Christmas In Dallas

Dec 06, 2011 13:42

Author: Mickey9928
Title: Christmas In Dallas
Summary: For the Luke & Reid December Drabble-A-Thon prompt "Luke and Reid make a road trip." by casaluna85
Rating: G- It's full of fluff and sweetness.
Characters: Luke/Reid, Landon
Author Notes:  This is what came to mind when I read the prompt. 

Driving through the darkness, enjoying the solitude of the late hour when few other cars were on the road, Reid sang Christmas carols quietly to himself, not wanting to disturb his sleeping passengers. He always enjoyed taking the late driving shift, not having to deal with the other idiots on the road.
Glancing at the passenger seat,  his breath hitched when he caught site of his husband, sound asleep and bathed in moonlight.  He truly looked like an angel.  His chest slowly rose and fell as he snored
lightly, exhausted after a long day traveling with their son Landon.

Luke and Reid had taken Landon to Dallas to celebrate Christmas with Reid’s family and after a fun-filled week they were headed home to Oakdale. Reid and Landon had slept while Luke drove early that morning until they stopped for breakfast.  After filling up on pancakes (and eggs, bacon, juice, hashbrowns and an omelet for Reid) and hosing the syrup off Landon, Reid had insisted they hit the truck stop and load up on snacks before hitting the road again

“Reid, you just ate, do you really need more food?”

“I need to stock up, it’s a long trip.  I’ve got to have my chips, corn nuts, Dr. Pepper, cookies and a couple of candy bars.  Do you want me to get grumpy?”

“Get grumpy?  Aren’t you always grumpy?”

“Ha ha.”

Reid chuckled as he remembered the conversation.  Glancing in the rear-view mirror, Reid took in their son, who slept peacefully, his bottle loose in his lips.  He was really too big for a bottle but still wanted it on occasion and Reid was a sucker and couldn’t deny the little boy anything.  Biologically it wasn’t possible but somehow Landon was the splitting image of both his fathers.  He had Reid’s curls but they were blond like Luke’s locks.  He had Reid’s beautiful blue eyes and Luke’s amazing dimples. Luke had always said that Reid and Katie would produce beautiful children, they just had no idea how beautiful until Landon was born.

Looking back at the road, Reid couldn’t help but yawn has he watched the blackness speed by.  The late hour was beginning to take a toll on him and he decided it was best to call it a night and find a motel.  They didn’t need anything fancy, just a place to sleep for the night. He took the next exit and pulled into one of the motels.  After checking in at the office and getting a key, Reid pulled around and found a parking spot close to their room before leaning over and tenderly kissing Luke to wake him up.

“Hey sleepy head.”


“We're at a motel. Wake up long enough to get to the room and then you can go back to sleep,” Reid said as he ran a hand down the side of his husband’s face.

“Mmm’kay,” Luke muttered as he slowly opened his eyes and started waking up.

Reid slid out of the front seat and opened up the back to get Landon out of his seat.  He gently lifted the tot and cradled him to his chest, the little boy automatically snuggling into his papa and fisting his shirt. Half asleep, Luke managed to grab the bags they would need for the night and the weary family headed to their room.

While Luke got ready for bed in the bathroom, Reid changed Landon and then settled on the bed, giving the baby another bottle.  Even in his sleep the tot latched on and sucked away. Luke emerged from the bathroom and couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face when he saw both his husband and son fast asleep, Reid’s arm slung protectively over the tot.

He set the bottle on the nightstand before he went to work removing Reid’s shoes and socks. He then gently undid his belt and pants before managing to slid them off.  With Reid down to his boxers and t-shirt, Luke checked the lock on the door before sliding into bed on the other side of his son.   His
arm instinctively also found a home on top of Landon, his hand finding Reid’s, their fingers intertwining.

It only took moments from when his head hit the pillow for Luke to join his family in sleep. The day’s travels had taken their toll on all of them and another long day loomed ahead but for now the weary travelers found rest, comfort and safety both in each other and in the small motel off Route 55.

rating: g, luke/reid, !author|artist: mickey9928, atwt

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