Hello! I'm new! Hope I'm doing this right...

Apr 10, 2010 15:15

Name: Karishma
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Age: 17
What other shows do you like to watch? Queer As Folk, Glee, True Blood, Supernatural...
What attracted you to Luke/Reid? I fell in love with Reid so fast. I thought I was a nukie and then reid came along. At first I found his snarky sarcasm funny and intriguing, and and before i knew it i was waking up early every morning to see the new developments between him and Luke, and felt kinda guilty when I just wished Noah would go away lmao. I think Ruke suit each other so well, Reid has such personality and he's so cute and soft on the inside, he's just my kind of guy. His chemistry with Luke is mindblowing. Not to mention how hot/sexy he is!!! So I have kind of moved on from Noah, who pales in comparison.   
How did you find out about this group? A friend.
Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things? No, not really...I have tried, but never manage to finish.
Other As the World Turns pairings you love? Besides Luke and Reid? Nahh i dont really care. Although I've always been a fan of Damian and Lily together as opposed to Holden. I just like him better
Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke):
Hehe I love everything that comes out of Reid's mouth!!! heres some of my faves:

R:"So you're telling me that if I told you I'm a pisces yet, ironically, allergic to fish, we would have bonded?"

K: "Is this a hug?"
R: "Absolutely not."

R:"Quick and dirty, just how I like it." <-- Make note, Luke

R:"What I see is that big fat silver spoon in your mouth that I hope you choke on."

R:"Hey, you can't just leave him here, what if he trips over a nurse?!"

R:"Chronic fatigue...I should ship him to a leper colony. See how tired he is then."

R:"If I wanted somebody to follow me around here, I'd get a dog. Or an intern."

L: "I'm talking to you"
R: "And yet, I'm not listening."

R: "Your doctors went to clown college, your cops are dumber than rocks. And that's a medical diagnosis."

L:"no...no, you're not gay"
R:"you're requiring proof? how would that work exactly?" <---Dont get me started, Reid.

Anyhoo, nice to meet you all!!! :)

!!intro post

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