Fun fic Friday!

Sep 16, 2011 19:55

~Fun Fic Friday~

TGIF!  It’s the day before the weekend, and what better way to close out a long week than with a fun dose of ficlets and drabbles of Luke, Reid, or Luke & Reid?  Or how about some amazing icons or graphics of the guys?  Here’s your chance to contribute a short fic or icon of our favorite couple.

However, it must be based on or ( Read more... )

luke/reid, fanart, drabble prompt meme, icons, graphics, fan fiction

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Fic: Cowboy Q&A sleeper6 September 17 2011, 01:22:25 UTC


“A hat?”



Reid twists around in order to get a better look at the back of his jeans. He shakes his head. “They’re just jeans. Regular.”

“And they’re not blue,” Luke whispers.


“Nothing,” Luke says. “What about boots? You have to own a pair of boots.”

Reid stops rummaging through his closest and glances over at Luke. “As does every man on the planet. You own a pair, too, I assume?”

“They’re not western.”

“Well, hate to disappoint you but neither are mine,” Reid says, rifling through some boxes. He silently berates himself for not having unpacked everything he brought from Dallas. It’s been months since he first stepped foot in the village of the damned, and even though things get so crazy sometimes that Reid often thinks about grabbing his unpacked boxes and booking the next flight out of Oakdale, he knows he won’t leave. He’ll never leave, not as long as the young blond man currently lying on his bed is here.

Reid makes a mental note to unpack later.

“What about chaps?”

Reid is not amused.

Luke laughs. “And you never rode a pick-up or chewed tobacco?”


“Wow, you weren’t kidding. You really have never been a cowboy,” Luke says with surprise and disappointment.

Reid crouches down and opens more boxes. “I told you so. The bull-riding we did is the most cowboy-ish thing I’ve ever done-or at least it will be until I ride the horse with you.”

Luke glances at his watch. “Speaking of that ride, we better get going. Dad said he’d have them ready at three.”

“Hold on, hold on,” Reid mutters as he stands on tiptoes to reach a small box at the top shelf of the closet. When Luke invited him to go riding at the farm, Reid had refused. And then he’d refused some more. And then he’d agreed because Luke could get him to agree to anything. And honestly, Reid knew he’d do anything for Luke.

Including finding some small way to satisfy Luke’s obvious cowboy fixation.

“Here we go!” Reid exclaims in victory as he turns around. “Well? That cowboy enough for you?”

Luke’s jaw drops as he stares at the black cowboy hat on Reid. “You-you said you didn’t own a hat.”

Reid points to the hat. “This is a Stetson. It’s not a hat; it’s a statement.”

Luke walks over to Reid. He gently touches the hat. “Do you ever wear it?”

Reid snorts. “Of course not. A woman gave it to me a few years ago-”

“What woman?” Luke asks quickly.

Reid laughs. “She was a patient, Luke. She thought I’d look good in one.”

“You do,” Luke says, wrapping his arms around Reid’s waist before kissing him.

Reid reluctantly pulls back. “Luke, the horses . . .”

“Dad can hold his horses. I want to spend some time with a real cowboy.”

“I’m not.”

“Today, you are,” Luke says, kissing him again.

Reid agrees.


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A dpracket September 17 2011, 01:49:14 UTC

*stares off, picturing Reid in a black cowboy hat*



Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A sleeper6 September 17 2011, 02:25:05 UTC
Thank you!


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A moerlin September 17 2011, 01:58:49 UTC
“What woman?” Luke asks quickly.

Oh, Luke Luke Luke. :D

Reid points to the hat. “This is a Stetson. It’s not a hat; it’s a statement.”

Reid's just been waiting to utter that sentence forever, hasn't he? :D

Lovely! ♥


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A sleeper6 September 17 2011, 02:26:11 UTC
I love jealous!Luke and yes, Reid has been waiting forever to say that line. Ha.



Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A smittle September 17 2011, 15:53:07 UTC
That little instinctive jealous moment was so cute. The whole thing was great, but that part made me laugh. Thank you!


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A sleeper6 September 17 2011, 17:11:50 UTC
Thank you!


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A thefigtree September 17 2011, 02:37:19 UTC
When Luke invited him to go riding at the farm, Reid had refused. And then he’d refused some more. And then he’d agreed because Luke could get him to agree to anything.
So hilarious and true. :D

Great ficlet!


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A sleeper6 September 17 2011, 02:50:40 UTC
Thank you!


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A bluemagicrose September 17 2011, 04:18:46 UTC
Now I want Luke to incorporate some cowboy clothing into Reid's wardrobe. :)


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A sleeper6 September 17 2011, 04:36:29 UTC
Ooh, yeah, I like that idea a lot. :)


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A eric_idle_rules September 17 2011, 05:00:19 UTC
Reid crouches down and opens more boxes. “I told you so. The bull-riding we did is the most cowboy-ish thing I’ve ever done-or at least it will be until I ride the horse with you.”

That's what my mind would like to substitute that with. :P

The sight of Reid in a black Stetson, with maybe just a touch of his blonde hair sticking out at the bottom would be enough to make anyone's jaw drop, quite frankly...

The ending was so cute. I could see it all happening so clearly, too!


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A sleeper6 September 17 2011, 05:17:31 UTC
Love the icon! BBM fan too, huh? Oh, don't you worry. Reid's gonna ride Luke soon enough. :D

Thanks so much and welcome to the community! I read your other comments and I'm so glad you're here. Some of us have been trying to revive the fandom because we LOVE our guys so, so much and we don't want to let go yet (we're not ready!). Having more fans of LuRe lets us know other people love them too. And watch out for the rec posts (one goes up tomorrow--Saturday) where members of this comm recommend some of their favorite LuRe fics.


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A eric_idle_rules September 17 2011, 05:25:16 UTC
Thanks! Huge BBM fan! It was, like, the 3rd fandom I was ever in after LotR and HP, haha.

Thank you! I know I haven't been here long at all, but you guys are already so cool about welcoming me here. I don't blame you on not wanting to let them go! They were such a great couple who never even got the chance to be a great couple. A rec post, what a great idea! I will most definitely be checking that out, since I clearly have a lot of catching up to do!


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A nancygrew September 17 2011, 05:11:02 UTC
Great job! I love the idea that Luke wants to teach Reid how to ride and that Reid is so willing to let Luke talk him into stuff.


Re: Fic: Cowboy Q&A sleeper6 September 17 2011, 05:20:08 UTC
Luke can talk Reid into anything, in my mind. Thanks!

And you're fantastic at these comment fics--any chance you'll try your hand at one for this prompt? *is hopeful*


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