ESS: new interview, plus Vermont Shakespeare Company reading in NYC 11/16

Nov 08, 2013 15:01

Usually, I'd wait for her to post it herself, but good news needs to be shared and if the timestamp on her blog is any indication, it's the middle of the night for her. So go read the first part of ktbob's new interview with ESS on her blog here.

Spoiler alert: upcoming guest spots on The Good Wife and Nurse Jackie!
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news, interviews, eric sheffer stevens

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dpracket November 9 2013, 02:59:56 UTC
Dexter ended? Will you PM how it ended? I watched the first few seasons, but then I lost interest. I got sick of the references to his "dark passenger" and Deb wore on my nerves. I'll never go back and watch the last couple of seasons. Maybe I'll find the last two eps on Showtime on Demand and check it out.

Nurse Jackie... it took me awhile to like her. I liked the show, but I wanted to shake her and ask her what the hell was wrong with her. She's a prescription drug abuser ( not spoiling anything) who uses while at work as a nurse, and she's doing other stuff that just irked me. The supporting cast is fantastic. Zoe is my favorite. It's not the kind of comedy that has you rolling... it's more sarcastic and sharp. It makes me snicker more than outright laugh.

Anti- hero definitely. She is a kick ass nurse, even when stoned. She tries to be better, bit she's very much a one step forward, two steps back kind of character.

Yes, I wanted ESS on Nurse Jackie back in 2011 when he was on The Big C on Showtime. He plays an asshole MD very well... haha. He'd fit right in on that show. But if he's a day player, he'll probably be a patient, or maybe he can be a specialist that they bring in ( with a huge ego, please?) haha... whatever he plays, I'll be watching! Love that show.

Try out season one, and see how you like it. it's a good show.


moerlin November 9 2013, 17:31:07 UTC
Will PM you later. I probably won't be able to keep my thoughts on Dexter all that short....

Sooo, I watched the pilot and surprisingly love it already! My kind of humor. I don't mind flawed characters - they're more interesting to watch anyway - but drugs/drinking (especially when paired with driving, which hasn't happened so far) and cheating are usually things that turn me off characters really fast and take me a long time to "forgive". I don't know why, but I don't mind it with Nurse Jackie so far.

After watching the pilot, I kinda want a LuRe crack!fic now where, when they tell Luke they're gonna harvest Reid's organs, he insists that he wants to keep Reid's dick. :D This is what watching this show in the middle of the night does to me, apparently.


dpracket November 10 2013, 01:53:03 UTC

I tried to start a crossover fic one time, but I couldn't get it to work. it's still on private in my journal. maybe I'll go look it up. It was some of the Nurse Jackie characters in the cafeteria, and one of them came in saying, " guess who I saw making out with doctor Oliver!?" Or something like that. I had written very little.

What bugs me about Jackie is that she uses at work. I'll say more as though get further into it. Zoe didn't have a big part the first season. I think the writers grew that character as they realized what a gem the actress, Merritt Weaver, is.

Enjoy! I wish it was an hour long show, and the seasons on premium channels are way too fast apart.


moerlin November 10 2013, 18:24:04 UTC
That woman was just going on and on about selling her husband's organs or getting to keep them for herself, so... :D

I think a lot of the characters of both shows would probably mesh really well. You know what? I would love to see a younger Reid interact with Jackie - she certainly had Coop's number and you just know Reid was insufferable after breezing through med school.

Yeah, I thought that would bug me, too (it's basically the same as the driving thing: take as many drugs as you want so long as you don't negatively affect any other people). I'm halfway through the first season now, and I like how many layers there are to everything, though.

Btw, forgot to mention it in the PM: if you feel like spending two hours of your life on Dexter-y stuff, I highly recommend watching this Michael C. Hall interview. Probably the best celebrity interview I've seen, even if Kevin Pollak likes to hear himself talk. ;)


dpracket March 7 2014, 23:50:09 UTC
Did you end up getting through five seasons of Nurse Jackie? I saw the trailer for season 6 on Showtime one night this week. I scanned the background for a grumpy looking doctor, but nothing! Just Edie Falco, Edie Falco, Edie Falco, like it's her show or something...jeeze... :-) :-) :-)


moerlin March 8 2014, 00:00:59 UTC
Ha, yeah, I did. Took me less than a week to breeze through all of it. Damn short seasons. ;)

Too bad there was no sighting in the trailer, but only a couple more weeks! I don't know if they shoot (mostly) in order, but if they do, ESS should be on somewhere around episode 6-8. Hopefully we'll know before the ep actually airs.
But really, it's all Jackie, Jackie, Jackie. How dare they? :P


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