Fragile 24/?

Nov 26, 2011 22:11

Title: Fragile

Author: sajaal

Rating: pg13 - NC17 (language)

Characters: Luke, Cal Stricklyn, Reid, Casey, Ali, Noah,  other Oakdalian’s mentioned.

Disclaimers’:  I do not own any of them…it would be nice though, sigh.

Summary:  Luke never met Dr. Reid Oliver when he came to Oakdale to perform Noah’s surgery.  Luke comes back after he leaves and Luke and Noah are still together (for a little while)…Luke ends up in rehab and that changes him and the course of his life.  He meets Dr. Reid Oliver in Dallas in the fall of 2012...

Fragile, like a baby in your arms.

Be gentle with me.

I’d never willingly,

Do you harm.


You know each and every one,

But I need to drink,

More than you seem to think,

Before I’m anyone’s,

And you know

“It’s a Question of Lust”; Depeche Mode

Chapter #24

J.P. was still asleep when Luke left the condo around 10:00 am the next morning, he was meeting with Sheila the designer at Cal’s offices to go over some of the colours and artistic features for the waiting areas as well as the configuration of the laboratory spaces.  Luke knew that Reid would want full details of all the lab furniture and how the instruments would fit into the space.  After Luke’s meeting with Sheila he dropped by Roxy’s to pick up some of the chili and cornbread he had the other day, for himself and Reid.  He had not heard from him and figured he was very busy with his patients from the previous day.  Grace waved him passed and told him to go in, she smiled as he went by, Dr. Oliver had been in an unusual good mood this past week and she figured Luke Snyder had something to do with it.

Reid looked up from his desk with a scowl that quickly turned into a small smile as he saw Luke walk in.

“Hey,” Luke said balancing the bag in one hand and closing the door with the other.

“Hey, yourself,” Reid replied coming over and placing a soft kiss on Luke’s surprised lips.

“Mmm,” he sighed appreciatively,”I can get used to this.”

“Good, and I can get used to a hot sexy blonde man bringing me lunch everyday,” he sniffed and said,”Chili and cornbread, awesome!”

Luke put down the bag and pulled Reid in for a deeper kiss and murmured huskily,”I bet you say that to all of the hot delivery guys.”

“Nope, just he ones who let me kiss them,” Reid replied taking the containers out of the bag and wiping a hand across his brow.

Luke leaned in and place a finger under his eye, “You look terrible, did you not get any sleep last night?” Luke asked concern furrowing his brow.

“Thanks, aren’t you supposed to tell me that I’m hot and sexy too,” Reid complained as he grabbed a couple of waters from his fridge,”Paolo, could not go back to sleep when we got back so I only had a few hours of sleep and I was back here just  after 7:00 am to check on patients,” Reid explained.

“Come back to my place tonight, I’ll make you some dinner and then you can get a good nights sleep before our day together tomorrow, can you still make it?” Luke asked Reid, surprising himself by the offer, but knowing that he didn’t want to wait any longer and wanted Reid to spend the night with him.

Reid looked up and saw the darkening in Luke’s eyes and knew what he was offering,”Yeah, that sounds good, I still need to set up a few things for our day tomorrow.  I’m not sure when I’ll get out of here today, but I’ll text you later with an approximate time.

“Sheila and I went over some of the lab set-ups so I’ll have them with me if you want to look them over,” Luke told him as they ate.

“Good, I can check it out and make sure that you picked lab benches and not kitchen counters,”Reid told him in his typical arrogant way.

Luke snorted and laughed,”Ye of little faith Dr. Oliver, remember this is my fourth neuro-wing and I’ve already started on the fifth.”

Reid shrugged and said,”But this time you’re working with moi, genius extraordinaire.”

“Conceited much,” Luke replied bumping his shoulder.

“You know it Snyder, and you like it,” Reid flirted with Luke, looking at him under his lashes.

“Maybe I do...’” Luke trailed off huskily and moved in this time to wipe some chili off of Reid’s chin,”You missed a spot,” he said and licked his chin and then his lips before grabbing the sides of his face and giving him a scorching kiss.

Reid dropped his spoon and cornbread, and put his hands in behind Luke’s head, opening his mouth and inviting Luke in.  Luke moaned and pushed his tongue inside tasting the spicy salty chili and the sweet cornbread.  Reid pulled back and put his forehead against Luke’s and said,”I want to be alone with you.”

“This is happening so fast,” Luke replied and the added,”but then not fast enough.”

A soft knock on the door interrupted their thoughts.

“Come in,” Reid called gruffly as he and Luke separated and started to eat again.

Grace came in and handed some films to Reid, ”Here are the latest scans on David Brown, the motorcycle driver.”

“Thanks Grace,” Reid replied as she left.

“I forgot to ask you, how did everything go yesterday?” Luke asked as he finished his cornbread.

“Good, we saved everyone, thank god, Anna, was here, I was swamped and she did some amazing work.  I know my chief of staff was impressed,” Reid replied, the pride in his voice for Anna unmistakable.

“Yeah, I know, but her hospital in Florence would never let her go,” Luke told Reid seriously, and then got up,”Okay, I will see you later,” he said leaning in for a quick kiss,”I’m going to visit with Cal and then pick-up some stuff to make you dinner.”

“Hey, don’t go,”  Reid told him grabbing his hand and tugging him closer.

“You need to get back to work so you can come and spend the night with me, sooner,” Luke replied smiling down at him and looking at their fingers entwined.

“You make a good point Snyder,” Reid agreed and let go of his hand,”I’ll see you later.”

Luke made it back to the condo by 6:00 pm, and started on a large caesar salad after placing potatoes wrapped in foil with butter and chives in the oven.  The t-bone steaks he found were fresh and tender, he opted for a 6 oz for himself and a 10 oz for Reid.  Cal had an indoor grill, so he would be able to do them up quickly when Reid arrived, he had texted that he would be by at 7:00 pm, he needed to stop by his place to pick up a few things.

Reid looked exhausted as he came in just after seven, and Luke was doubting how long he would be able to stay awake after dinner, Luke was also feeling a bit tired after his long day.

“Hey, have a beer and relax,” Luke told Reid feeling a bit nervous now that he was here.

“Luke, I don’t need to have a beer around you,” Reid said to him, trying to cover a yawn.

“Look, just because I can’t drink doesn’t mean that you need to stop, I’ve battled it and I’m winning, alcohol will always be around me and I have to trust myself that I can be with someone who wants the occasional drink,” Luke explained to Reid, hoping he would understand.

“I get it Luke, and I appreciate that you are thinking about my needs,” he said leaning in for a soft kiss,”Thanks.”

“No, problem, I will always try and satisfy your needs,” Luke replied smiling at his play on Reid’s words.

“You’re a brat, Snyder,” Reid growled as he kissed him again.

“Go sit down, and I’ll call you when dinner is ready,” Luke told him.

“I’m going to stay right here and watch you cook,” Reid replied, figuring he would probably fall asleep before dinner if he didn’t keep his mind occupied with Luke Snyder.

Dinner was delicious and Reid still could not get over how easy it was to spend time with Luke and learn more about him and his crazy family.

“So, do you plan to write again?” Reid asked him after Luke told him about his love of writing.

“Maybe one day, I’m not sure, I promised my mom and dad that after the London project I would slow down for awhile and re-evaluate my life and what I want to do,” Luke explained to Reid as he carried the dishes to the sink.

“Luke, you should be so proud of what you have done the past two years, you are so dedicated to your work and giving your time and money to complete these amazing projects, I admire your capabilities and integrity,” Reid told Luke honestly.

“Wow, hearing that from you means a lot to me, that someone like you who is so serious and dedicated to his work is able to see that my work is as worthy, thank-you Reid,” Luke said moving towards him and pulling him closer, “Now how about you get ready for bed and I will join you in a few minutes after I clean up.”

Reid gave him a soft warm kiss and said,”Don’t be too long.”

Luke nodded and went back to the kitchen, he was nervous but so excited he had bought supplies and had put them in the bedside table.  It had been such a long time since he had been with anyone, and his sex life with Noah had been very boring and predictable.  Reid would be far from boring in the bedroom and definitely full of surprises, Luke thought  He left the light on over the stove in the kitchen, not sure if J.P. would be returning or not and made his way to the bedroom.

He heard the gentle snore of the sexy auburn haired man laying naked in his bed, the covers pulled part way up his body leaving his chest bare and showing a tiny line of hair leading from his belly button, down to the top of the sheet.

“Fuck,” Luke thought,”He’s gorgeous and he’s mine, I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow,” he looked down as his erection pushed against the top of his jeans.

He quickly got ready and slipped in quietly trying not to wake Reid, he snuggled closer and was asleep in minutes, soothed by the gentle snore of the man beside him.

As Reid pulled himself from a deep sleep he felt the tickle of someone’s breath against his ear.  He had barely moved the entire night, he had been so tired and even the arm slung around his waist and the leg entwined with his had not woken him,”Jeez Oliver, what a cheap date you are,” he thought to himself and smiled at the blonde tousled head beside him.  Luke had only moved his arm and leg onto Reid and that was it, he was out and still sleeping soundly.  Reid gently disentangled himself and padded quietly to the bathroom.  He gazed at the shower and couldn’t help himself, he had to go in and enjoy the massage of the jets.

The water was hot and pulsing and Reid was standing with his eyes closed and his back to the door and his arms were over his head leaning against the side of the shower, he was enjoying the hard spray on his tired and stiff muscles.  He didn’t hear the shower door open and close but he was not surprised when a pair of strong arms encircled his waist and he felt a bite on his neck and then the soothing touch of a tongue.

“Luke,” he said and tried to turn around.

“No,” was the quiet command,”I’m going to return the favour,” Luke growled in his ear, stroking his hands up and down his sides, and then to the front of his thighs until he grasped Reid’s already hard erection.

Reid hissed and tried to bring his hands down but again Luke quietly told him,”No, let me do it all, no touching.”

Reid leaned his head back capturing Luke’s mouth in a hot wet kiss,”Faster,” he said huskily.

Luke began to stroke faster from the base and squeezing the tip and playing with the slit.  Reid groaned again and gasped as Luke’s hand dipped lower to cup his ball’s and roll them between his fingers.  His other hand continued to stroke and squeeze him faster, and his mouth continued to suck and nip at his neck and under his hair.  Luke started to move against him as his own cock hardened and he slid it back and forth between Reid’s ass cheeks.

“So good, Luke!” Reid cried out as his orgasm hit him and coated the glass of the shower.

Then he felt Luke tense and then cry out and shutter as he came between Reid’s cheeks,”Fuck,” he whispered.

Reid turned around and smiled at Luke,”Morning Snyder,” he said breathlessly as he leaned in to kiss him,”That was quite a wake-up.”

Luke laughed shakily, “Yeah, I think you will need to wash again,” and he grabbed the sponge and shower gel and lathered Reid up.

Reid grabbed the sponge away and returned the favour, as he lathered Luke’s chest and back.

“This shower is fantastic,” Reid told Luke as he rinsed off and Luke washed his hair.

“I know, when I heard it running, I couldn’t help myself I had to join you, I’ve been waiting all week to get you back in here,” Luke told him pulling him in for a deep kiss.

“Hmmm, as much as I want to stay here all day with you, the water is getting cold and we’re starting to shrivel up like prunes,” Reid said coming up for air.

“Speak for yourself Oliver,” Luke joked his cock already semi-hard again.

“Have I told you that you’re a brat,” Reid said to him nipping his lips as he turned off the water, “This is my day with you and although spending a day in bed with you would be wonderful, I’ve already planned something else that I can’t change.”

“What are we doing Reid?” Luke asked confused with Reid not wanting to go back to bed with him.

“I told you, it’s a surprise, so get your naked ass dressed or I won’t be able to help myself and then we’ll be late,” Reid told him, admiring a very naked Luke, his body was beautiful just enough chest hair, a decent six pack and well muscled legs, Reid groaned as he turned back into the bedroom.

luke/reid, atwt, rating: r, !author|artist: sajaal, fan fiction

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