he’s crazy about me, too.” He gave a sound of surprise when Luke left his platform, driving the men around them crazy with catcalls and whistling. He would’ve thrown around a few glares, but he was more involved with watching those hips sway. The song was still playing, and…

“What are you doing?” he hissed at Luke as the blond grinned and grabbed his hands.

“Dance with me.” Luke whispered back, smiling as he twirled under Reid’s arms, and groaned under his breath when Reid’s hands snaked around his hips, sealing him up against his stomach as they ground together. He set one of his hands on Reid’s, dangerously low on that belt buckle, the other around Reid’s neck.

‘Aw Naw

Do you hear that song

Oh, one that just came on

C’mon, DJ, what you tryin’ to do

Aw Naw

It’ll be so wrong

If we didn’t dance one

Show off, those jeans you painted on

Aw Naw, Aw Naw

No, I didn’t mean to be here this long

And I tried to leave, so it ain’t my fault

No, I didn’t mean to be holding you

But tell me what was I suppose to do’

By the time the song was over, Luke was tipped backwards in Reid’s arms, his arms wound around Reid’s neck as they looked into each other’s eyes. The applause and catcalls were a distant roar as they caught their breath, and Luke grinned up at Reid. Oh yeah, just for playing along with him and not trying to weasel out of dancing with him, he was so getting lucky. Besides, he wanted to feel that body under his fingers for real. How could he resist, when out of all these hot cowboys, he had the hottest one?

He was helped to his feet by Reid, and gasped when Reid’s palm glided over his backside. “Careful, mister.” he breathed, smiling as Reid smirked.

“Just one little touch won’t hurt, will it?”

“No, but one little touch is going to make me wanna drag you somewhere more private. And I don’t want it here, at the Bucking Bull.”

Reid licked his lips, the blue of his eyes darkening as he gazed back at him. “And where do you want it? You never did say~”

Luke grinned at him, eyes glittering as he glided his hands over the front of Reid’s shirt on the pretense of straightening it out. “You’re just going to have to trust me and find out.”

“Oh…that sounds promising, Mr. Snyder.” Reid picked up one of Luke’s hands, and kissed the fingers of his ring hand. “Okay. I’ll trust you. You’d better get going, though, before Rick kills me for dragging you off.”

Luke chuckled softly, and leaned closer to kiss Reid’s cheek. “I’m sure he’d understand.” he whispered, before he laughed when Reid chucked his chin, and pecked him again.

“You know something, Mr. Snyder?” Reid asked softly, drawing his thumb over Luke’s bottom lip, and serving to melt him.

“No, what’s that?”

“I love you.” This, Reid delivered with another kiss, grinning at the surprised look on Luke’s face, before he nudged him on with a wink. Two could play at that game, after all.

Eric watched them from behind, and when Luke grinned at Reid, beaming brilliantly, he smirked at Reid.

“You are truly, completely, hopelessly gone on that man.”

“Yup.” Reid replied without shame, popping the p in between his lips as he rocked on his heels with a smirk. “And I’m never going back again.”


They had a lot of talking to do in the near future. About where they wanted to live, who would move where, getting a place of their own, who would take whose name. But all those decisions could wait. Besides, Luke’s mouth was busy with Reid’s as they rode in the back of a taxi to their destination. He had Reid looking suitably dazed and dazzled by the time they came up for air.

It was close to one am before Luke’s shift had been over at the Bucking Bull, and Rick, generous ol’ softie that he was, had given Luke a check for the work he’d done in just that night alone, plus footed the bill for their destination.

“Y’all have an engagement to celebrate, after all!” Rick had winked, and wouldn’t hear another word about it, even when Luke had tried to protest otherwise. He was a good man, and Luke, and his monetary balance, would certainly thank him later.

In the meantime, Luke helped out Reid with a laugh, wrapping his arms around the flustered doctor as he kissed his jaw softly. “You okay there, Reid?”

“Mmm. I can’t feel my mouth, but I’m good~” Reid cracked, grinning crookedly at Luke, before he gazed up at the hotel that they stood in front of. It was large and extravagant, touched with that Old World flair that was prevalent in Texas. The sculptures and pillars in the front, and on the face of the hotel, only served to add to the grace. “The Adolphus? Sounds fancier than a Marriott or a Hyatt.” he mused. “Better than the ones I’ve gone to for medical conferences.”

“Rick said it was the best hotel in town, and insisted we go there to…” Luke’s lashes lifted, unintentionally seductive as he peeked at Reid from beneath them. “He said we should have fun in style.”

“Gotta love his taste.” Reid murmured, shivering at that look from Luke. “His loss that I prefer rich, gorgeous blonds with a heart of gold, though. I’ve never been a kept man~”

Luke laughed softly, touching his fingers to Reid’s lips. “You’re my kept man, but only in the best possible way.”

“Guess I could go with that.” Reid murmured, kissing his fingers, before he smirked softly, and took Luke’s hand in his. “C’mon. I wanna get back to what we were doing, before I bend you over the nearest sculpture~”

“Reid!” Luke protested, laughing, as he followed him into the hotel.

The hotel was just as beautiful inside, with some pieces that looked like they belonged in Greece, or Italy, in an art museum. Luke gazed up at the high arched ceilings with paintings swirled across the expanse, the writer in him enchanted that he wanted to take in every detail. But then, too, he wanted what Reid wanted, and checked in to the hotel, smiling again at Rick’s generosity as the concierge helped them, but didn’t ask for a credit card or even a wad of money.

“Enjoy your stay at the Adolphus!” he replied as Reid gave a wolfish grin at Luke.

“Oh, we intend to.”

Luke flushed lightly, but grinned back at Reid as he accepted the key from the concierge, and headed for the elevator, duffel bags in tow. “I wonder what type of room Rick got us…” he mused, leaning into Reid when he felt his arm slip around his waist.

“Who cares about the room? Well, I mean, as long as it’s clean and the bed sheets are fresh.” Reid added, before he got back to the main question, and looked Luke up and down with a lick of his lips. “I’m more interested in seeing you. All of you.”

Now it was Luke’s turn to shiver at the flirtatious look that rested on Reid’s face, and he swallowed hard. How could anyone resist a look like that? He knew he couldn’t. So honest, and passionate. All for him.

“Lucky you. I was just thinking of letting you see all of me.” Luke replied with a wink, ignoring the flush of heat to his cheeks, and the rest of his body as they walked to the elevator, and glanced to the key, before pressing the proper ‘up’ button. He hummed softly when Reid slid both arms around him from behind, and laced his fingers with his. “You going to be okay with the elevator?” he asked him.

“Yeah.” Reid murmured as he nuzzled the spot against Luke’s neck that his hair didn’t cover. “Just as long as I have you to distract me.”

“Oh, I’m more than willing to distract. Any which way you want.” Luke assured him with a purr, reaching up to stroke Reid’s hair and tangling his fingers into a few curls that he found.

The doors to the elevator opened, and an older couple stepped out. The woman, with one hand on her husband’s arm, and the other holding a tiny teacup Chihuahua, smiled at them when she saw their embrace.

“Honeymoon?” she guessed with a soft chuckle as Luke blushed, and smiled back at her, holding out his ring finger.


“Oh my! Young love.” she sighed, admiring the band with a soft ooh and aah. “Congratulations. Enjoy your stay here, the rooms are just fabulous!”

Reid smirked as the couple went on, and they stepped into the elevator. “You like showing off that ring, don’t you?” he teased, lightly pinning Luke to the wall as the doors closed.

“Of course I do.” Luke grinned back at Reid, tucking a curl of hair behind Reid’s ear. “It’s my first engagement ring, and it’s put on by a man I kinda adore. I‘m gonna flaunt it as much as I possibly can!”

Ignoring the gentle bump of the elevator’s ascent, and putting it out of his mind about closed-in places, Reid snickered softly, and leaned close to kiss him. “You’re a spoiled brat, you know that?”

“So you’ve told me.” Luke whispered against his mouth, smiling as he cupped a hand around the back of Reid’s neck. “But you haven’t helped matters any these days, so I’m sort of your spoiled brat, now.”

“Guilty as charged. I guess it’s my job to keep you grounded, huh, Snyder?” Reid murmured with a shiver as he felt the caress of Luke’s fingers.

“You can keep me as much, and as often as you like.” Luke breathed, before he pulled Reid close, cupping his face in between his hands as he kissed him.

They could have spent quite an amount of time in that elevator, making out, if it hadn’t been for the fact of the elevator reaching its destination. The gentle bump it gave, when stopping, broke the kiss, and Reid groaned in protest, lightly sliding a strand of hair out of Luke’s eyes. “Ready to go?”

“Not really, but let’s get to our room.” Luke replied with a smile, leaning his head so he could kiss Reid’s palm. “So we can pick up where we left off.”

“I like the way you think.” Reid smirked, before he took Luke’s hand in his, and walked out of the elevator with him.

Even the hotel hallways were extravagant, and Luke was sure he could stare at all the details for quite some time, but he would have to do that later. He allowed Reid to tug him along, laughing softly, before they reached the room number imprinted on their key. “Mm, let’s see what’s behind door number one.” he replied, sliding the key into the lock, and unlocking it as he nudged the door open.

Reid whistled softly under his breath as he gazed at the interior, with a sumptuous, king-sized bed, lots of room, and elegant decorations. “Now this is some room.” he replied as he rose up on his tiptoes slightly to look beyond. “It even has a terrace outside. That’d make for a great sunrise breakfast, what do you think?”

“Later.” Luke hummed softly, and when Reid gazed at him, he grabbed him by the strap of his duffel bag, and kissed him hungrily, closing the door behind them. Oh. The ‘do not disturb’ sign. Holding onto Reid with one hand so he could attempt to kiss his mouth off, he fumbled with his other hand, finding the sign in question, popping open the door, and taking two tries to fit the sign on the door before closing it again.

Reid was sure that his brain had exploded, along with all the synapses in his body. Luke had given him some amazing kisses, but this one took the cake as he groaned against Luke’s mouth, and wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist. He allowed himself to be walked backwards, loving the feel of Luke’s fingers in his hair, and dropped the duffel bag beside the bed, along with Luke’s, when he shifted a shoulder. That didn’t mean he let go of his mouth, however.

“Damn.” he breathed softly, blinking at Luke fuzzily when the kiss did break. “What was that for? Do it again.”

Luke chuckled, licking his lips, before he indulged Reid, and kissed him again, undoing the buttons on Reid’s shirt, and pushing both it, and the black leather jacket he wore, off in one fell swoop with his hands.

“I just think we’ve waited long enough.” he whispered against Reid’s mouth as his hands lingered over the bare expanse of Reid’s chest, gliding over muscles and skin. “We were delayed the first time we were in Dallas…and you were busy fixing Noah in Oakdale. This time, I want to make it right. No interruptions, just you and me.”

Reid shivered at the stroking fingers that skimmed over his torso. Trying to breathe again, he sought to remember a neurological procedure to reattach his brain, what the brain did, or even what bone connected to which. Nope, Luke had fried his brain. He had nothing. He drew in a deep breath, and closed his eyes, tilting his head back as Luke pressed a kiss to his neck. He gave a pleased groan in return, and shifted his head, tousling Luke’s hair with his own, before he pressed his mouth to his.

“Just you and me?” he whispered. “I can work with that.”

Luke’s brown jacket soon joined his on the floor, and though his fingers fumbled a bit, Reid managed to unbutton the buttons on Luke’s shirt. He met eyes with him after he finished, seeking the all-clear to make sure that he did what Luke wanted. Those eyes were just as dazed and heavy as he felt, so he took that as initiative, and leaned forward, licking a stripe down Luke’s neck.

“Ah…!” Luke gasped, feeling shivers follow the path of Reid’s tongue, before it blossomed out, sliding down his spine, all the way to his toes, and everywhere in between. Reid just had this way of touching him, that ignited heat that he never had felt with Noah. He could easily get spoiled to it, and crave it always. He reached up, fingers cupping the back of Reid’s head, and encouraged him for more, which, it seemed, Reid had no problem with.

Reid seldom went down on anyone. Luke was the exception, because of the way he responded. He had never liked putting himself in that position, giving someone else control, but as he lowered himself to his knees, feeling Luke’s hands sift through his hair, he knew that he could always trust Luke to give right back. That was just the way he was. He listened for the cadence of Luke’s moans and sighs, as he nuzzled his cheek against Luke’s groin, and playfully loosed the button on Luke’s jeans, drawing down the zipper with his teeth. Ah. There was the slight grip of Luke’s fingers on his hair, and he grinned, gazing up at him.

“Something the matter, Snyder?” he drawled, feeling pride flow, hot and bright, through him as he saw the flush of arousal that had overtaken Luke’s skin, suffusing his cheeks and his neck, down to his chest, with red. He did that. Reid Oliver brought Luke Snyder to that first touch of arousal. And he hadn’t even gotten his hand or his mouth on him yet.

“God, Reid.” Luke groaned, feeling his knees quake. It had been just a simple touch, hardly anything to write home about, and yet he could feel himself harden, stretching the seams of his jeans. And they hadn’t even gotten started.

“No names for deities needed, here~” Reid teased, winking. “I’m just a simple man.”

“Simple?!” Luke choked, struggling for breath and the ability to think coherently. “You?”

“Well, all right. You can do some worshiping later~” Reid replied, grinning crookedly at Luke, before he lifted his hands, so he could work down Luke’s underwear, along with his jeans. He shimmied them down softly, letting Luke cling to him for balance, and pressed kisses along the way. His thighs, his knees, even his ankles got the deferential treatment as he coaxed the garments off. Once that was accomplished…oh, what a sight.

“You know how the statue of David is considered the prime example of male perfection?” Reid murmured, almost conversationally, as Luke shivered under that slow, lingering gaze. “If they saw you as I am right now, they’d have to make up a new statue. You’re just…you’re perfect.”

“I’m not, Reid.” Luke replied softly. “There’s so many things I’ve done wrong with my life, to myself…perfect? I’m not even close to that.”

Reid caressed his fingers over Luke’s back soothingly, and pressed a kiss to his hip. “You’re perfect to me. And they say beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, right? Or some such sappy junk?” he replied, smiling when Luke laughed, just as he wanted.

“Well, yes, but…”

“But nothing, Snyder. If I say you’re perfect, you’re perfect. End of story.” Reid softly nudged Luke to sit on the edge of the massive bed, and crawled in between his legs. “You know I’m not good for sappy stuff. So if I say that I think you’re perfect, you’d better listen.”

Luke wasn’t sure how he’d gotten so lucky. Having a man like Reid, one who thought so much of him, in comparison to one that had thought so little, it seemed like a dream, and he hoped he would never take it for granted. He reached out to softly stroke his fingers through Reid’s curls.

“Well, if you say so, Dr. Oliver.” he teased softly.

“I do.” Reid cracked in return, grinning, before his eyes darkened with sensuality. “Now. Where was I?” He eyed up the delicious frame of Luke’s body, wondering where to start, before he leaned up and circled his tongue around a nipple, before he drew the nub into his mouth.

Luke gasped, and propped an arm behind himself, just so he wouldn’t fall. What Reid did to him, with the simplest of touches, blew his mind. Closing his eyes, he let himself float along with the feeling of Reid’s mouth on his body. From one nipple to the other, down along his torso, where he felt Reid’s breath flutter along his ribs. That was slightly ticklish, and he chuckled to himself, but the laugh turned into a gasp when Reid moved his mouth from there, to the flat of his stomach, and beyond.

Letting out a low whine, Luke lifted slightly off of the bed when Reid’s tongue grazed along the head of his cock. So close, and yet not close enough. “Reid…” he muttered, spreading his legs a little more when he felt Reid’s warm hand tap gently against his knee.

“You’re gorgeous, you know that?” Reid replied with a lick of his lips, gazing up at him. “So responsive. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: Mr. Mayer needed a lobotomy to even think about letting you go.”

Panting quietly for breath, Luke smiled at him softly. “Biased.”

“Truth.” Reid murmured with a shake of his head. “I still don’t get it, how he could ever let you get away. Especially when he knew you loved him. I’ll have you know, I’ve never be that stupid. And if I am…if I ever get scared of what we are…you have my permission to hit me.”

Luke had never laughed while he was in the midst of getting seduced. One thing didn’t belong with the other, but there he was, laughing at Reid’s dry, honest tone, even while he was stretched across his body.

“Reid, I could never hit you.”

“Yeah, you could. Especially if I make you exasperated. You don’t deserve to be yanked around, and if I get to that point--which I can’t say I won’t, ‘cause being like this, with you, scares me sometimes--then you have all the permission in the world to make me come to my senses.”

Luke smiled at him warmly. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I wouldn’t ever want to let you go. I’d fight for you, Reid. And if you ever got scared, I would chase you to the ends of the earth.”

“Mmm.” Reid hummed thoughtfully, before he grinned crookedly at him. “I’ll hold you to that, Mr. Snyder.”

It was then that Luke found himself flat on his back, quite before he knew what was happening, and Reid was over him, kissing the breath out of him. Not that he could complain whatsoever, the kiss threatened to scorch his lips off as he moaned, and pulled him closer, digging his fingers into Reid’s hair.

At some point, they both heard scuffling at the door, the squeak of a waiter’s serving cart.

“They’ll leave, right?” Reid whispered, his voice squeaking a little with stress. “I don’t want any food!”

“Which is saying something, for you.” Luke whispered back with a smirk, strangely honored. Placed before food in Reid Oliver’s book, one had to be exceedingly special. He listened to the footsteps recede back down the hallway, along with the cart. “See? I told you that ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign was good for something.”

“I was just waiting for another distraction…” Reid muttered, smirking back at him. “You know, we’re pretty bad at that. Getting cockblocked by something.”

“No fooling.” Luke chuckled. “So maybe we ought to do something about that~”

“Maybe so.” Reid kissed him again, then leaned back, gazing into his eyes. When he was met with a grin of agreement from Luke, they both lunged for their duffel bags, and pulled out the supplies they needed. He smirked when Luke peeked at what other goodies he might’ve had in his bag, and zipped it shut. “That’s for later. I’m not gonna last if we got to all of that.”

“Kinky, Dr. Oliver. Who would’ve known?” Luke teased, placing his bag down and allowing himself to be kissed stupid. It was a pleasant distraction, one that worked quite well until slick fingers pressed against his entrance. He hissed against Reid’s mouth and lifted his hips with a buck. “Ah, Reid…missed that…” he muttered, nipping lightly at his bottom lip.

“I missed it, too.” Reid kissed the lips that suddenly couldn’t get enough breath, as he insinuated two slick fingers within him. “I missed you. You know that, right? I didn’t chase you off when I--”

Luke pressed a finger to Reid’s mouth to seal his nervous chatter, and smiled at him. “I know it, Reid. I missed every touch of your hand, every kiss, and when I was alone, I thought of how you touched me. Even if Noah had tried to resume our relationship, it wouldn’t have had anything on you.”

Reid smiled at that, “So…I rate an eleven on your scale?” he teased, as two fingers became three, and took Luke’s breath along with him.

Luke groaned, and arched his back, gazing up at Reid with a dazed smile. “Oh, you’re more than eleven. You’re a twenty. Maybe a thousand.”

“Oh, so high. I’ll have to make sure that I live up to your scale, then.” Reid purred, leaning down to kiss his neck as he let his fingers follow the line of Luke’s thrust. So eager was his lover, and he loved watching him. He hummed in the back of his throat when he felt Luke’s fingers grasp at his shoulders, and he nipped at the fluttering pulse against his neck.

“Don’t tease me…” Luke murmured softly. “I won’t be able to take it, and…and I want to feel you inside, finally.”

Reid couldn’t help but shiver, leaning up to press kisses all the way to his ear as he withdrew his fingers. “You sure you want it now?” he whispered.

“Now, now.” Luke groaned. “Can’t wait anymore.” It had been such a long wait, what with everything that had gotten in their way. Now that he had Reid right where he wanted him, he was eager, reaching out with shaky hands for the condom, and tearing it open. “May I?” he breathed, gazing at Reid with dark, passion-dilated eyes.

Reid groaned, and nodded. “Go on, before I explode here.”

“Don’t want you doing that.” Luke whispered, shifting on tottery arms to push himself upright so he could slide the rubber smoothly onto Reid’s cock. It was difficult, when he wanted Reid so bad, he could taste it, not to mention his hands were shaking. “All right?” he whispered, as he fit the condom to the base, and glanced up at him with concern when Reid sucked in a breath. “It’s not too tight, is it?”

“No…it’s just…your hand…don’t squeeze like that, okay? Or else we’re gonna…finish before we start.” Reid laughed a little at the adorably-flustered, confused expression on Luke’s face. “You don’t know how hot you are, do you?”

Luke blushed lightly, but smiled at him. “I don’t know…why don’t you show me?” he murmured suggestively, as he lay back down again.

“With pleasure.” Reid muttered, eyes wandering over the sleek lines of Luke’s body. Heaven help him, the sight of that body in readiness was enough to make him lose control. Especially when Luke spread his legs wide, hooking them at the knee. “Holy hell, you don’t know how close you are to being turned over and spread wide.” he growled, feeling nearly cross-eyed at the jolt of pleasure that singed up his spine.

“If that’s what you want.” Luke whispered, smiling up at him as Reid bent down to join him, reaching out to glide a hand softly over Reid’s arm. “You know I want this to be the best.”

“And it will.” Reid promised. “But I don’t want it to be too rough. It’s been a while, and you need to be loved, not taken. Luckily for me and you, I want both. So…this first.” With tender care, he pulled Luke’s legs up high around his waist, and fitted their bodies together with a spare hand, and a slow, careful thrust that had his head spinning and Luke gasping, clutching tight to his arm once more.

Luke was tight, virgin tight. Reid knew it’d been a while since Luke had seen some action, but the feel of his inner muscles convulsing around him was amazing. Throat dry, he swallowed, and held himself steady. “Oh man. Luke…you’re…enough to drive a sane man crazy…” he croaked. “You all right?”

Luke nodded, gripping to Reid with arms, legs and inner muscles. It had been a while, and it stung, but it felt so good at the same time. The feel of Reid, of his lover, his fiancé, right where he wanted him…perfect. He sucked in a slow breath, and smiled up at him. “Welcome home.” he breathed, before he purposely clutched his muscles around him, and rocked up his hips, in awe that he could make Reid shudder like that, make all his muscles bunch and his body stiffen like that.

Home. Reid had never felt as if one place, or one person, could ever be home, not for him. He had lost his family when he was young, he had an uncle that he didn’t exactly see eye to eye with, relationships had been quick and dirty, few friends…and now he had Luke. And it did feel like home, like Luke was the only one to give him this peace and sanctuary. Home was where the heart was, it was said, and since he’d lost his to Luke, it looked like that hypothesis was true.

He didn’t want to let go of that perfect moment, sliding home as he did, and feeling Luke’s body welcome him, but he was no saint, either. Luke’s body did things to him, and he couldn’t help but thrust forward, loving the sound of Luke’s husky cry of pleasure. “God, Luke…” Reid uttered, bowing his head to nuzzle kisses against the bared flesh of his neck.

“No worshiping deities, remember?” Luke gasped, managing to grin playfully at him. Pleasure sizzled a path up his spine, but he struggled to keep some sense to his brain. It was hard, when Reid brought him so much pleasure, with so little. How was he going to stand it, when Reid really started to move?

Reid grinned back at him, affectionate, and a little goofy, with how they were both affected. “I dunno.” he muttered. “Ah…I might have to do a bit of worshiping of my own before the night is through. All this body, for me…man’s gotta worship somewhere.” He chuckled at the shaky laugh that Luke gave, blue eyes eating up the quiver of muscles, the blush of arousal, the fine, proud cock resting high against Luke’s stomach. Oh, the pleasures of a lithe body thanks to yoga, and Luke’s stifled sound that was very close to a scream of pleasure as he fitted his mouth around Luke’s cock.

It was wonderful, and at the same time, too much. Luke scrabbled at Reid, whimpering in the back of his throat as he felt the warm wetness of Reid’s mouth upon him. “You’re gonna…drive me crazy!”

Reid grinned around him, feeling pleased with himself to drive Luke that far up the wall. Luke deserved it, all of it, with all he’d put up with before from Noah. Never feeling loved, never sure if the feeling was mutual. He wasn’t going to let Luke ever feel that same doubt from him. Tongue slithering over the head, he moved again, thrusting his hips deep and watching avidly as Luke all but fell apart around him.

“You’re gonna let me drive you crazy…and you’re going to enjoy every minute of it.”

“Reid…” Luke whined softly, dazed, dark eyes gazing up at him, before they fairly rolled back into his head when Reid started to move. Even before, even when he’d first been with Noah, given him his virginity, it hadn’t been this good, this deep, this rich. He’d been young, then, innocent to the ways of sex, and he had thought it was good then. Oh, how he was wrong. He clutched onto Reid in every which way that he could, messing up his hair, making small rake marks with his fingers over his arms and back as his legs locked around Reid, tightening with every thrust. “Reid…” he moaned, then gasped, rocking with him when he felt Reid bend down in that deliciously agile way, and take him into his mouth again. He wouldn’t last long, he knew that, but at the feeling of this extreme pleasure, he couldn’t care.

Reid hummed quietly in the back of his throat, feeling Luke grip at his hair tightly. He didn’t mind the pull. It let him know that Luke loved what he was doing, and he was going to give him all that he wanted. Tongue swirling, he released him with a pop, and bent over him, rocking his hips into the sinful tightness of Luke’s body. “You’re gorgeous, you know that?” he whispered huskily, gripping Luke’s chin gently when he shook his head. “You *are*.” he added insistently. “You’re beautiful, passionate, loving…you’re giving me all this, letting me see it…and it only makes me love you more.”

That brought the sheen of tears to Luke’s eyes, as he gazed up at Reid, his heart touched. It was a first…he’d never felt so wanted, and he could’ve never found enough words to thank Reid for the feeling, after so long without. He reached up with eager hands, and wrapped them around Reid’s neck, pulling him closer to his body as he kissed him softly. “I love you, too.” he whispered against his mouth, breath catching quietly with every thrust.

Reid moaned in the back of his throat, and kissed him again. “You can show me…after, if you want…’m not going to last, and I need you too damn much.” he growled.

Luke smiled, and nodded. “Then let go…I need you too, Reid.” he breathed. And if he thought Reid’s actions were enough to make him lose his mind, he’d underestimated him. All it took was those words, and Luke was catapulted to a higher power of pleasure, starting with the force of Reid’s thrusts, and including his mouth everywhere on his body.

He lost track of all of what Reid did to him. It was a blur of pleasure, vibrating from every part of his body that he didn’t know if he was up, down or sideways. He didn’t much care, either, drunk on the feel of Reid’s hands, his mouth, his cock, taking him higher, higher, until he let go.

Luke might’ve blacked out a bit from the force of his release…the next thing he knew, he was laying on Reid’s chest, sprawled limply as Reid stroked his hand over his back. It was something like coming down after an alcoholic binge, only without the hangover as he lifted his head weakly, and glanced around dazedly.


He hadn’t meant to go crazy on Luke. Hadn’t meant to spiral out of control like that, but Luke had pushed him to the absolute limits. He couldn’t get enough of him, and his mouth and hands had been everywhere, high on the feel of Luke squeezing around him, crying his name, high on the feel of his passionate, greedy hands pulling at him. Reid felt a touch embarrassed, but at least he’d managed to last until Luke had collapsed like a rag doll after. He lifted his eyes when Luke finally stirred, and gave him a crooked grin as he rested his hand on the small of his back.

“Sleeping Beauty awakes~” he drawled, but his voice was soft, his touch gentle as he looked at his lover. Hell, Luke had turned him into a bona fide softie. “You okay?”

Luke flushed lightly at his teasing, and nodded, pushing his hand through his hair. “I’m okay. What happened? We did…didn’t we? I didn’t deprive you, or…I didn’t dream it, did I?”

Reid snorted softly, and pulled Luke to him, kissing the corner of his mouth. “You didn’t dream it, and you didn’t deprive me of anything. You’re amazing when you come.”

Luke flushed lightly, and smiled at him. “So you’re not mad that I…um…sort of blacked out there?”

“I’m not mad.” Reid assured him with a wink. “It must’ve been a doozy, huh, to make you black out. Was it ever that good, with Noah?”

“Never that good.” Luke whispered, moving, a bit stiffly, to snuggle up into his side. “It’s never been that…intense. Is it supposed to be that way?”

“Only with the best.” Reid murmured, feeling proud to give Luke that much. He tucked his arm around him, and stroked his back again. “You should rest, you know.”

“Rest?” Luke echoed, turning his head to frown up at him. “But…the night’s still young. And I haven’t…there’s so much to do yet.”

“There is.” Reid agreed with a nod. “But you need to rest, if you’re going to recover for later.”

Well. That was certainly promising. Luke grinned at him, cheeks flushing faintly with those words, before he snuggled close as Reid pulled the blankets around them for a brief nap, if only to gather strength for more. “And there will be a later?”

“Oh yeah.” Reid smirked, stroking his hand through Luke’s sticky, sweat-damp hair. “Definitely a later.” He rested his chin quietly against the top of Luke’s head, and smiled to himself at his sappy, but altogether deserved thoughts. “Hey, Luke?”

“Hmm?” Luke murmured, half-sleepily, as he wrapped his arm around Reid’s stomach. “What is it?”

“There was this one song that was playing at the Bucking Bull earlier…thought it kind of fit us.”

“Oh?” Luke replied, turning his head to him with sleepy eyes, and smiling when Reid squirmed a little. Adorable, this soft side of him. He looked forward to seeing it more often. “What was it?”

“Well…I don’t wanna break your eardrums…”

“Reid.” Luke snorted softly. “Katie told me you sing to Jacob just fine. Justin Timberlake, even. Don’t chicken out now.”

Reid chuckled under his breath, and pulled Luke closer, as he thought of the words he’d heard, playing softly on the jukebox, and was fairly sure he’d heard those words when he’d seen Luke for the first time. That was a funky sort of déjà vu. Maybe even fate. He kissed the top of Luke’s head as he settled in close.

“ ‘You know I’d fall apart without you

I don’t know how you do what you do

‘Cause everything that don’t make sense about me

Makes sense when I’m with you

Like everything that’s green, girl, I need you

But it’s more than one and one makes two

So put aside the math and the logic of it

You gotta know you’re wanted too

‘Cause I wanna wrap you up

Wanna kiss your lips

I wanna make you feel wanted

I wanna call you mine

Wanna hold your hand forever

And never let you forget it

Yeah, I wanna make you feel wanted…’ “


~The End~

!author|artist: moonchilddj, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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