The Butterfly Effect 6/?

Nov 14, 2012 19:14

Been a long time since I've posted a chapter for this fic here! I hope you guys haven't forgotten this hard-won fic XD Comments, as always, are love!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | The Butterfly Effect 6/?

Author: moonchilddj

Characters/Pairings: Luke, Reid, Casey, Noah, other Oakdalians/LuRe, past Nuke

Rating: R/NC-17

Summary: AU-ish. When the breaking of one relationship sends him running from Oakdale, can the new face of another man put Luke’s heart back together?

Beta: Unbeta’ed! It’s been so very long since I’ve had a chapter out, I couldn’t wait. XD Any mistakes, though I’ve read this over a few times, are mine!

Disclaimer: I’ve been a fan of ATWT my whole life, shouldn’t I have rights to the boys…? No? Rats. XD None of the established characters are mine, I’m just playing with them, I’ll put them back neatly…only slightly used. =p The OCs are mine, this is for the fans’ entertainment only!

Author’s Note: My gosh, I’m so sorry that it’s taken me so long to get this out, guys! Real life has been le suck (and not in a good way!) recently. Computer problems, real life problems, you name it, I’ve had it! I haven’t forgotten about you guys, or this fic, and I promise that I’ll even pop out two chapters, just for the wait! Thank you SOOOOO much, for those that have stuck it out with me while I try to not lag in this fic! I know I’ve given you an impossibly long wait in between chapters. XD; It means the world to me that you guys still read and comment, as this fic has been such a labor of love for me! Comments and crits and reviews always, always welcome. Hope you enjoy!


Luke smiled, just a touch shyly at his invitation, feeling his cheeks burst with heat as he slid in through the door, and past Reid. Gazing around, he admired the environment, hugely masculine, in the large screen tv fixed to the wall and the stack of medical journals on the wooden coffee table before the comfortable, slightly-faded sofa. It didn’t have much in the way of decoration, but Reid seemed like a simple man, it only made sense he would have simple tastes.

“Football fan, I assume?” he asked as he gazed back to Reid, watching him close the door. “The tv is monstrous, after all.” he chuckled.

Reid laughed lightly. “Yeah, when I get the chance. You can’t live in Dallas without liking the Dallas Cowboys. A few other teams, too. Half of the time, though, I’m catching up on games on the tv in the waiting room.” he replied with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

“Workaholic.” Luke teased softly. “This is a nice place. Outside’s pretty, too.”

“Smells good at night, too. All the late-blooming flowers in the air, clinging to the heat. Better than smelling garbage, right?”

“That’s true!” Luke snorted, always finding a breath of fresh air with his honesty. It still amazed him, really, how direct Reid could be. It was nice to know how he was thinking, what he was feeling. Even if it was the most unexpected thing. He noted Reid’s fingers twitching against his thigh, then, and smiled understandably at him. “Nervous?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” Reid huffed out a laugh, half-exasperated with himself, but he was relieved that Luke understood. “So, uh, do you want the grand tour?” He blinked when Luke moved over to him, and took his hand in his, glancing down at their fingers again, then to Luke’s smiling face, complete with those dimples.

“I’d love to.” Luke replied with a smile, and started forward to head through the apartment with him.

The apartment was spacious, maybe a little bit too much for just one person. But with the way that Reid decorated, or didn’t decorate, as the case may have been, the apartment looked bigger than it should have. The bedroom and the kitchen had the most lived-in look, which made sense, since even a workaholic like Reid needed to eat and sleep, but the rest of the apartment didn’t quite match up. He found it a little sad, with the lack of pictures, or anything personal to give it that homey look, not just a place to sleep and eat at. Though the kitchen had the most delicious smells drifting from it and the open window, now that he wasn’t distracted by the big, double-door refrigerator.

Luke put away the sobering thoughts for the time being, and hopped up on the island in the middle of the kitchen, done in accents of silver, brown and cream, as he watched Reid head to a small door that went out onto the balcony that seemed to wrap around the outside of the apartment. “So…what have you made for us, doctor?” he replied lightly as Reid made a sound of amusement.

“Don’t you know, the best kind of secrets are the ones you don’t share until it’s ready? No peeking.” Reid chided as he worked around with a grill, blocking Luke’s eyes from looking on. “I worked hard on this, I’m not going to have my thunder stolen just yet.”

Luke chuckled quietly, and drummed his heels against the island lightly. “Spoilsport.” he teased, smiling as he watched him work. “I hope you didn’t go to a lot of trouble for me.”

“What trouble? My refrigerator needed to be restocked anyways, you just came along at the right time!” Reid cracked with a straight face, chuckling when Luke burst out with a laugh. At least someone appreciated his sense of humor, it caused the butterflies in his stomach to shrink in size. He put down his basting brush, and pulled the lid back down over the grill, then worked with the items on the stove, pleased with himself that nothing had stuck or burnt. It looked like everything was going to turn out well, even if he protested that he wasn’t there to impress Luke with his cooking skills. But it didn’t hurt his chances, either.

“It’s nice to have some home cooking. My grandma back home, she makes these fantastic meals that could feed a whole army. Delicious, too, every bite.”

Reid chuckled as he turned from the stove, and turned to face Luke, resting his hip against the oven door. “Well, I don’t have enough to feed an army, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be good. I haven’t cooked for anyone for a while…” He paused in thought. “Actually, I don’t think I’ve cooked for anyone at all.”

“You haven’t? Well, aren’t I the lucky one~” Luke grinned, gasping a little when Reid slid in between his knees, pinning him on the island as his hands braced on either side of his hips. It afforded him a delicious view of those eyes and lips, and he licked his own lips absently as Reid took in a breath, staring at him with enough heat to start a fire.

“That you are, Luke. Quite lucky indeed.” Reid whispered, more than a little breathless himself with the instantaneous burst of attraction that lit up between them. His eyes dipped to those lips. Surely one little taste couldn’t be all bad? He lowered his head, and wouldn’t luck have it, the timer on the oven picked right then to ring. He cursed under his breath as Luke gave a small chuckle. “Really…? The timing sucked on that…” he muttered, pulling back as he moved to take care of dinner, heading outside again.

“Sure, the timing wasn’t great.” Luke replied, feeling a little disappointed as well as he leaned to watch Reid pick up a platter and a pair of tongs. “But don’t know you know that good things come to those who wait?”

“It had better be something good…that was a wasted opportunity!” Reid lamented, chuckling to Luke’s sound of amusement as he finished, turned off the barbecue, pulling down the lid and coming inside with a platter full of barbecued ribs.

“Oh god, does that smell good.” Luke breathed with a sigh, watching Reid with appreciation. “And you said you weren’t doing anything for me!”

“I’m not. I just happened to be in the mood for ribs.” They both knew that was a bold-faced lie, and Reid winked as he set the platter down, and moved to take care of the rest of the food, turning off the heat on the scalloped potatoes and green beans. “A man isn’t worth his salt if he doesn’t know how to make good ribs.”

Luke laughed, and hopped off of the island, in order to ignore temptation and the sight of the other man bent slightly, accentuating his figure in those jeans. “Is there anything I can do to help?” he offered.

“I may be a little off with my table manners, but I do know you don’t ask a guest to do anything.” Reid replied with a grin Luke’s way. “Go sit down at the table, I’ll take care of everything.”

“Are you sure--”

“Go!” Reid swatted at him with a dish towel, laughing to himself as Luke yelped and moved to the table, chuckling as he plopped himself down in a chair. Reid gazed after him with a small smile, and started taking the dinner items, one by one, to the table, followed by plates and silverware.

“Want anything to drink?” he asked once he’d finished, watching in silent pleasure at how impressed Luke seemed.

“Iced tea, if you have any.” Luke smiled up at him. “I’m still getting used to the constant humidity.”

“You’re definitely not from around here.” Reid snorted as he turned to head back into the kitchen. “Where are you from, anyways?”

“A small town in Illinois. You’ve probably never heard of it…few people have.” Luke called after him. “It’s a half hour away from Chicago, but sometimes it seems even farther…small towns are wonderful, but everyone knows everyone, and…”

“And a perfect stranger can know your life story. Fun.” Reid called back, before he came back with two glasses of iced tea. “There’s a lot of anonymity to being in a big city. You can be a well-established gay doctor, and still blend in with the crowd.”

“Sounds like you like it that way.” Luke mused, thanking him softly for the tea and taking a sip as Reid shrugged, sitting down with his glass.

“I don’t want everyone and their grandmother knowing about me. Everyone has their secrets, their limits on privacy. I’m not the type to want to know everything about everyone, and it’s the same for me.”

Luke studied him thoughtfully, then smiled a little when Reid motioned for him to get his helping. He leaned slightly to start filling his plate. “So, does that mean I don’t get to find anything out about you, doctor?” he teased as Reid’s lips tweaked.

“Maybe the important parts. What fun is getting to know someone if you know all their secrets in one day?”

Luke made a sound of amusement. “You have a point. There’s nothing to bond over if you spill your guts out on the first date~” he replied, grinning when he saw Reid flush a little. “This is what it is, right? A first date?”

“It is.” Reid replied with a nod as he started to serve himself. “Just…first date. I’m reminded of the nerves I had when I was in college with said first date.”

“College?” Luke replied, his eyes widening a little. “You must’ve been a late-bloomer, to have waited that long.”

“No, actually. I knew I was gay since I was nine years old.” Reid replied, eyes twinkling in amusement as Luke’s jaw dropped open a little. “It was simply the fact of…well, you know how it is. Wondering if that person feels the same way you do, if they want it as much…it’s nerve-wracking!”

Luke smiled softly at how flustered he sounded, finding it kind of cute. He wondered what this man had been like as a high school kid. Intelligent, obviously, but had he been popular with the boys? Had he been good at academics or sports? Had he been a jock or a geek or somewhere in between? He supposed Reid was right, it was all about the finding out.

“You’re right, it is pretty stressful. As if high school wasn’t stressful enough without the added bonus of coming out.” he replied with a grin. “I’ve just never heard of a guy--of anyone--waiting until college. Hormones and all…”

“My libido didn’t rule me, even back then.” Reid drawled with a playful sniff that had Luke snorting into his napkin. “I had my studies to think about. I was going to be a doctor, after all. I wasn’t there to get laid. Well. Not at that time, anyways.”

Luke grinned. “So you never had a crush on the high school quarterback~?”

“…I said I had more important things, not that I was blind and dumb.” Reid deadpanned, laughing with Luke. “Okay, what red-blooded young gay man worth his weight is not going to have a crush on the high school quarterback? Didn’t you?”

Luke flushed lightly. “Basketball star, actually. Best friend, fellow player, first crush, and the first pain of having a thing for a straight guy.”

“Ouch.” Reid winced as he glanced at Luke. “How did that go?”

“Horribly. He became my enemy when I was in college. Ironic, huh?”

Reid studied him thoughtfully. “I take it that your coming out wasn’t smooth sailing.” he replied as he started to eat.

Luke shook his head, smiling as he picked up his fork. “That might be an understatement. I was still in high school when I started getting the idea that I was into guys instead of girls, so there was that, and the fact of coming out to my parents, which was a drama in of itself.”

“Anything in that area ever go smoothly for you?” Reid asked, his mouth full and still able to make a statement with his arched brow as Luke stared at him a little, amazed at how he could put the food away.

“Not really. There was a mess around that time, then with my first boyfriend, and during my first boyfriend…and after my first boyfriend.” Luke flushed lightly at how silly he must’ve sounded, with only one ex to his name before an older man that surely had the experience he didn’t. He took a few bites of his meal, thinking, before he glanced to Reid again. “What about you? Smooth sailing or bumpy ride?”

“Little bit of both.” Reid replied as he paused to take a breath and a sip of his tea. “I wasn’t the best at interacting with people, so it sort of saved me from those embarrassing experiences in high school. Not that it wasn’t terrifying to have a thing for a guy, and not knowing if he felt the same way…all guys go through that, whether their interest is guys or girls. Just that I really didn’t get into it…I had so much on my mind, doing well for classes, studying to be a doctor, that I didn’t really have the common teenage angst. It decided to strike me while I was in medical school. A serious, heavy lust for my mentor-figure.”

“Wow. You don’t start small, do you?” Luke grinned, then lost his breath when those sharp blue eyes pinned on him, lingering and slow, as if he wanted to take him in one feature at a time.

“No. I don’t.” Reid replied with a slow grin and a flash of teeth that was almost predatory. Why should he start small, when he had a whole meal, such as Luke right before him? He wasn’t the kind to tiptoe around, anyways, especially when the interest was genuine, and he was sure that it was. He gave a low laugh when Luke flushed a little pink, finding it kind of cute that he could get flustered over him being direct. Really, what kind of guy had he had for an ex, a moron? If he’d known him first, he wouldn’t have wasted any time at all letting him know he was attracted to him.

Pity he hadn’t been the first one. What he could’ve shown Luke.

Shaking off what-if scenarios, Reid resumed eating. “So…you didn’t do anything in high school, huh? No kisses or blowjobs or anything?” he cracked as Luke sputtered, and gave a half-choked laugh behind his bite of food.

“No, nothing like that. I developed a massive crush on my best friend, but nothing ever happened.” Luke replied as he dabbed at his mouth with his napkin, licking away barbecue sauce, and biting his lip when Reid watched avidly. “I uh, basically spent the rest of my high school freaking out over coming out to my parents and friends, and slowly got used to the fact that it’d be okay. There was a little drama, but it smoothed itself out. I didn’t meet my ex until college. He was a training intern at our local tv station.” he explained. “We kind of knocked heads a few times, we just couldn’t seem to get along. Hindsight being 20/20, maybe that was a indication of how it would be with Noah.” he sighed.

Reid gazed at him with a furrowed brow. “Last I heard, relationships never flow smoothly, anyways. There’s always bumps and bridges to cross, bridges to burn. Issues you have to get over to become stronger.”

Luke shook his head with a sad smile. “It was never like that for us. We’d cross one hurdle, only to get into another. His reluctance to come out of the closet, his dad, his issues with space…it was exhausting. Is love supposed to be so difficult?”

Reid shook his head. “Hell if I know.” he replied, before he made a face at Luke’s look. “Oh, don’t be making that puppy-dog face at me. I never said that I’d been in love, only that I’ve been in physical relationships. Sex. Emotional relationships, love, that isn’t my style. Too much complication, too much risk.”

Luke gazed at him, tilting his head as he mulled over the enigmatic state of the man. Reid had never been in love, he obviously hadn’t been into it before, if his “quick and dirty” could be believed…and yet he was trying this out. “I don’t get it, then.” he replied as he took a sip of his tea and swallowed, leaning forward on his elbow to gesture with his fork. “If you’ve never been in love, and never had an interest to get close to someone before…why the change now? Why take that risk?”

Reid’s lips quirked, before he gazed down at his plate. “Talk about not beating around the bush.” he muttered, half-sheepish, half admiring. “I don’t know, really. The person that I’d been with at that point in time, had never seemed worthy enough to take that risk, I guess.”

“And I am?”

Reid lifted his head at the disbelieving tone, and gazed at Luke intently, before he reached out to cup his chin in his hand. “Okay, obviously you need to look in the mirror more often, or something. And definitely ignore all the crap that your ex has fed you. I might not have known you for very long, but I do know that you’re a good man, Luke. A little naïve…” He smirked when Luke pushed at his leg under the table with his foot. “But a good man. Smart, fun, sexy and…kinda sweet. You make me want to get to know you. You make me want to take that chance, even if every other part of me is telling me to run the other way. I’m choosing to ignore that other voice, because there’s just something about you that makes me want to try. See if I get that lucky.”

“Lucky?” Luke echoed as he blinked at him, blushing a little when Reid’s thumb and forefinger tweaked at his chin. “Lucky enough for what?”

“To find out what all the fuss is about.” Reid replied with a half-smile. “See if this love stuff is worth all the hassle that everyone makes it out to be.”

With him. Luke found it rather flattering, to even be considered for such a thing. Reid was obviously not the type to go out and date regularly, if at all, and here he was talking about taking on the chance, just for him. He smiled, and lowered his eyes modestly. “I hope that I’m worth the chance, too.”

“You’d better be, or I want my money back.” Reid deadpanned, before he smirked when Luke laughed. He needed to do that more often, laugh like that, so carefree and amused and warm. “Seriously, though. I think you’re worth the chance, Luke. I don’t do things I don’t want to. If your ex made you think that you’re not worth the time and effort, then…he’s an idiot.” When Luke opened his mouth to protest, he popped a finger over his mouth to silence him. “I mean it. I’m not sure what screw loose your ex had to make you feel so low about yourself, when he should’ve been on his knees, thanking you for being in his life, but I’m not nearly as stupid. You’re willing to give me a chance, aren’t you? When you know I’m cranky, baldly honest, a workaholic, and have zero experience at love?”

Luke smiled and lowered the finger over his mouth. “You’re also intelligent, funny, a pleasure to be around, and I like how I feel when I’m with you. I want to get to know more about you.”

“All right.” Reid replied, mentally telling himself that he wasn’t blushing at Luke saying such nice things about him. So few people had kind words about him, when he knew he could be an ass. “We’re at an agreement, then. We’re gonna give this a chance, see how it works out. If it’s anything like what’s been happening already, then I think we’ll do just fine.”

Luke gazed at him in wonderment. He hadn’t expected anything like this to happen when he’d come to Dallas. He’d just been looking for some space and time to breathe, to heal his heart from Noah. He hadn’t expected to find a man that made him feel so good about himself. Reid was a special guy. He reached out, and placed his hand over Reid’s gently. “Thank you.”

“What are you thanking me for?” Reid asked, blinking a little. “Shouldn’t I be doing that?” he drawled as Luke gave a quiet sound of amusement.

“You can if you want. But I’m thanking you because I feel honored you’d even look twice at me, Reid. You’re an amazing guy, and though I wasn’t expecting anything like this to happen, I’m glad it did. I’m glad I got to meet you.”

“Hey, you’re not leaving now, are you?” Reid replied with a playful frown, lips curving at the corners slightly when Luke grinned and shook his head. “Good. Because I haven’t even brought out dessert~” he teased. He had a few more things in store than just dinner, and he had to admit, Luke speaking as such had thrown him a bit, even if he played it off as a joke. He certainly didn’t want Luke to leave. Not just yet. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to properly wine and dine him, and make damn sure that Luke knew that he was interested in seeing where things went in this new, exciting, terrifying course they’d started off on together.

“Dessert? I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for me, doctor.” Luke teased back, grinning impishly, and wondered a little if Reid had really thought he would leave, when his shoulders noticeably relaxed a little. Was this sort of thing so new to him? He squeezed his hand lightly, trying to ease that worry, even if Reid didn’t come right out and say it. ‘Suppose everyone has some sort of worry, even someone as confident as Reid.’ he thought to himself as he smiled at him. “I’m already impressed so far.”

“Well, I have a foot up on myself then, don’t I?” Reid drawled, restraining a small sigh of relief at Luke’s words. “Good food, good company, can’t get better, right? Or can it? You’ll just have to stick around and see.”

Which was what Luke did, eagerly, and through dinner, and a delectable chocolate cake that he made Reid promise to give the recipe to him for his grandma. He was more surprised when Reid disappeared after out on the balcony, and music played shortly thereafter, something slow and definitely romantic. He smiled and dabbed at his mouth with a napkin, before he grinned curiously at Reid when he returned. “Reid, what…?”

Reid chuckled under his breath. “What? I’m capable of a romantic bone at least once in a while.” he replied, holding out his hand to him. “Dance with me, Luke.”

“Well…when you put it that way…how can I resist?” Luke smiled, before he took Reid’s hand and let him pull him to his feet. He was rather amazed that Reid would court him in such a manner, compared to how it’d been at the club, but perhaps that was just because he didn’t know him enough. And he wasn’t used to being flirted with. He liked it, however, and walked with him, out onto the balcony that he saw was hooked up with a CD player, and even a few candles. The sight, and the scent of the flower garden somewhere below, charmed him, that he melted into Reid’s arms when he turned to face him, taking one hand in his, the other sliding around his waist.

“You didn’t have to go to such lengths…” he murmured as Reid smiled at him, looking pretty pleased with himself as they swayed together.

“I know. But if I’m actually going to have a date with someone, what’s the harm of going all out?” Reid replied softly. “Considering the look on your face, this kind of stuff has never really been done for you.” he pointed out as Luke blushed, and shook his head silently. “Well…seems like it was about time for it to happen, then. There’s certain ways these things are done, that much I know. Pizza and a game on tv isn’t bad…but if I’m gonna show you that I’m really serious about this, I’m gonna do it right. That way you know I want it. And you get treated the way you should be treated.” he whispered, smiling when he saw those dark eyes gaze at him as if he’d given him his birthday and Christmas all in one. Yeah, he could totally enjoy a look like that, it didn’t make him feel like a clueless fool, after all.

“Reid…” Luke whispered, before he leaned slightly to press a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Thank you.”

“Mmm…” Reid hummed at the light touch, feeling sparks traveling their way down his spine in a pleasant, tingly fashion. “You like it? I’ll charge it to your bill later.” he drawled, laughing with Luke when he gave a soft snort and buried a laugh against his shoulder.

“You know, for a guy that reports to like it with no strings or anything romantic or lasting…this is pretty romantic.” Luke teased, smiling. “One a scale from one to ten, I’m giving it a twenty.”

That brought a sparkle to the blue eyes as they turned around in a slow circle, lips quirking upwards when Luke’s arms shifted, and wrapped around his neck instead, leaving him free to wind his arms around his waist. “A twenty, huh? What would get it to go up to a forty? I’m always trying to one-up myself, keep my awesomeness going.”

Luke grinned in amusement, and brushed his nose playfully against his. “Guess.” he whispered, feeling those arms tighten around his waist. His breath left him in the next moment, when he was dipped in Reid’s arms, and kissed enough to make him forget his name. He gave a small, helpless moan at the press of lips, of heat, and tightened his arms around him, burying his fingers into his hair as he kissed him in return.

It was the most romantic date he’d ever known, and he hoped that this was only the start of many more.


He hadn’t been able to believe it, when he’d been told that Luke might’ve been involved with someone else. That was ridiculous, his mind had protested. Luke didn’t cheat, and he loved him, he always would. He’d said so. They just had a bump in the road, they always got back together.

Of course, Luke had never actually left town before, when they’d broken up…that was kind of an unexpected situation, and he didn’t quite know what to do about it.

Noah had thought that perhaps Luke’s parents would tell him where Luke had gone, so he could chase him down, talk some sense back into him and make him come back home, where he belonged. But they’d been surprisingly tight-lipped about the whole thing, even if Lily had looked a touch apologetic. Holden had just glared at him in a disapproving fashion, as if he blamed him entirely. It took two to tango, and it took two to argue. He wasn’t the guilty party, but all in all, he’d gotten nothing from Lily or Holden, even if Lily was more sympathetic to their relationship troubles.

“You have to understand, Noah.” Lily had told him gently, her mothering tone rankling Noah a little, though he knew better than to take it out on her, or else he’d never get anything out of her. “This is Luke’s decision, and we have to respect that. So, just this once, you have to be patient for him. If you want him back, I know you’ll be able to do it.”

Patience was never his strong suit. Noah wracked his brain to think of who else that Luke might talk to, and after a moment of thought, knew exactly who his runaway lover would’ve gone to. Which was why he was standing at Casey’s door, ringing the doorbell. He just hoped his hunch was right. After all, what was the location of Luke’s new location between friends?

The door opened, and he gave a grin to Casey standing on his doorstep, thankfully in more clothes than the last time that Luke had crashed at Casey’s place after a fight. If he didn’t know that Casey was straight as a board, he would’ve thought that there was something going on between Luke and him, especially since he and Alison had so many fights.

“Casey, hi!” he greeted, as if he hadn’t come over for just one purpose.

Casey took one look at him, and shook his head. “Dude, don’t even go there.” he replied.

“What? Casey, I--” Noah started to protest as Casey rolled his eyes.

“I know I may not always be the brightest crayon in the box, but c’mon, man. Seriously? You and I don’t hang out, like ever. You and Ali hang out more than you and me, so yeah, I know what you want, and it’s not happening.”

Noah huffed a breath. “Don’t be like that. Look, Lily and Holden were the ones that told me he was gone, and that he might be getting involved with someone. I just--”

“Wanna drag him back home by his hair and stake your claim?” Casey finished with a short smirk, walking back into his place and hearing Noah follow after him, closing the door. Seriously, why couldn’t the guy show this much care and affection when Luke was around? Maybe he wouldn’t have left, then. Even he had that much of common sense. “Noah, look, I feel for you. I know you guys have been going through a rough time. Me and Ali, I think we have about the same record as you guys.”

“Only Luke hasn’t slept with anyone, yet.” Noah muttered, blinking as Casey turned on him.

“Dude, you did not just compare Luke with Ali.” he snapped, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at him. “Are you serious? Luke’s been crazy about you, he’d never cheat. IF you were still together. The way I see it, the guy’s got free rein to do whatever he wants. You broke up. Again. And guess what, Noah. You chased him away this time. Are you happy?”

“Of course not!” Noah snapped back, glaring back at him. “I didn’t tell Luke to leave Oakdale! If he would just stop taking everything to heart, give me some space…”

“Space.” Casey snorted, shaking his head. “Yeah, he gave you a lot of space, didn’t he? You hurt him, don’t you realize that? He’s not a lost puppy that’s gonna come back ‘cause he doesn’t know any better! He wanted some space of his own, some time to think and heal. And yeah, if he finds some guy that makes him feel appreciated, more power to him. He deserves that, man, since he sure doesn’t get it from you.”

Noah narrowed his eyes at him, irritated. “You have no right to judge our relationship, you and Alison--”

“First, me and Ali are nothing like you and Luke.” Casey interrupted. “I don’t neglect her, or push her away. Our problems are entirely different, so you can stop right there. And second, I’m Luke’s best friend. I’ve seen the crap you’ve pulled on him, I’ve seen him cry over you. So yeah, I have the right to judge. If you’d stop being a bastard, you wouldn’t have the need to worry about Luke, ‘cause you’re the one that pushes him away!”

He considered Noah a friend, sort of. He wasn’t as close to Noah as he was to Luke, but there’d never been a time like the present where he wanted to deck said friend. He took a deep breath, and waited until his temper had calmed, and his voice had stopped bouncing off of the walls with his shouting.

“So. You really need to leave, all right, Noah? You’re not getting any information out of me. I’m not going to betray Luke.”

Noah scowled at him, his eyes narrowing to a squint. “Casey, that’s not fair. If you were any kind of friend at all, you’d help me get him back.” he snarled, annoyed when the other man just shook his head.

“Sorry, man. You’re not going to guilt me into this. Luke is my bro, and if he wants to not be found, then he’s going to get it. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”

Casey didn’t notice, as he was walking him back out the door, that Noah snitched his cellphone from the coffee table, and slipped it into his coat pocket. He hoped that he wouldn’t notice it for a while, while he got information off of it where Luke had gone. He’d return it back, when he was done with it, and he could track down Luke. Perhaps he could tell Margo that he thought that Luke might be in trouble…sure, Margo and Casey would probably be mad at him for his little white lie, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.

When Casey’s door closed in his face, Noah smiled to himself and patted his coat pocket. He’d find Luke in no time, now, and he’d make him see that he was making a terrible mistake, and all would be well, and they‘d get back together. Sure, they had some problems, but what couple didn’t? He loved Luke, and Luke loved him, that was all that mattered.


“This is all happening so fast.” He had only met Reid a few days ago, and usually Luke was not of the type to get keyed up with someone that he found attractive. But there was something about Reid, something that drew him, that when the dancing had lead to kisses, and the kisses to touching, and the touching to some time spent on the comfortable-looking couch in Reid’s apartment, he hadn’t been able to protest at all, nor did he really want to. That he had even said anything at all, was just for the fact that he needed some air after Reid’s kisses, more than wanting to stop.

Reid took a breath of his own, and lightly tapped Luke’s chin with his knuckle, smiling when a flash of that bright, engaging smile was gifted to him. “Do you want it to stop?” he asked softly, his other hand resting gently on Luke’s hip as they sat on the couch together. He hadn’t meant for it to get so hot and heavy, with Luke’s shirt off, and his own unbuttoned, but he had just been caught along the flow of Luke’s hands, Luke’s mouth, Luke’s body. He was sure he looked as flustered and tousled as Luke looked, though Luke pulled it off far more deliciously. He just wanted to suck on those kiss-swelled lips until he heard Luke moan again.

Luke bit his lip, and shivered when Reid’s eyes darkened at him. Despite being fairly new to passion, he couldn’t mistake the look in Reid’s eyes for anything else. Desire, and it was aimed right at him. “Do I want it to stop?” he breathed, his voice shaking a little, before he gave a soft laugh and shook his head honestly. “God, no. But we were talking about taking it easy…back at the club…”

“Oh yeah.” Reid murmured softly, grimacing a little. “I remember that. We both got a little freaked out then, huh?”

“Yeah.” Luke whispered, smiling. “Though I’m not sure how we got this far this time. Being all alone, maybe, no distractions…”

“Or else you’re just too hot to resist.” Reid breathed, reaching out to run his fingertips over the length of Luke’s arm, from his shoulder, down to his wrist.

“Keep that up, and there won’t be any resisting at all.” Luke whispered. “But…Reid, I don’t want to rush this, even if you tempt me. A lot. I don’t want to be your one night stand or anything. I don’t want to be a fling.”

Reid’s eyes softened, and he reached out to cup his cheek. “You’re not a fling.” he whispered. “How could anyone ever think that? Even I can’t, and I’ve had a few. Do you know how a fling works?”

“What…? No, of course not, Reid.” Luke murmured, and perhaps it was just the fact that he was a little flustered from the kisses, but he couldn’t understand why Reid would ask a question like that of him, furrowing his brow. “I’ve only had one boyfriend, why would I…?”

“Easy, easy.” Reid murmured, rubbing his thumb over the spot under Luke’s eye. “I’m just saying. With a fling, you don’t have dates. You don’t try to impress the other with your cooking. Hell, you very rarely even meet each other at your respective houses. A hotel would do, or a spare room at your place of work. Whatever’s handy and quick. No frills, no strings. Where did I invite you tonight?”

“Your place.” Luke replied softly, smiling a little.

“Yup.” Reid replied, popping the p in a particularly-gleeful gesture that made the red-faced Luke laugh a little more. “And who cooked you dinner?”

“You did. Quite wonderfully, too.”

“Why, thank you.” Reid smirked at him. “And who risked making an ass of themselves, talking about feelings and all that junk?”

“You did.” Luke replied, smiling at him. “I’m sorry, Reid, I didn’t mean to imply…it’s just…I know some guys do things to get into another’s pants. Not that I’ve had that experience, but I’ve never had something nice done for me, and you said you didn’t do relationships.”

“Until now.” Reid told him. “I’m willing to take that chance. Remember that, alright? And if you want to take it slow, we’ll take it slow. Whatever you want.”

Luke deliberated on his words. Did he want to stop it right there? Common sense said that he should. He didn’t want them to get ahead of themselves, too much too soon. He wanted them to work as any other normal, average relationship would.

But then, what sort of normal, average relationship had he had, anyways? His relationship with Noah had been anything but normal. He’d constantly second-guessed himself, was never sure what Noah was thinking or where he was coming from. What would be wrong with a little fun, really? He wasn’t going to have sex with him, not yet, anyways, but touching wouldn’t hurt.

He turned his head to gaze at him, eyes glinting. “I don’t want to stop.” he told him as he pulled him down for another kiss. “Not yet, anyways. Why don’t we just…let this go however far we want?”

“Luke…you’re going to kill me.” Reid whispered, moving his head to kiss him back, tongue slipping out to streak across the seam of his lips. “Are you sure you want this?”

“Yeah.” Luke whispered as his hand moved to stroke over his chest. “We don’t have to go all the way…but being able to touch you isn’t a bad thing, either.” he murmured with a grin, feeling a burst of pleasure slide through him when Reid shuddered at his touch. Tentatively, he brushed a thumb over Reid’s nipple, grazing over the muscle of his pectoral, and felt a rush of heat settle straight for his groin when Reid hissed a breath through his teeth.

He wasn’t a stranger to pleasure. He knew how the human body worked, through his work at the hospital, and personal interactions with others. But damn if Luke’s touch didn’t make it about a thousand times better than those other times, that Reid was almost left reeling. There was something almost innocent about that touch, elegant and earnest, like he wanted to do everything he could to make him feel good, but he didn’t know how. Absently, he wondered how Luke had ever had sex with his ex, if he was so wide-eyed and breathy about it. Had the idiot even done it right? That had to be it, because there was no way one who’d had sex could look so innocently sensual, could touch him as if it was the first time touching a man ever.

“Stupid…” Reid muttered, lashes flickering a little when Luke gazed at him in confusion. “Your ex…stupid as all hell if he let you get away.”

“Oh…” Luke replied, and he was sure that his cheeks flooded with color when Reid said such a nice thing about him. He licked his lips and smiled. “I’m sure he probably wouldn’t think so…but he’s not here, is he?” he whispered as Reid let out a groan.

“No. He’s not.” Reid replied softly, before he smirked at him. “So let me show you what I can do.” he whispered, before he pressed him back to the couch, on his back, before he leaned over him to kiss him. He liked the way that Luke just melted into him, into his touch. He liked the way that he tilted his head back and moaned, so soft and low. Gay porn stars couldn’t do it as well as Luke did, he was sure. He grinned a little to himself, and let go of that lovely reddened mouth, running a line of kisses and little bites along Luke’s neck, lifting his fingers to stroke over his chest, combing a line through the springy light curls of hair there, before he lowered his head to softly, playfully catch a nipple with the edge of his teeth.

The reaction was almost instantaneous, as Luke let out a sharp gasp, and arched his back, his hand reaching up to grasp at Reid’s shoulder. His eyes snapped open, pulled from the foggy daze of pleasure from those kisses, and he looked down at Reid, shivering. “Reid…” he breathed, his eyes wide as jolts of pleasure arrowed through his body, heading down in an unerring path to his groin.

Reid lifted his head with a smirk. “Sensitive, aren’t you?” he drawled, chuckling a little under his breath.

“No, I don’t think…well, I don’t know.” Luke sputtered, flushing. “Noah, he…well, he wasn’t much for foreplay.”

“Seriously? With a body like yours?” Reid replied, arching a brow in disbelief as he flicked his gaze over him. “Forget having a screw loose, I think he needs a lobotomy.”


“I mean it. You’re gorgeous, Luke, and if he’d been any kind of lover, he would’ve appreciated just what he had.” Reid told him with a shake of his head. “Key term being had, there. Because if he won’t appreciate it, I know I will.”

Luke swallowed hard at the heated look in those blue eyes, feeling as if all that heat was just going to melt him to liquid. Even Noah had never looked at him like that, like he couldn’t take another breath without kissing him or touching him. Was this what it was supposed to feel like, to be desired? It was definitely new to him. He reached out, fingers quivering a little, before he cupped Reid’s cheek in his palm. “Then show me what I’m missing, Reid.” he whispered, smiling at him.

“It’d be my pleasure.” Reid whispered back, the corner of his mouth quirking, before he turned his head to kiss the middle of his palm lightly. He then lowered his head to pick up where he’d left off, eyes kindling with heat as he watched Luke respond, so honestly, no holds barred. That gasp, that low cry of pleasure, it just made him want to give to him more, his fingers moving to play gently with the other nipple as he sucked in the nub of flesh into his mouth.

Heat rushed through him, and Luke moaned, his eyes closing dazedly. He slipped his fingers into Reid’s hair, holding him steady against him. How such a mouth could feel so good, as if he’d never been touched at all, he didn’t know, but he couldn’t stop it, either. Wouldn’t stop it. Pleasure like that, fueled by just the touch of Reid’s lips when they hadn’t even done anything, it felt like the most exquisite rush of sensation. He wanted to feel more of it, heaven help him. He wanted to experience as much of it as was possible.

He arched his back when he felt Reid’s mouth drop lazy, heated kisses over his torso, down to his stomach. Reluctantly letting go of his hair, he gazed down at Reid, shuddering when his tongue playfully flicked at his navel. “Reid…” he muttered breathlessly, shifting restlessly.

Reid smiled at him. The look on Luke’s face was nothing short of delicious, and he just wanted to give him more. But how much was too much? He reached out carefully, and slipped a hand between his legs, slowly massaging at the material of Luke’s pants, that the fabric pulled, most becomingly, against his groin.

The husky cry he got for his efforts had a searing burst of pleasure settling low in his gut as Reid watched him. Yeah. Way better than watching gay porn. “Damn, Luke.” he growled quietly as he watched Luke shudder and just arch like that, heels against the couch, his body leaving the frame, and bucking up into his hand. “Keep it up like that, and I’m not gonna be responsible for what I do.”

Luke gave a soft, flustered laugh, sweeping a hand through his hair as he fell back to the couch. “Sorry…just…your touch.” he breathed, smiling up at Reid. “It feels amazing. You pay so much attention to me, it’s sweet at the same time as it’s arousing.”

Reid smirked softly. “Well…let me show you how I do things. I think you’d like it. If you trust me?”

Luke studied him, letting his fingers stroke lightly over the curve of his cheekbone. “Yeah. I trust you.” he whispered. “Nothing wrong with a little physical appreciation, right?”

Reid waggled his brows at him, smirking when Luke laughed. “Nothing wrong with it at all. In fact, I’ll be more than happy to let you return the favor.” he purred.

“Return the favor?” Luke’s eyes grew wide, and Reid couldn’t help but laugh at the look on his face, so flustered, so turned on, but so shy at the same time.

“I’ve got a lot to teach you, don’t I?” he drawled with a smirk, leaning closer to kiss him. “Lucky for you, I’m a patient, generous teacher. School’s in session.”

Luke blushed at that, and pulled him closer, cupping a hand around the back of Reid’s head to let his kiss linger a little longer. “I’m all ears, professor.”

!author|artist: moonchilddj, fan fiction

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