Title: We were only Freshmen; 28/32 (and Epilogue)
Author: sajaal
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Natalie Snyder, mentioning of other ATWT characters and some that are not.
Rating: Pg 13-R,
Disclaimers: Not mine I mean no harm. All mistakes are mine and apologize for my editing skillsJ
A/N: In the words of scotianova, this story just popped into my head when I heard the song, “The Freshmen”. It’s been seven years since Dr. Reid Oliver had been summoned by Luke Snyder to help his boyfriend Noah, regain his eyesight, Luke and Reid never met then, but due to a tragic accident they meet in Boston, MA...enjoy.
The Freshmen; The Verve Pipe
“I can’t be held responsible cause she was touching her face.
I won’t be held responsible she fell in love in the first place.”
Chapter #28