Title: Blast The Cannon 3 of 40?
Written by:
kccalgalRating:PG to NC-17 Varies by chapter. This one is PG-13.
Summary: This is a rewrite of the summer of 2010. Luke and Reid fall in love. Can they endure all the forces trying to keep them apart?
Warnings: lots of Noah. He is not a nice guy and causes all sorts of trouble. Angst/Violence/Character Death/Soap Opera Medicine.
Disclaimer: I own no fictional characters. I borrow them for fun only.
Author's Notes: I have been working on this for over a year. This was supposed to be my Big Bang 2011 but it became overwhelming. Noah is not the same character as he was on the show, but he is something I could see him becoming given who his father is. I have tried to maintain several of the events that happened in Oakdale, but Luke and Reid now have their own story. I assure everyone who loves our boys a happy ending. Total word count will be around 100,000 spread over around 40 chapters. Thanks for reading and keeping LuRe alive. I love all feedback.
A/N 2: Specific chapter warning---Janet. Word count 3665.
Previous chapters:
Prologue 1,
2 Chapter 3