Facebook Through The Years - Year 1

May 25, 2012 13:21

Title: Facebook Through The Years

Author: Hotlen

Raiting: PG-13

Summary: The first year starts January of 2011, Luke and Reid have known each other for a year but have only been officially dating for 8 months and they live together. This will be a series of Facebook status updates by Luke and then the comments. I’m not awesome skilled so it’s not formatted like Facebook with pictures as I know someone else did, so imagine it with me.

Author’s Note: So a few people have asked me, and I ask myself, where is Year 1? It's not under my author tag, and it's not in my own private journal, so I decided to post it again since it's been over a year.

Luke Snyder: Hanging out with my boyfriend
Reid Oliver: You’re hanging out with my boyfriend?
Luke Snyder: I can’t get away from him
Reid Oliver: Either can I.
Casey Hughes: Will you guys stop using this to flirt? You’re bad enough in real life and now I come on FB and you’re still there being googly.
Reid Oliver: Googly? Are you comparing us to a search engine?
Katie Hughes: Leave them alone, Casey! They are so cute!
Reid Oliver: For the last time, Goldilocks, no, you cannot be in the relationship too. What happened to your new husband?
Katie Hughes: He’s not as fun as you two.
Reid Oliver: Don’t let Doogie hear that.
Chris Hughes: I hear it all the time, Reid. Even in bed.
Luke Snyder: Katie, sick! You’re like my cousin. This conversation is over.
Katie Hughes: Luke, don’t be mad.
Casey Hughes: Thank you!

Luke Snyder: A year ago today I met an asshole self absorbed doctor.
Reid Oliver: A year ago today I met a manipulating, blackmailing, wealthy, entitled brat.
Luke Snyder: Best day of my life.
Reid Oliver: Best day of my life.
Casey Hughes: *takes a picture* how precious.

Luke Snyder: Sometimes I feel like I live alone. The house makes scary noises when Reid’s not here.
Casey Hughes: Nawwwww, man you can come hang with me. I got the new Rock Band.
Luke Snyder: I’m no good at that game.
Katie Hughes: You can always baby-sit Ethan!
Luke Snyder: Wow, thanks Katie.
Faith Snyder: You’re the one who married a doctor.
Luke Snyder: Faith, don’t be jealous. You know it’s totally hot.
Casey Hughes: Pretty soon I’ll be in the same boat as you, dude.
Luke Snyder: We’ll be doctors wives. HA!
Casey Hughes: Hopefully I’ll be too busy with school to notice she’s gone most days.
Faith Snyder: Can you two call each other? I keep getting messages that someone has replied to a comment by Luke Snyder and it’s getting annoying.
Luke Snyder: Sorry Faith!
Casey Hughes: That only makes me want to write more.
Faith Snyder: Asshole.
Reid Oliver: Sorry, Luke. But you know what you married.
Luke Snyder: I’m not mad baby, just lonely.
Reid Oliver: I’ll make it up to you.
Casey Hughes: Sick dude!
Luke Snyder: Casey, the more you protest the more I think you like it.
Reid Oliver: Casey wants in on this action. I can’t blame him, but it’s not going to happen, Little Hughes.

Luke Snyder: I’m so sick! I can’t breathe!
Lily Snyder: Sending Faith over with Emma’s chicken soup!
Casey Hughes: Good thing you live with a doctor.
Luke Snyder: How’s your doctor coming along?
Casey Hughes: Ali? I never see her, so I guess that means she’s working.
Luke Snyder: Welcome to my world, Hughes.
Reid Oliver: You have the sniffles, Luke, stop being dramatic.
Casey Hughes: How sensitive.
Luke Snyder: If he said anything else I’d be worried he contracted my illness.

Luke Snyder: It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime, so let me say before we part so much of me is made from what I learned from you. You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart. And now whatever way our stories end I know you have re-written mine by being my friend.
Noah Mayer: Good to talk to you again too, Luke.
Luke Snyder: We need to talk more!
Noah Mayer: I know, but I’m really busy out here.
Luke Snyder: When you get famous I’ll be able to say, I knew him when. You’ll always be my first everything.
Noah Mayer: You too, Luke.

Luke Snyder: Reid got a hair cut today and I miss the little curl behind his ear :(
Katie Hughes: Noooo I love that curl!
Gretchen Taylor: I’m with Katie on this one. Whenever Reid is yelling at me I stare at that curl and think of how hot he is.
Reid Oliver: Next time I’ll have them cut all but that one. I didn’t know it had so many fans.

Luke Snyder wrote “I’m going to the store what do you want?” on Reid Oliver’s wall
Reid Oliver: meat, cheese, lettuce, bread, mustard, mayo, pickles, tomatoes, cereal, coffee, milk, lube
Luke Snyder: Way to be specific Reid.
Casey Hughes: Please will you guys stop!
Reid Oliver: It’s our grocery list, Casey, why are you reading this?
Casey Hughes: When you’re friends with both people the comments pop up on your feed too.
Reid Oliver: Would you rather I left off the lube? It’ll be your fault for Luke’s sore ass.
Luke Snyder: Reid…
Casey Hughes: Dude, man, I do not want to hear about these things, or think about Luke that way.
Reid Oliver: No one asked you to.

Luke Snyder: Watching Glee with Reid. I love Klaine!
Casey Hughes: You are so gay, Luke. How did I not realize this when we were younger?
Katie Hughes: I nearly spit out my drink. Reid watching Glee??
Reid Oliver: I protested, but then he turned it on and there were hot guys. Apparently one of them is part of Kaline? I don’t get it.
Casey Hughes: You’re both shallow.
Luke Snyder: Ha! Says the man whore.

Luke Snyder: had the most amazing Valentines Day ever!
Katie Hughes: Do tell!
Luke Snyder: I’ll PM it to you Katie, I wouldn’t want to hurt Casey’s eyes.
Casey Hughes: Thank you for the consideration Luke.
Reid Oliver: I fucked his brains out.
Luke Snyder: REID!!!
Faith Snyder: GROSS! They need a sister filter on this!
Katie Hughes: Oh now you have to tell me every detail, Luke!
Reid Oliver: Don’t get too detailed, Luke.

Luke Snyder: When I feel like giving up, I climb inside your heart and still find, you’re my safest place to hide
Katie Snyder: Awwwww Luke you’re so cute!
Luke Snyder: It’s Backstreet Boys. Don’t tell Reid I listen to them. He doesn’t know it, but this is our song.
Katie Snyder: What’s it called?
Luke Snyder: Safest Place To Hide
Katie Snyder: Awww you guys are soooo cute!
Reid Oliver: This is absurd.

Luke Snyder: Laying the first brick to the new Neurology building today!
Lucinda Walsh: Well done, Luke. I’m so proud of you.
Lily Snyder: It’s going to be great, baby.
Reid Oliver: Thanks for all the money, Richie Rich.
Bob Hughes: The hospital is going to be state of the art, thanks to you and Reid. You two make a great team in more ways than one.
Reid Oliver: Hold on Bob, I need to get my hankie.
Henry Coleman: Is that an insult to my wardrobe?
Reid Oliver: Not at first, but it is now.

Luke Snyder: What kind of dog should I get?
Katie Snyder: Whoa, a dog? Reid Oliver, the Reid Oliver is letting you bring a hairy germ breeder into the house?
Luke Snyder: I know, he loves me so much
Katie Snyder: More like whipped
Casey Hughes: Get a black lab they are awesome.
Natalie Snyder: Oh get one of those little fluffy white ones!
Reid Oliver: If I have to have a dog I’m not having a little fluffy white one.
Natalie Snyder: But they are so cute!
Reid Oliver: We are men, we need a manly dog.
Casey Hughes: Rot wiler?
Reid Oliver: It’s Rottweiler. I pray for the poor clients that get you as their lawyer.
Casey Hughes: You hurt me, Dr.

Luke Snyder: Had so much fun hanging out with Faith, Natalie, and Ethan at the pond today. We don’t see each other enough anymore!
Faith Snyder: That’s because you ditched us for the doctor.
Luke Snyder: Yeah well, any time I am around all you do is talk or text on your phone, so I was pretty sure you didn’t miss me.
Natalie Snyder: I miss you, Luke!
Luke Snyder: I’ll try to come by more often.
Lily Snyder: I miss you too, Luke. I only hear about your life on this thing.
Luke Snyder: Sorry. Speaking of which, is dad going to get one?
Faith Snyder: I don’t think Dad knows how to turn on a computer.
Luke Snyder: LOL!
Reid Oliver: Please tell me you didn’t do that.
Luke Snyder: You’re the one that keeps telling me I act like a 13-year-old girl.
Natalie Snyder: That means we’re twins!
Lily Snyder: Faith, don’t talk about your father like that.
Faith Snyder: It’s true.
Luke Snyder: Well he does know how to use a cell phone.
Faith Snyder: Not well

Luke Snyder is now friends with Holden Snyder

Holden Snyder wrote, “Hey Luke! Am I doing this right?” on Luke Snyder’s wall.
Luke Snyder: Good job, dad.
Faith Snyder: I am not friending you, dad. I didn’t friend mom and I’m not friending you.
Holden Snyder: Friending?
Faith Snyder: OMG!

Katie Hughes wrote “The picture you posted of you and Reid is painfully adorable” on Luke Snyder’s wall
Luke Snyder: Thank you. It is sickeningly cute.
Reid Oliver: Take it down this instant.
Katie Hughes: You don’t fool anyone Reid, you secretly love that Luke is parading the adorableness that is you and Luke out to the rest of the world.
Reid Oliver: I’m never letting Luke take another picture of me again.
Luke Snyder: Doubtful.
Maddie Coleman: I finally get to see the infamous Reid. Now I know what all the fuss is about, I would dump Noah for him too
Noah Mayer: Thanks a lot Maddie
Maddie Coleman: Sorry, but I mean look at him. You can’t tell me he’s not hot
Noah Mayer: I refuse to answer that question
Reid Oliver: Ahh I get it. You weren’t jealous of me for having Luke, you were jealous of Luke for having me.
Noah Mayer: In your dreams, dr. Oliver

Luke Snyder: I’ll be incommunicado for a week, Reid is taking me away to Hawaii for my birthday <3
Reid Oliver: < 3 what is that?
Katie Hughes: It’s a heart.
Luke Snyder: What Katie said. Because I love you so much.
Reid Oliver: Gross Snyder. I love you too.
Katie Hughes: Awwwwwww!
Luke Snyder: Isn’t he the best?
Lily Snyder: I’m sorry I ever doubted it. I hope you have a great time. We’ll have a party at the farm when you get back.
Luke Snyder: Sounds good, mom.

Luke Snyder: I am tan…ish
Casey Hughes: I want proof.
Lily Snyder: I hope you are having a good time.
Maddie Coleman: This sucks Luke! I’m coming back to Oakdale the week that you’re in Hawaii. I really really really want to meet Reid!

Luke Snyder: Is sad to board the plane back home. Had a wonderful time!
Casey Hughes: Did you see anything besides the ceiling of your hotel room?
Luke Snyder: Casey! You’re the one who doesn’t want us to talk about sex around you.
Alison Stewart: He’s secretly curious of your relationship with Reid. I’m starting to worry if he might be gay.
Luke Snyder: LOL. Well he and I did date briefly.
Reid Oliver: WHAT?!
Casey Hughes: Dude! Don’t go spreading that around.
Reid Oliver: Explain
Noah Mayer: Luke pretended to date Casey so that he and I could still be together when I was married to Ammera.
Reid Oliver: You were married? To a girl? And Casey pretended to be gay? Why is Oakdale so confusing?

Luke Snyder: Hawaii pictures are up!
Maddie Coleman: Reid has a banging body.
Alison Stewart: So that’s what he was hiding under his scrubs.
Reid Oliver: Please wipe the drool ladies.
Katie Hughes: I know, I got to live with that. Saw it all the time. And then Luke took it away from me.
Luke Snyder: Heh. Sorry.
Reg Addington: Shit Luke, you’re one lucky devil.
Lily Snyder: Looks like you two had a great time.
Faith Snyder: Is it wrong to be attracted to your brother’s boyfriend?
Katie Hughes: No.
Maddie Coleman: No.
Alison Stewart: Not at all. I mean Casey married my sister, who turned out to be my biological mother. Anything’s possible in Oakdale.
Luke Snyder: OK I am going to take down all the shirtless pictures.
Katie Huges: How dare you!
Maddie Coleman: That’s OK, I saved them to my hard drive.
Reg Addington: Care to share?
Luke Snyder: Ew, Maddie!
Maddie Coleman: Need I remind you that you stole my boyfriend, Luke.
Reid Oliver: You’re boyfriend is gay. Now please stop objectifying me, Ladies.
Katie Hughes: Never.

Luke Snyder: Fourth of July party at my house, be there or be square!
Noah Mayer: Hey Luke, I hope it’s OK but I thought maybe I’d visit.
Luke Snyder: Of course, Noah!
Noah Mayer: Is it OK if I bring someone?
Luke Snyder: Absolutely!
Reid Oliver: Well hallelujah you’ve moved on. Is it a girl?
Luke Snyder: Reid!
Reid Oliver: Well apparently he goes both ways.
Noah Mayer: No it is not a girl.
Casey Hughes: Ali can’t make it because of her internship, but I’ll be there, Luke. Is it OK if I bring booze?
Reid Oliver: Someone better bring some, do you think I could do this while sober?
Casey Hughes: So bring a lot then?

Luke Snyder: Woke up to the sight of boyfriend and best friend cuddled drunkenly on the couch together. I’ll post the picture later.
Katie Hughes: hahaha can’t wait
Alison Stewart: Oh this is going to be good
Reid Oliver: Don’t you dare. I’ll withhold.
Casey Hughes: Yeah, Reid won’t have sex with you anymore.
Luke Snyder: The only way Reid wouldn’t have sex with me is if he’s in surgery.
Reid Oliver: If I could I’d find a way to do both at the same time.
Alison Stewart: Talk about magic hands.
Katie Hughes: LOL Alison!
Casey Hughes: If you figure out how, Dr can you teach Alison?
Luke Snyder: Aww Casey isn’t getting any.
Alison Stewart: Casey!
Reid Oliver: Now Casey’s really not getting any.
Luke Snyder: LOL Reid
Reid Oliver: Never LOL me again.

Luke Snyder: “I’ve seen you cry I’ve seen you smile I’ve watched you sleeping for awhile I’d be the father of your child I’d spend a lifetime with you. I know your fears and you know mine we’ve had our doubts but now we’re fine and I love you I swear that’s true, I cannot live without you.” - James Blunt
Casey Hughes: You’re only getting gayer. James Blunt? Luke, really?
Reid Oliver: Should I be worried that that song’s titled Goodbye My Lover?
Luke Snyder: How did you know that?
Reid Oliver: I too know how to use the inter-web.
Casey Hughes: Sometimes I forgot what a huge nerd you really are.
Luke Snyder: Want to talk about Reid being nerdy? You should have seen him when we first got together. I mean, talk about barely being able to put a sentence together.
Casey Hughes: The all-powerful Dr. Oliver brought to incoherence by boyish blonde Luke Snyder.
Katie Hughes: Oh yeah, Reid was indeed a mess. I wish you would have seen him, Luke, when he realized he was in love with you. Crawling out of his skin didn’t begin to define it.
Reid Oliver: Alright, please, enough.
Casey Hughes: Awww poor Reidy.
Luke Snyder: That’d adorable! I love you too, honey!
Reid Oliver: Both of you stop it.
Casey Hughes: Sweetie pie
Luke Snyder: Pumpkin
Casey Hughes: Love muffin
Luke Snyder: darling
Casey Hughes: Sweet cheeks
Luke Snyder: baby doll
Reid Oliver: Sweet Cheeks is Luke’s nickname
Luke Snyder: REID!
Casey Hughes: That’s my cue to stop reading this conversation.

Luke Snyder: Meet our new dog, Cerebellum (guess who named him)
Reid Oliver: Best dog name ever.
Luke Snyder: At least I talked you out of Medulla.
Natalie Snyder: He’s so cute Luke! I want to come over and play with him.
Luke Snyder: Sure, you and Ethan can come over this weekend.
Chris Hughes: Hopefully the dog won’t breed some sort of disease that will keep Reid from getting the Chief of Staff position.
Reid Oliver: No, you are the only one who can contract incurable diseases.
Chris Hughes: Asshole.
Reid Oliver: Well that is a much more pleasant topic.
Chris Hughes: You are unbelievable.
Reid Oliver: So you’ve been talking to Luke?

Luke Snyder: Thinking about going back to school
Lily Snyder: Oh Luke you really should!
Lucinda Walsh: Wonderful idea!
Reg Addington: Awesome Luke! I’m actually still there… don’t ask. Hopefully we can hang out more.
Luke Snyder: Now I have to ask, but I’ll PM you about it.
Reid Oliver: I don’t date dropouts.
Katie Hughes: Way to be supportive, Reid.
Reid Oliver: Luke knows how I feel.
Katie Hughes: Oh I bet he does ;)
Reid Oliver: Is that supposed to be a face?
Katie Hughes: Aww, he’s learning.
Reid Oliver: Oh I’m sorry, with all the neuro-medicine in my brain I don’t have much room for Internet babble.
Katie Hughes: La-de-da.
Luke Snyder: It’s because of Reid that I’m even thinking of going back. He’s been incredibly supportive.
Reid Oliver: See, Katie, I’m being incredibly supportive :p
Katie Hughes: did Luke show you how to do that?
Reid Oliver: Maybe.
Luke Snyder: Yes.

Luke Snyder is now friends with Kevin Davis

Kevin Davis wrote “Hey, where you been?” on Luke Snyder’s wall
Luke Snyder: I’ve been around. Working on a new hospital wing.
Kevin Davis: I heard about that. I also heard that you’re coming back to OU?
Luke Snyder: Yeah, for the fall semester.
Kevin Davis: Cool, I’m still there, working on my Masters.
Reid Oliver: In what, homophobia?
Luke Snyder: Reid! Kevin, please excuse my boyfriend, he’s socially dysfunctional.
Kevin Davis: It’s cool. Actually I’m getting my Masters in biology.
Luke Snyder: That’s awesome, Kevin.
Kevin Davis: So what are you going to school for?
Luke Snyder: I’m going to try my hand at the creative writing program.
Kevin Davis: Well, I am really glad they let you back in. All that stuff years ago, it was stupid, and I didn’t mean for it to happen.
Luke Snyder: I know, I don’t blame you. I’m the idiot who stuffed the ballots. I mean, how stupid can you be?
Kevin Davis: So we’re good?
Luke Snyder: Yeah, we’re good.

Luke Snyder: Is nervous for his first day of school
Reid Oliver: You are going to be awesome.

Luke Snyder: Hacking up the Hubbard Squash
Noah Mayer: Oh man, I wish I was there for that. I miss the farm. Tell the family hello for me.
Faith Snyder: Miss you too!
Lily Snyder: Noah, it’s so good to hear from you. I know you’re busy out in Hollywood. I hope you found someone to spend Thanksgiving with!
Noah Mayer: I did Mrs. Snyder, thank you.
Faith Snyder: Are you still dating David?
Noah Mayer: Yeah, you can check out my photo album, there’s pics of us.
Holden Snyder: We sure had a big one this year! Hey Noah!
Faith Snyder: OMG dad you are embarrassing. I can’t believe Luke friended you.
Noah Mayer: Hi Mr. Snyder. I didn’t know you had a Facebook, I’ll friend you.

Luke Snyder: Finals suck.
Casey Hughes: Tell me about it, man
Reg Addigton: For real.
Alison Stewart: Not as sucky as studying for the MCAT.
Reid Oliver: You studied for that?
Alison Stewart: Oh haha Reid, yes you are brilliant we all know.
Lily Snyder: Luke Grandma Emma made you a basket of food for studying. I’m going to bring it over in a bit.
Luke Snyder: Did she bake her oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?
Lily Snyder: Yes, and she said that Reid can’t have any.
Reid Oliver: Doubtful.
Lily Snyder: Those are the rules, Reid.
Reid Oliver: Luke likes to share.
Luke Snyder: Hehe, it’s true.

Luke Snyder: 4.0 grade point this semester. Off to a good start!
Lucinda Walsh: Congratulations darling! I knew you were a smart boy!
Holden Snyder: Good job, Luke.
Faith Snyder: I can’t believe I’m going to be going to college with my brother next year.
Luke Snyder: You got into OU!
Faith Snyder: Yeah, I applied for early acceptance and got the letter today.
Luke Snyder: Awesome Faith!
Reid Oliver: Your grade point average is a turn on.
Luke Snyder: I can tell.
Casey Hughes: Gross guys.

Luke Snyder: What to get Reid for Christmas?
Katie Snyder: A year of free dry cleaning since he refuses to do his own laundry.
Natalie Snyder: Food!
Henry Coleman: A soul
Chris Hughes: People skills
Noah Mayer: Yourself, Luke. You’re the best present of all.
Luke Snyder: Well shucks, Noah.
Reid Oliver: Hands off, Mayer.
Noah Mayer: No worries, Reid. I’m smart enough now to know I couldn’t if I tried.

Lily Snyder wrote “Your Christmas card is so cute Luke!” on Luke Snyder’s wall
Luke Snyder: Thanks mom.
Katie Hughes: How in the world did you get Reid into that sweater?
Luke Snyder: I’m sure you can guess.
Reg Addington: Cute family you have.
Luke Snyder: Isn’t Cerebellum adorable?
Reg Addington: I love his reindeer antlers.
Casey Hughes: HA! That sweater!
Reid Oliver: I can’t even be mad about it. What I got in exchange for wearing it far out weighs any embarrassment.
Casey Hughes: Gross Dr Neuro, I’m eating.
Lucinda Walsh: Luke what a fabulous photo!
Luke Snyder: Thanks, grandmother.

Luke Snyder: I feel horrible
Noah Mayer: Why?
Katie Hughes: Why?
Faith Snyder: How can you feel horrible on Christmas? I just saw you at the farm, you were laughing the whole time.
Lily Snyder: Luke what happened? Are you sick?
Casey Hughes: What’s wrong Luke?
Reid Oliver: You know what, Luke? It doesn’t even matter.
Luke Snyder: I didn’t mean anything by it!
Reid Oliver: You’d rather wear your Ex’s watch that he gave you on Christmas years ago then the one I bought you, fine.
Luke Snyder: Reid it’s not like that…
Noah Mayer: Ouch.
Luke Snyder: Stay out of this Noah.
Noah Mayer: I side with Reid, Luke. We’re over, take off the watch I gave you and put on his.
Luke Snyder: You know what, both of you don’t get it!

Luke Snyder: Love is patient, love is kind; it does not take offense. Staying at the Lilypad if you want to get a hold of me.
Casey Hughes: Dude, I’m so sorry.
Maddie Coleman: Luke, call me!
Damien Grimaldi: Luciano what is going on?
Noah Mayer: Luke, call me, I don’t understand what’s going on.

Luke Snyder: “Without you within me I can’t find no rest. Where I’m going, is anybody’s guess. I tried to go on like I never knew you. I’m awake but my world is half asleep. I pray for this heart to be unbroken but without you all I’m going to be is incomplete.” - BSB

Luke Snyder: “I should have kissed you one last time. I would have held you so much longer If id known it’d be the last time. If I could forget you It would make all these memories fade to grey. Id rather not remember what I foolishly traded” - Kelly Clarkson
Katie Hughes: You are making me so sad.

Luke Snyder: You were meant for me, and I was meant for you.

Luke Snyder: “Will we ever say the words we’re feeling, reach down underneath and tear down all the walls? Will we ever have our happy ending or will we forever only be pretending?” - Pretending (Glee)
Casey Hughes: Luke, you got it bad. Come visit me.
Lucinda Walsh: I’m worried about you, Darling.

Reid Oliver wrote “There was love all around, but I never heard it singing, no I never heard it at all till there was you” on Luke Snyder’s wall

Luke Snyder: Can’t wait to see what the new year holds! Loving life right now. I have the best boyfriend, the cutest dog, and the most wonderful family and friends <3
Reid Oliver: Sap
Reid Oliver: I love you

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: hotlen, fan fiction

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