Fun fic Friday!

Sep 16, 2011 19:55

~Fun Fic Friday~

TGIF!  It’s the day before the weekend, and what better way to close out a long week than with a fun dose of ficlets and drabbles of Luke, Reid, or Luke & Reid?  Or how about some amazing icons or graphics of the guys?  Here’s your chance to contribute a short fic or icon of our favorite couple.

However, it must be based on or ( Read more... )

luke/reid, fanart, drabble prompt meme, icons, graphics, fan fiction

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thefigtree September 16 2011, 21:41:29 UTC
[Just a little drabble]

“Reid, I can’t believe you had never seen Brokeback Mountain.” Luke furtively stifled a sniffle and leaned closer to Reid on Katie’s sofa.

Reid shrugged. “I still don’t see what’s so great about it.”

Luke looked surprised and sat up. “It’s a gay classic, Reid! What didn’t you like about it?”

“How about the fact that it buys into the rampant Hollywood cliché of the gay character kicking the bucket in the end?”

“But it’s a period piece and that part of the story is necessary to show what it was like for gay men living at that time,” Luke replied.

Reid still looked skeptical.

Luke sighed and smiled. “Seriously, you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy parts of that movie. I mean, c’mon. Two cowboys making out? Two cowboys played by Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger making out?”

Reid tilted his head in agreement. “Hmm. I think my favorite part was when they were wrestling.”

Luke laughed and whispered in Reid’s ear, “Yeah, they must’ve gotten pretty dirty rolling around on top of each other like that.” Luke slyly pushed Reid down on the sofa, straddling him, his hands planted on either side of Reid’s head. He grinned devilishly. “Do you think that’s how cowboys express foreplay?”

Reid chuckled and stroked his hands up and down Luke’s thighs. “Maybe we should try it sometime. I seem to recall you calling me an urban cowboy once.”

Luke leaned down so that their chests were flush. He kissed Reid’s mouth and said, “Only you’re even hotter than those Brokeback guys.”


moerlin September 16 2011, 22:57:14 UTC
Aww, Luke educating Reid on "classic" Hollywood cinema! ♥

Two cowboys played by Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger making out?

Hee! Certainly seems like enough reason to watch Brokeback Mountain... *lalala*

Thanks for giving us this lovely scene! The opportunities those ATWT writers missed - they really should've given us some more scenes with the guys just being domestic and doing couple-y things...


thefigtree September 17 2011, 01:20:31 UTC
Ha, you know me! If I can find an excuse to incorporate movies into something, I'm happy. ;)

Precisely, my friend. Which is why you should go watch Brokeback Mountain immediately. Hot boys kissing, $%^&*!!!

I'm so glad you liked it! :D


moerlin September 17 2011, 02:01:39 UTC
As you should - your love of movies was just about to make two guys very happy there. :D

I... may have watched certain parts of the movie already. :D


thefigtree September 17 2011, 02:39:49 UTC
Well, that settles it. Since you've already seen some choice parts, you simply must see the rest. :D


sleeper6 September 17 2011, 01:39:00 UTC
WHAT? You've never seen Brokeback Mountain? Seriously?

OR have you but just not recently?

Either way, GO WATCH IT NOW!!!


moerlin September 17 2011, 02:04:54 UTC
I've never seen Shelter or Milk either. :(((

I can already hear them knocking on my door, waiting to take away my honorary fag hag card. Heeeeeeelp!


sleeper6 September 17 2011, 02:11:06 UTC
They've already broken down your door, my friend. Ha ha.

Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll watch them all eventually. :D


roganrules September 17 2011, 09:53:46 UTC
I just saw Brokeback Mountain for the first time last week, and that was because I borrowed it from B. as part of my movie education. ;)


sleeper6 September 16 2011, 23:45:37 UTC
*claps* Ooh, so funny and sexy! I think we all could love that movie just because it has cowboys played by Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger making out!

Luke's got his own cowboy, though, so he doesn't need to fantasize about it, huh? :D

Lovely drabble; thanks for participating!


thefigtree September 17 2011, 01:22:49 UTC
Yay, I'm so happy you liked it! And Luke's set for life on the cowboy front, indeed. :D


eric_idle_rules September 17 2011, 04:23:57 UTC
Like I said in a comment down below, I'm brand spankin' new here and I'm not normally much of a commenter outside of 1 or 2 comms, but I had to say something about this. These are all so gooooood!

This one, I love the thought of Luke badgering Reid into watching BBM until he finally gives in, then badgering him some more until he gets him to admit he actually enjoyed it. How could you not, though, since I think 5 words are really all ya need to know: Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger.

I fully approve of Luke and Reid partaking in this cowboy form of foreplay. *nods*


thefigtree September 17 2011, 13:17:50 UTC
Yay, welcome to the comm! And thanks for your comment! I like to think Luke has an appreciation for gay cinema and that he'd constantly be mentioning movies to Reid to watch together. :)


moerlin September 17 2011, 17:25:54 UTC
Welcome to the comm! I'm sure you'll like it here. ;)


(The comment has been removed)

thefigtree September 17 2011, 13:19:05 UTC
Hee, thanks! Flirty Luke is delightful, indeed.


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