Fun Fic Friday!

Jan 18, 2013 19:46

~Fun Fic Friday~

T.G.I.F.!!! It's the day before the weekend, and what better way to close out the first week of the new year than with a fun dose of ficlets and drabbles of Luke, Reid, or Luke & Reid? Or how about some amazing icons or graphics of the guys? (Don't be fooled by the name - Fun (Graph)Fic Friday just didn't have the same ring to it.) ( Read more... )

funficfriday, drabble prompt meme, fan fiction

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sleeper6 January 19 2013, 17:16:34 UTC
Warning: It's angsty!

The House

Reid threw the keys onto the table beside the front door.

“Did you find anything?”

“Other than dinner, no.” Reid held up a white take-out bag. “I brought you a bacon burger in case you haven’t eaten.”


“What about you?”

“Nope,” Luke said, sitting on the couch, his eyes focused on the laptop screen.

“Who’d guess there are so many people flocking to live in this crazy one horse town?”

Luke laughed. “It’s not so small anymore. Even you have to admit that.” Luke closed his laptop and looked at Reid. “And a lot of that has to do with you.”

Reid sat back on the smaller couch opposite Luke and rubbed his tired eyes. “I don’t know about that.”

“You brought patients and recruited doctors and specialists who otherwise wouldn’t have set foot here,” Luke said. “They’re here because of you, Reid.”

“Well, can I ask one of them to leave so that he could free up his apartment?”

“We’ll find something.”

Reid shot him a disbelieving look.

“Or maybe we won’t.” Luke looked down at his hands. “I’ve been thinking of moving back in with my parents. How desperate is that?”

“Not as desperate as possibly asking Katie and the idiot to live with them. Hell, I’ll even share a room with Jacob if I have to,” Reid said.

“They won’t say no to you.”

“Your parents won’t either.”

Luke smiled. “But I don’t want to live with my parents.”

Reid smiled back. “And I don’t want to live with Katie and Meathead.”

The two stared at each other before Reid cleared his throat and sat up.

“How much time do we have left?”

“Sixteen days,” Luke answered.

Reid sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Better start setting up a cot in my office.”

Luke laughed. “Yeah, I should probably do the same at my office.”

“You should; you practically live there already,” Reid whispered.



Luke narrowed his eyes at Reid.


Luke shook his head and sighed just as loudly as Reid had done earlier. “We definitely should’ve found a place before we sold the house.”

“You think?” Reid asked sarcastically.

“Hey, you’re the one who couldn’t get away from me fast enough,” Luke said defensively.

“Go ahead and blame me for everything just like you always do,” Reid said angrily.

Luke sighed again. “I’m not blaming-look, we each face living on the streets in exactly sixteen days. All I’m saying is we should’ve held off on selling the house until we knew where we were going to live.”

“And have you take it from me? No way.” Reid pointed a finger at Luke. “Don’t think I don’t know what you and your grandmother were up to. You were scheming to keep it for yourself, which I’m guessing was harder than you thought since both our names are on the mortgage.”

Luke crossed his arms over his chest. “Maybe I’ll just buy it again from the new owners.”

“I’ll offer them more.”

“It’s just a house, Reid.”

“Compared to the crappy, slim pickings of Oakdale’s current real estate market, no, it’s not just a house, Luke,” Reid said. “It’s a great house. And the only place I want to live.”

Luke’s eyes roamed the living room. “It is a great house.”

“So why didn’t you just let me have it?”

“Because I wanted to live here too.”

Reid stood. “Well, now neither of us will. I’m tired. I’m going to bed.”

Luke stood too. “Reid, wait.” Reid looked at Luke. “Maybe we can stay here, both of us. Why don’t we buy it from the new owners? Then we don’t have to go live anywhere else.”

Reid scratched the top of his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


“You have to ask? We’re not-we’re not . . . together anymore, Luke. We can’t live together.”

“As long as we each stick to our own area of the house like we’ve been doing for the past six weeks, there shouldn’t be a problem.”

Reid smirked. “For how long? Forever?”

Luke laughed. “No, just until one of us . . .” Finds someone else. They both heard it even if Luke didn’t say it.

“Eat your burger and then go to bed. You’ll feel differently in the morning,” Reid said, walking toward the stairs.

“Maybe you will too,” Luke said.

Reid smiled. “Good night, Luke.”


smoothlikebutta January 19 2013, 19:13:24 UTC
You weren't kidding about the angst! I am curious what led them to this point. : (
I am glad the ending was open-ended enough to be hopeful for them.


sleeper6 January 19 2013, 21:14:38 UTC
I didn't feel like fluff with this one for some reason. Maybe I'll write a short follow-up telling what happened.

Thanks for reading anyway!


(The comment has been removed)

sleeper6 January 19 2013, 21:15:35 UTC
Sorry, I know! I just felt like being a bit mean to our guys. I might just write a short follow-up that fixes things, sort of.


lurelei January 19 2013, 20:09:45 UTC
Owww. The war of the Roses. :(
Well, at least Reid still cares, he brought Luke a burger. And reading between the lines I would say Luke still cares too.
Hope they can work it out.

Sad, sad but beautifully written.


sleeper6 January 19 2013, 21:16:39 UTC
Yup, neither wanted to leave the house and yet neither wanted the other one to keep it. :(

Yeah, I had to show that they still care for one another--I mean, they're in the same room!

Maybe they can work things out.

Thanks for reading!


kccalgal January 20 2013, 03:49:40 UTC
Even broken up they have a healthier relationship than Luke ever had with Noah.

I'm sure there is room for both of them at the farm. All of Oakdale's homeless end up there. They can rekindle the love by the pond.


sleeper6 January 20 2013, 05:47:14 UTC
Very true!

Aww I love the idea of them making up by the pond. :)


scotianova January 20 2013, 10:35:47 UTC
Reid smirked. “For how long? Forever?”

Whatever happened....they aren't finished yet ;)


sleeper6 January 20 2013, 21:05:39 UTC
No, not finished yet. Thanks for reading!


moerlin January 20 2013, 18:52:48 UTC
Awesome angst! I'm glad they're still more than civil with each other, and that there's still hope...


sleeper6 January 20 2013, 21:06:10 UTC
Yeah, I needed to show that though they're not together, they still can stand each other, mostly.



ltklo January 23 2013, 01:23:47 UTC
That's a different kind of LuRe story! Interesting.


sleeper6 January 27 2013, 04:10:07 UTC
Didn't want to write the usual fluff (not that there's anything wrong with that) so I went for this. Thanks for reading!


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