Ally: A Four Letter Word

Sep 13, 2013 05:40

Title: Ally: A Four Letter Word
Author: flowersforchuck
Rating: PG-13
Characters: LuRe, OC Nolan
Warning: I’m not sure how to (should I?) warn this. Um, suggestion of maybe Luke/Nolan? Know that it will NEVER happen though. /covering my ass.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Oakdale or any of its inhabitants.
Summary: Nolan talks Reid into being his new bff (sort of) and then Reid finds out Luke has lightly tapped into his inner Grimaldi.
A/N: Not beta’d. So, sleep’s not happening tonight, so I figured I’d finish this fic that I had started four months ago. Enjoy.

Click to read.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: flowersforchuck, reid oliver, luke/reid, luke snyder, atwt, fan fiction

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