Author: Cherimola
Title: Outlier
Genre: Drama, romance. Mostly the same universe. Mostly. (One big exception.)
Rating: Up to NC-17
Summary: The events of this story pick up after the
jam-packed March 11th episode (highlights included Luke's slamming Reid against the wall of the police station). Assume every scene in this and previous episodes containing both Luke and Reid happened in this universe. Certain other scenes (in which they were not together) did not happen.
Disclaimer: Can I help it if they keep coming back for the cream I put out for them?
Author's Note: **WARNING** (imagine, if you will, sirens and flashing lights): EXPLICIT descriptions of Reid and/or Luke engaging in non-LuRe sex. Seriously, there be NC-17 dragons, especially in the early going. Although these scenes may or may not be imaginary, there is a strong likelihood that they will be nausea-inducing and/or titillating, depending on how you roll. Regardless of what happens, please know that this is very much a LuRe story, with the LuRe-iest endgame imaginable.
Special thanks as always to Ali (aka
gradgirl_07 ), flinger of the finest poo since 2010.
Outlier, Chapter 12 (a parting gift)Outlier, Chapter 11 (man with a plan)Outlier, Chapter 10 (a port in the storm)Outlier, Chapter 9 (inside Reid (et al.))Outlier, Chapter 8 (inside Luke)Outlier, Chapter 7 (approaching significance)Outlier, Chapter 6 (your move, Reid)Outlier, Chapter 5 (deconstruction zone)Outlier, Chapter 4 (slippery when wet)Outlier, Chapter 3 (proceed with caution)Outlier, Chapter 2 (Reid thinks he’s ready. Cherimola chuckles)Outlier, Chapter 1 (the squeeze)