Title: Somebody Should Be Kissing Those Lips
Author: dpracket
Rating: R/NC17?
Characters: LuRe
Disclaimer: Boys not mine
a/n: Sorry this has taken so long to post. Real life is just....*heavy sigh*...I wanted there to be more, but I had to end it. It's been written for over two weeks, and I just couldn't tie it up the way I wanted to. I hate when that happens. Not truly happy with it, but whatever. I hope to post an epilogue at some point because there's a bit more of the story to tell I think. Anyway, thanks for reading.
http://dpracket.livejournal.com/50255.htmlPART 2:
http://dpracket.livejournal.com/50611.htmlPART 3:
http://dpracket.livejournal.com/50931.htmlPART 4:
http://dpracket.livejournal.com/51075.htmlPART 5:
http://dpracket.livejournal.com/51428.html Part 6...