Fic: Unromantically Romantic

Jul 05, 2012 00:16

Title: Unromantically Romantic
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,459
Summary/Prompt: How Reid asks Luke to move in with him.
Author's NoteI've been struggling with inspiration lately but after seeing everybody's responses to the poll posted a couple of days ago, this just came flowing out. Enjoy :D and Happy 4th!!!

Reid has Luke pressed firmly against the back of the couch, his hand was sliding up the front of the blonde’s shirt as he trailed up the side. He felt Luke’s breathing hitch as he ran his hand across his stomach, moving this fingers against the base of his jeans.

Luke pushed his hips up, trying to get more contact. Reid reacted, shifting their intertwined legs in all the right places. Luke deepened the kiss as Reid applied pressure.

It was amazing how watching Through the Wormhole, with Morgan Freeman on The Science Channel had turned Reid on so much, but Luke was definitely not complaining. He loved how riled up Reid got around geek-speak, and it was one of the many reasons why he didn’t complain when he had to watch television with him.

Luke tilted his head back, trying to breathe, and Reid, being the skilled surgeon that his was, was just as talented with his hands as he was with his mouth, and didn’t waste anytime moving down his jawline and towards his now exposed neck.

Luke didn’t know how it was possible that Reid could stimulate so many senses at once. But his entire body was getting hotter as Reid worked every inch of him.

“God, fuck Reid.” Luke gasped as he desperately moved against him. Reid had seamlessly popped open the button of Luke’s jeans, but proceeded to leave that area untouched. Instead he brought his hand back up Luke’s body, directing Luke’s face back towards him, and connecting their lips again.

Luke again pushed up against Reid. He was becoming more and more uncomfortable below the belt, and Reid just loved to tease him, practically make him beg for it. Luke could feel Reid smirk into their kiss as he pressed his thigh deep into Luke’s groin, pushing and stimulating ever so slightly.

Luke, in turn, pulled Reid’s lip into his mouth, biting it, just hard enough to let Reid know he was done being teased with.

“If you don’t do something soon, I’m going to…”

Reid silenced Luke with a hard kiss, not allowing him to speak, as now their tongues were more than intertwined with each other.

Reid and his control issues.

In a silent protest, Luke moved his own hand, which has been firmly on Reid’s hip trying to pull him in tighter, towards his own jeans. If Reid wasn’t going in, he would just have to do it himself.

Reid reacted just as quickly, grabbing at Luke’s wrist. He pulled Luke’s wrist up, moving it above his head and holding it against the back of the couch arm.

If it wasn’t so fucking hot, Luke would have put up more of fight to try and get out of the hold that Reid had him in. Instead, it only turned him on even more, moaning into the kiss.

After keeping Luke on the edge for a bit longer, Reid finally released the blonde’s wrist, allowing him to now use both of his hands.

“Sit up.” Luke practically demanded into Reid’s parted lips. Reid felt Luke push at his stomach and he did as he was told. He popped up, straddling Luke just below his waist, and finally getting a decent breath of air. “Shirt off.”

“Yes sir.” Reid said with a cocky smile as he pulled his lazy Saturday Harvard Med t-shirt over his head tossing it to the floor. Luke reached forward and tugged at Reid’s sides to pull him back on top of him.

Luke kissed down Reid’s neck, taking full advantage of the newly exposed skin. Reid let Luke linger, enjoying the slow work that Luke was doing to him.

It was the little things that Luke did that made Reid fall more in love with him.

Like how he was currently scratching at the base of his hairline, right behind his eyes.

It felt so fucking good, and Luke was the only one that ever did it.

But Reid wasn’t stupid either. He knew that Luke was only doing it to get what he wanted.

Reid again, guided Luke’s lips back up to his, kissing him ever so deeply.

And during that kiss, that he knew Luke was completely lost in, he was able to reach down and pull the zipper down on Luke’s jeans. He felt Luke respond positively with a push of his hips upward, which made Reid smile into their kiss. He could feel Luke’s breathing pick up and the skin right at the base of his jeans was electrically on fire.

“Come on Reid.” Luke begged into the kiss.

Reid always loved how impatient Luke was. It was one of the many, many, (many, many, many) pluses to dating somebody as young as Luke and the excitement, lust, and want was never lost on him.

Luke felt like he was going to explode. Reid loved to make him wait and he knew that if he tried to do it himself, Reid would pull the same move as before. But he wanted…needed, to be touched so badly. Reid had worked him up with every movement prior that if Reid didn’t do something soon…

And soon came just in time.

Luke lost his breath in his throat when Reid’s hand finally made contact with his cock. Luke involuntarily pushed up into Reid’s hand and thankfully Reid was done making him wait. Reid now had his fingers wrapped around him, and was slowly jerking him off as they continued to make out.

Luke found himself unable to breathe and would need to pull away for air, in which Reid would return his lips back to his neck, leaving think wet marks on whichever side he was working on.

Both were so completely lost in one another that neither heard the click of keys in the door.

“Oh my god! I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Katie shrieked as she dropped her purse and covered her eyes.

“Katie, what the fuck?” Reid shot back, completely startled out of the moment. He watched as Katie backed out of the room, shutting the door behind her, continuing to mutter sorry to herself as she exited.

“Well, that’s awkward.” Reid said, looking down at a crimson Luke, who, like Katie, was also covering his face with his hands.

Luke peaked out behind his fingers but he was completely mortified. Katie had clearly seen everything that was going on. It would have been impossible for her not too.

It’s not as if he didn’t know that Reid has talked about their sex life with her, but she didn’t ever need to actually see it.

Reid, who had moved off Luke, got up off the couch and retrieved his shirt. Luke in turn, removed his hands from his face and zipped and buttoned his jeans back up.

“I didn’t think she was coming back until after dinner at Margo’s.” Luke finally said as he moved to sit up on the couch.

“That’s what she had told me this morning.” Reid said, as he sat back down onto the couch next to Luke.

“Do you think she’s going to come back in?”

“Possibly.” Reid said. “But you know what? If I want to fucking fuck you on a couch, I should be able to without the lingering fear of a roommate walking in.”

“That’s romantic.” Luke said with a laugh, not entirely sure where Reid was going with this.

“That’s it. I’m moving out and you are moving in with me.”

“Reid, are you being serious?”

“Luke, I fucking love you and I love fucking you.”

“Again, so romantic.”

“You know what I mean. I have no business living with a roommate anymore and you definitely need to move out of your mother’s house. We have officially run out of places to hook up without being interrupted and I’m sick of it. I refused to be forced to only sleep with you in a bedroom, that currently happens to be next door to a sleeping child.”

“You do make some valid points.”

“So you’re in.”

“I guess I am, and it’s mainly because I love you too.”

“How did I ever live without you?”

“You didn’t. Remember, you used to be a workaholic with a snarky attitude.”

“What does that make me now?”

“That makes you my ridiculously unromantic yet somehow romantic boyfriend.”

“I can live with that.”

“I guess I will be living with that now too.” Luke said with a cheeky grin.

“Come here.” Reid said, grabbing Luke’s shirt and pulling him closer, their lips colliding together.

“Guys? Can I come back in?” Katie asked through the door.

Both groaned before breaking away from their kiss.

They knew they would have to let her back in.

Since it was ultimately her apartment.

rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret

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